Title: Reach Out and Touch Faith

Summary: How had he never noticed her before? How could he be so blind as to not notice what she was? What did her presence mean? CielElizabeth SebastianOC

Shalan's Say: Sorry to all those SebaCiel fans, this isn't one of those fanfictions. However, if you would like me to post one I can… but only if you review this one and read it XD Thanks BUNCHES!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji. I do own any characters I create.

NOTE: Ciel and Elizabeth are 18 and 17 respectively in this story.

Chapter: His Butler, Her Maid


He let a secret smile spread across his face as he walked down the hallway. He delighted in spreading the curtains and watching his young master squirm in the bright light. His grin only widened as he stepped towards the curtains themselves.

"Young lord," he practically sang, "it is a beautiful day today!" He threw open the heavy velvet curtains to allow the offending sunlight into the room. "Today you will be meeting with Christophe Penchant, the director of the French Phantom factory. After you will be attending a ball with Lady Elizabeth, at which you will announce your wedding date." His devilish smile nearly split his face at those words as he turned around to face the bed.

"Why are you so persistently obnoxious in the morning Sebastian?" The demon felt his jaw nearly drop out of his face in shock and annoyance. All this, for nothing? His eye twitched slightly as Ciel pulled off his blinder and dropped it on the side table. The teen grinned at him with a challenge in his eyes. "Thought I hadn't caught on to your plan, had you?" Ciel stepped out of his bed.

"Of course, my lord, you are always one step ahead of me," he bowed, a touch of annoyance still clipping his words.

"Lady Elizabeth will be coming by later with one of her maids, she will be the wedding planner," Ciel stretched luxuriously, turning to look at his butler. Sebastian tilted his head slightly.

"You are going to have a maid plan your wedding? When you can afford the best wedding planners in the world?" Sebastian merely allowed a smile to play at his lips; he wasn't going to be planning the wedding?

"Elizabeth trusts her, I want you to work in tandem with her, make sure she doesn't do anything…" Ciel seemed to ponder his choice of words "…outrageous." He pulled off his nightshirt, walking past the butler, who seemed to be in a state of shock, and into the bathroom. "They are arriving shortly, please make sure they're comfortable. Then prepare tea for our guest coming later this morning." Sebastian nearly stumbled over his own feet. He wasn't planning the wedding?


"Lady Elizabeth," she pleaded lightly as the young woman stepped onto the rail of the carriage, "please allow me to help you with- AGH!"

"AAH!" Elizabeth slipped, tumbling towards the mud-covered ground. A pair of strong arms wrapped around her and carried her quickly to the doorstep. "Thank you, Rona."

"You are welcome, my lady." The woman straightened up, smoothing out Elizabeth's rumpled gown.

Sebastian opened the door to a vision he hadn't ever expected to see. Elizabeth Middleford was standing before a kneeling maid who was patiently righting petticoats. The maid's hair was sleek and chestnut brown, pulled back into a braid that wrapped around her head. She looked up at him momentarily. Her eyes shone gold in the sunlight, startling him a moment, her red-brown bangs brushing her forehead gently.

"Good morning Lady Elizabeth," he bowed low enough that his head was parallel to the ground.

"Good morning Sebastian, is he awake yet?" She grinned, turning to reach for the packages on top of the carriage.

"Lady Elizabeth, please!" The one she called Rona pleaded again, catching her around the waist in a move Sebastian barely saw. "Allow me to bring in the gifts, you will only dirty yourself more if you fall in the mud." She turned around, setting the girl next to Sebastian. "Carry her in if you have to, she's needn't be dirty before tea time." He nodded, holding her gaze for a moment. There was something odd about her.

"Oh, alright…" Elizabeth pouted and allowed herself to be guided into the sitting room. As soon as he had made sure she was comfortable Sebastian hurried out to the carriage, wondering how on earth that woman was planning on carrying in the entirety of the boxes on top of the carriage.

"Miss," Sebastian nearly tripped over himself. She was lifting the final box off the carriage. He turned around to look in through the door, seeing the neatly stacked packages.

"Oh, you must be Sebastian, how very nice to meet you," he whirled around to face her as she walked by him. She set the box down carefully amongst the others and wiped her hands off on her apron. "Do you have a dressing room I might use? These traveling clothes are not fit for a maid to wear around the house." Her smile was somewhat… secretive, the flirtatious smile of a woman that knew what she was doing, it made his skin tingle… but he shouldn't be getting this feeling for a normal human.


"Good afternoon Master Phantomhive, my name is Rona Sileny." She gave a deep curtsy and smiled softly.

"Please, Lord Phantomhive or Lord Ciel will be fine with me." Ciel acknowledged her with a nod.

"Very well, Lord Ciel." He couldn't quite put his finger on it but she reminded him of someone. Her golden eyes were highly unusual, shining slightly in the bright sunlight. Her smile was secretive, as though she were sharing with herself a private joke. Her neatly pressed white and yellow maid's uniform was cheery and bright, the white of her skirts reminded him of something though… a white that no human could manage.

"Young Lord, tea is served." Sebastian wheeled in the teacart, his eyes casting over the red haired woman. She was wearing what looked like the traditional maid's uniform, many-layered white petticoats beneath a clean gown that reached the knees. Only her dress was a pale yellow with a crisp white apron tied around her waist. She wore a pair of sleek white shoes and knee length white socks with what looked like to him a pastel yellow bow at the top. He sniffed as she looked over at him from the pile of boxes. The pretty white ribbon that was now tied into her mess of dark red curls shone slightly. He sniffed again; he could make clothes whiter than hers.

"Thank you Sebastian," Elizabeth smiled. Sebastian felt protectiveness spike from somewhere in the room. He turned his head towards the maid curiously. She had turned to watch him as he set the cup down next to her mistress. He sniffed, that smell…

"You are very welcome Lady Elizabeth," he nodded his head to her. She really had blossomed in the past few years. She had gone from an adorable little girl to an elegant young woman. Her long blonde hair was no longer confined to silly headwear, it was now sleek and brushed down her back, Sebastian suspected that this was her maid's doing.

"Sebastian, Elizabeth and Rona will be staying the night with us tonight. Please, make Rona as comfortable as possible." Sebastian pressed his palm to his lapel.

"Yes, my lord." He bowed mechanically at the waist then stepped back from them, awaiting his next command, his eyes fixated on the maid.


"And what do you think of Sebastian?" Elizabeth chuckled as Rona fastened the clasps to her dress.

"He watches me with a careful eye. He is a bodyguard as well?" Elizabeth nodded solemnly. "You don't like that he has to have a bodyguard much do you?" Rona knelt to straighten Elizabeth's petticoats.

"I love the pastels on you," Elizabeth slid her finger along the smooth white ribbon in her handmaiden's hair.

"Why thank you, I prefer the evergreen and scarlet of wintertime… though the traditional black is pretty," she smiled up at the young woman above her.

"You always do look pretty in those colors. I hate black though, I hope you don't want to wear that all the time when we move here," Rona's eyes darkened. "Something wrong?" Elizabeth furrowed her brows curiously.

"No, nothing is wrong my lady…" Rona stood, smoothing Elizabeth's skirts. "I shall escort you to the stairs. I will be awake when you return home m'lady."

"Yes, thank you Rona…" Elizabeth couldn't help but worry a little about Rona's sudden change in persona.

Ciel paced, his hands clasped behind his back. His long coat tails flared out behind him as he tugged on the white gloves clenched in his fists.

"Lord Ciel, you must learn to relax yourself," Sebastian watched the young man check his pocket watch again. "She will be ready in a-" Ciel stopped and stared at the top of the huge velvet stairs. Elizabeth rested a hand on the elegant newel post, swallowing visibly. Ciel's lips parted in surprise. Her long blonde hair was swept up in loose French plait that curved against the right side of her hair and spilled into loose hair over her shoulder. Her brilliant green dress hugged her waist neatly, her collarbone and the tops of her breasts exposed, framed by white lace.

"Lizzy," Ciel stood stock-still and erect. His shoulders straightened a bit more, his chin lifting. Sebastian knew that movement, it was a show of regality, Ciel was making sure that everyone in the room knew that Lizzy was moving towards him, even though there was no one but Sebastian's dim witted counterparts and the maid that, at this current moment, was walking down the stairs behind her mistress.

"Very well, thank you Sebastian, Rona," Ciel nodded his head to each in turn. "Good evening to you both." Ciel led Elizabeth out as she linked her arm through his. Rona stepped up to stand next to Sebastian.

"You've been eyeing me all day long demon. Would you perhaps like to introduce yourself?" She turned to look at him. He followed suit, their eyes meeting.

"That's what I thought." Her golden eyes flashed, his lips parted in a smile.


Sooo… that's that… there's more to come I promise! I do think there might be a little SebaCiel in here unless you guys like Roma enough. She is somewhat mysterious. Have you guess what she is or what she's doing there? You shall find out next chapter.

READ AND REVIEW PLEASE?! Reviews make me happy and a happy author means more chapters which means happy readers!
