Okay...THIS is the last chapter. Hmm, was gonna make an epilouge but this chapter will pretty much wrap it up. :D Thanto you again to everyone who has reviewed, read, favorited, and subscribed!!!! Now, the last of the chapterly thank yous to the AWESOME-- SapphireShadowCat, redwood-ribbons, 8yume, Water-Chick-1214, BlackWhite113, Diabolus Kara, XxCrismonXXAngelxX

Five Days Later...

"Hey Katsu, you're still here I see," Matt said as he walked up next to the red head.

"Hi Matty," she greeted, her voice soft and quiet as she pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged them. Matt sat down next to her and crossed his legs, then lifted his goggles back off his blue eyes.

"It's been quite an experience, hasn't it? This Kira business," he said to her and Katsu closed her eyes.

"Yeah, it has."

Matt sensed the strong, dark despair Katsu was holding in her heart and put his arm around her shoulders.

"It's only been five days and I feel like I've lost most of my reasons for living," Katsu whispered and Matt petted her hair.

"It's going to be okay, Katsu, you'll be alright. Keep holding on," he said and Katsu didn't take off the gold cross marking where Light's body was laying.

She sniffled and tears dropped off of her cheeks and onto Matt's jeans. He held her, trying to be a comfort, and Katsu held his hand.



"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure, what's up?"

Katsu snuggled her head against Matt's chest like a little sister would do to her older brother then replied.

"You remember how Akasuki is half shinigami right?"

"Yup, that was interesting. Her blood, like, sparkled when she got shot. Even if she hadn't said anything about being half shinigami, I would have known right there she wasn't human. Normal humans...and human really don't bleed sparkly blood," Matt said, referring back to five days ago.

Katsu gave a faint laugh.

"Yeah, that was a very interesting sight. But I have something else to tell you regarding the Death Note that Light still had," Katsu said and Matt's forehead creased.

"Don't tell me you're going to become an owner to the Death Note. All this would have been for nothing," Matt groaned and Katsuko sighed.

"No, that's not what I meant, however, Akasuki told me yesterday when I saw her before she left that Light's Death Note was left for me."

"Which reminds me, why on earth did she betray you like that? She didn't gain a thing from it," Matt said and Katsuko sighed.

"I guess she was thinking that if she helped Kira then, after Near and the rest of us were out of the way, then she would get some kind of reward. I'm pretty positive Light didn't influence that thought upon her since Akasuki tends to dream up things. I can't fully comprehend her betrayal since she did admire me a lot, but, it's my guess. People and opinions change," Katsu said sadly and Matt patted her.

"Well, if Akasuki's that easy, then, you don't need her. But back to the Death Note, why would Light leave it behind for you?"

"I don't know why because I'm not going to use it, nor do I want to, but still, Light left it behind for me," Katsu said and Matt felt thoughtful for a moment.

"Katsu, I'm getting the feeling that you have something to do with Light's death," he said after a brief pause and Katsu's golden brown eyes shot up at him, shock and wonder consuming them.

"What do you mean by that, Matt?"

"Well," Matt rubbed his forehead with his free arm, "Kira had a shinigami, right?"

"Of course."

"Is there anyway Kira could become a shinigami?"

"He would have to beat Near and destroy everyone against him in order to do that," Katsu said and Matt smiled.

"I figured you would say something like that. Now here's my question, is there anyway Kira could become a shinigami without destroying everyone?"

Katsu stared at him, amazed, and then slowly rose to her feet.

"You know me too well."

Matt stood as well and stuck his hands in his pockets.

"I haven't known you very long Katsu, but I know this much: you'll do anything to save the people you love the most."

Katsuko bowed her head, and crossed her arms, a gust of wind returning to the area making Matt's bangs fly around his face and Katsu's hair flow like a red river behind her. She thought back to the three minute she had spoken with Ryuk before Matt and Mello had arrived.


Katsu stood at the end of the street, her phone poised over her mouth as she organized her thoughts on what she was about to do. Just as she had expected, the sound of Ryuk's wings gliding over head made her call out to him and he looked back at her.

"I wonder what she's up to," the shinigami thought to himself as he turned back and landed in front of Katsuko.

"Hello Ryuk," she greeted.


There was a quiet moment then Katsu spoke.

"Ryuk, I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you," she said and Ryuk grumbled.

"I figured as much," he muttered, then added, "alright, but it depends on what I have to do."

Katsu's face got a mixed look of pride and determination on it as her eyebrows cocked and she looked to the side before continuing.

"I want you to make Light a shinigami."

"WHAT?! I can't do that!" Ryuk cried, totally floored and Katsu quizzically studied him.

"Why not?"

"Well for one thing," Ryuk said, "if you think he's bad with killing people now, imagine him with all the powers of a shinigami. For as smart as you are, I would think this has to be the dumbest thing you've even considered."

Katsu's eyebrows raised and they studied each other a minute before she defended herself.

"I have thought about what I am requesting very seriously and thoroughly, and I have also come to the conclusion that Light's way of thinking may just change a bit if he does see what it's like to be a god. But," Katsu took a deep breath before continuing, "I only want you to do this if Light gets defeated by Near. If Light wins, forget I even asked."

"What's in it for me?"

"Would you trust Light as a shinigami? Answer honestly," Katsu asked, ignoring his question.

Ryuk thought for a moment, and then he figured that if Light really did become a God of Death, then the way he thought of the world would change a little bit. He definitely wouldn't be able to kill criminals the same way he did now, no one in the Shinigami World would allow it. In time, Light's attitude would change, and since the Shinigami World was a big mess, knowing Light, he'd forget about recreating Earth and try to fix the Shinigami World.

"Now that I have considered it for longer than a split second, I guess it wouldn't hurt. Light's attitude would gradually change as time went on and he'd still be able to be with you," Ryuk said and Katsu questioned him with her eyes.

She hasn't figured that part out yet...then I guess when she does, Akasuki will explain about Light leaving his Death Note behind for Katsu...it's almost as if he knew she would do this, or the least he was doing is hope Katsu would change her mind and recreate the world for him. If she used his Death Note, he could be with her, and when Katsu's Time came, he'd have the power to make her a shinigami in exchange for something he wanted from her. Love is an interesting thing...

"You'll figure it out. Anyway, like I asked before, what's in it for me? This is a big favor to ask, and it definantly won't be free," Ryuk said after his train of thought ended.

"I will give you half of my remaining life span, more than half if that isn't enough. I just don't want Light to die, I'm...very selfish thinking that way, and I'm being totally outrageous by asking of this favor, but, I'm not letting Light die if there is a way I can prevent him from being thrown into Nothing."

"So basically you want to interfere with the path he chose at his own will and save him from a fate he knew about from the very beginning? Light chose this way of life on his own and he has also caused you a lot of heartache. Are you sure you're willing to throw away half of your life for him?" Ryuk asked.

Katsu watched the cement as a few dead leaves as well as a few fresh did cartwheels in front of her beat up sneakers.

"I know what I'm doing. I want to save Light from that Nothing and by the way you're talking to me, I know I can. Will you make that deal with me? If Light gets defeated by Near, I want you to make him a shinigami in exchange for half of my remaining life span," Katsu awaited the answer and Ryuk rubbed the back of his neck.

"Alright," he said finally, "I'll do it."

*End Flashback*

"I couldn't just let him die, I love him way too much and I'm too selfish to let go of Light," Katsu said, a half smile spreading across her face, "even though he put me through so much and hurt so many people, there is still that part of him that remains caring and the Light Yagami that was so innocent. He died thinking he did the right thing, as did L and I personally think that makes them very alike. Both thought they were justice, both died thinking they were doing the right thing."

"And," Matt added as he looked up at the sky, "they both have the honor of saying you loved them."

Katsu felt a rush of emotion go through her body and she looked back at the beautiful crosses marking both L and Light's graves. She smiled as she studied them, L's being one over from Light's, and then a warm sensation came over her face as she turned her eyes to the two visions standing behind the golden cross. L was smiling as was Light, his hands in his jean pockets. Light had black shinigami wings and lipped the word, "Soon" to her. Katsu's eyes fogged up as she smiled at both of them, and brushed the tears aside. The visions vanished, and Matt put his arm around her shoulders.

"You saw them, didn't you?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, I saw L and Light both."

Matt pulled her into a warm hug, and Katsu let the last of her tears drip away onto the lush grass.

"They have the honor of saying you loved them, and you still do," Matt repeated, and Katsu tightened her arms around him.

"And I carry the pride of being able to have them both in my life," Katsuko said, "I will never regret loving either one of them."

She pulled away from Matt, and he gently brushed the remaining tears from her face with his thumb.

"Shall we go then, Katsuko?" he asked and the red head nodded.

Matt gave her a smile and let his arm rest around her shoulders once more as Katsu took one last look at the two glittering crosses with the red roses growing at the bases. Smiling to herself, Katsu turned away and left the cemetery, her best friend at her side, and the brilliant, golden sun shining down on her face.

The End!! Aw, now I'm sad. ;.; I loved writing this story so much and I am rather curious if anyone would mind me writing a sequel. I'm pondering the idea, but, I need opinions. I don't want to ruin a good story, so if you're up for a sequel let me know. :D Tell me what you thought and I'll be posting more fan fictions very soon!! ^^ Thank you guys so very much for all the support, I can't tell you how grateful I am for it!!! ^^ Love you guys, and I'll be writing more fan fictions very soon. Bye for now and Thank you so much again to EVERYBODY!! -many hugs-

~SilverNightRain08 Disclaimer (which I should have put at the beginning of the story but whatever): I do not own Death Note or any of the characters except for Katsuko, Akasuki and the Kogas. (They were mentioned at the very beginning.)