June 20, 2005

My Dear Readers,

More than a year ago, I wrote a similar letter than the one I am writing now. In it, I sadly announced my retirement from the Charmed fandom, and I did something I had vowed never to do: I put a story on hiatus, aware than I could not give you, my wonderful readers, the story you wanted to read.

I am proud (and elated!) to announce that I have returned. For the past five months, I have set out on the monumental task of re-writing Change of Heart. Yes, I said re-write. Fear not, my dear readers, the story remains the same: I have, however, erased some scenes, changed others and added new ones to the mix. In the long months I have been gone, I have not stopped writing in other fandoms, and as such, I have grown from the writer I used to be. I feel much more prepared to give Change of Heart the chance it deserved and the ending it clamored for, and for that, I will begin re-posting this story from the beginning.

So add me to your Author Alerts, because this Saturday, the re-posting of CoH begins. As I consider this to be a new CoH, it will be posted as a new story: this version will no longer be updated, so make sure you add the new one to your lists.

You will meet these characters again, read their adventures again, and perhaps this time, you and me both will find out how it will all end.

Heartfelt salutes, and see you on Saturday!
