Alex listened to Lovebug, curled in a ball with the old wool blanket around her. She stared at the TV screen, tears forming in her eyes. He danced, he sang, but he never smiled. "Smile, you dork! Smile!" she shouted. Alex saw him smile a little when he got to the lyric 'kissed her for the first time yesterday.' It made her smile. Yes, indeed. They shared a very long and passionate kiss. Her heart beat loud and the whole in the center of her heart ripped at the edges. Memories were so painful. Alex pulled the blanket over her head. She peeked and saw him standing boredly while singing. Alex suddenly felt a flashback pass through her eyes.

He stood there, very stiff, very bored. Alex gnawed on her bottom lip as the line moved closer. She gripped the pen so tight, Shane had to unlock her fingers and autograph the picture. "You okay?" His soft voice startled her. Nothing else had mattered, now that HE was right there. Shane grabbed her shoulders and turned her to look at him. "Hey, don't be nervous. Nate's a really great guy and he likes it when people treat him normal."

"How can I treat him normal? He's a, a..." Alex gasped for the words. Her eyes averted away. "He's perfect." She glanced at Shane, a sheepish smile playing across her face. "It sounds like I'm the millionth one to say that. But, everything he says and does and sings, I'm hypnotized." Alex grimaced as the line moved forward. "Problem is, I'm also VERY afraid I'll be a loser in front of him." Shane surprised her, once more, by laughing. He gazed at Michelle Torres, who was sitting over by the swings, talking to a bunch of reporters easily.

"Trust me, you'll get over it. I'm glad she did." Shane gave Alex an encouraging smile and headed towards Mitchie. Alex took a breath and moved forward. He was looking at her. Nate Jerry Gray was LOOKING at her. Alex felt between her thighs and calves buckle. Oh, those were her knees. She took steady breaths. One person stood between her and disaster. Alex felt her skin pale. Nate must have noticed, because he gave her a smile. Alex wished he hadn't. She felt the pen slip from her grasp and fall at his feet. Nate bent and picked it up. "Hi." He smiled, signing the paper.

Alex ran off, puking into a nearby trashcan.

"Alex, can you hear me?" Alex gazed at the TV. She threw off the blanket and sank to her knees in front of the TV. She held the TV in between her hands and stared at his beautiful face. "I hope you aren't sleeping on that couch, like always. Because I just wanted to say, when I get home, I'm going to propose to you properly." A scream erupted in the air. It was hers. Alex blushed. "You probably screamed, knowing you. Well, save that screaming for when you see the ring." Nate winked. "I love you, Alexandra Marie Kayleigh Russo."

Alex felt a tear crawl down her cheek and rest itself in her messy hair. She gazed at the clock over a framed picture. Her eyes rested on a sixteen year old boy with his arms around a sixteen year old girl in his lap. His lips kissed her head and as the photographer took he picture, the girl's mouth spread in a smile and her nose crinkled.

"Where are we going, Nathaniel?" Alex teased, holding out his full name. Nate cursed under his breath as he pulled Alex along the mall. "I like your mom. She had some pretty juicy secrets about you!" That did it. Nate stopped and took her in his arms. She stopped smirking and gasped at the sudden passionate moment. He wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her securely, while the other hand moved to her cheek. Alex looked at him through confused eyes. "Nate?"

Nate smiled that heart-wrenching, mind-blowing, train-of-thought-losing, smile. She watched him move closer, and closer. Alex's body suddenly shook. She tried pushing Nate away but he held tight. "What's wrong, Alex?" But Alex only shook her head. She couldn't open her mouth. Bad idea. Alex tried to pry her from his grip. Then it happened. Nate backed up, covered with puke and Alex groaned, running for the bathroom. She glanced back and watched as Nate started to crack a smile, then laughed. Alex froze. "I still love you," he mouthed. Alex smiled.

A knock jolted her out of her trance. Alex dragged herself to the door, sighing and lowering her eyes to her feet as she pulled open the door. "What? No screaming?"

Alex glanced up. Her body collided into his and a smile spread across her face. Nate laughed that laugh she loved. Alex pulled away and smiled. "I love you too, Nathaniel Jerry Jonas-Gomez."