Sesshomaru's Weakness

Summary: It takes more than ambition, strength, and tolerance to be a father. Ever heard the story of a demon caring for a human child? Strange circumstances have strange beginnings.

Part Two: Loyalty

"Sesshomaru, you intend to go to the Underworld for the sake of saving a human?"

He turned his back on his mother and stepped into the Underworld without hesitation, leaving Jaken to stutter and cry at his mother's feet. The hell hound that had taken Rin and Kohaku was slow- it would not get away from him. He flew effortlessly through the darkness until he spotted a thin, rocky path, and on it was the large, hairy beast bounding away from him. Flexing his claws with grim satisfaction, he pounced.

The beast roared and leapt away, and Sesshomaru could sense Rin and Kohaku lying unconscious within its stomach. Alive, but if I do not hurry... Minions from the netherworld were closing in on their souls fast. He drew Tenseiga and sliced, tearing the hell hound in two and freeing Kohaku and Rin from their prison. After a moment, the boy opened his eyes, to Sesshomaru's surprise. Humans could not survive long within the Underworld.

"Lord Sesshomaru!"

"It appears that you can move. The power of the Shikon jewel shard, I suppose." The path behind them crumbled to dust, and all around them, demons materialized from the darkness. Sesshomaru glanced back to Kohaku. "Take Rin and run."

As he slashed and tore at the snakes and dragons, his mother's questions ran through his mind once more, seeking answers he had not given. He growled and cleared his mind, focusing only on his claws and sword. The threat soon disappeared, and he wordlessly caught up to Kohaku and started down the path once more. Perhaps the end of the road would show them a way to get back to the outside world. After only a moment of walking, however, Kohaku stopped, looking wide-eyed at the girl sleeping on his back.

"Rin! Lord Sesshomaru, Rin isn't breathing!"

The dog demon halted immediately, his eyes widening. Rin is dead? Already? He drew Tenseiga. "Set her down," he ordered, but as soon as the words left his lips, he saw a problem. The minions of the netherworld were not there. Tenseiga could not save her.

What is the meaning of this?! Adrenaline shot through him, setting him on edge as his mind raced. Why, Tenseiga? Answer me!

From the outside world, he could hear his mother speaking. "There are no minions for you to cut, Sesshomaru. You will have to defeat the Guardian of the Underworld. Perhaps then, she may be revived."

"Forgive me, Lord Sesshomaru." The boy clenched his fists. "I was with her, and yet..."

Sesshomaru paid no attention to the child. He narrowed his eyes at the young corpse at his feet, uncertainty coursing through him for the first time, as well as... regret? I shouldn't have brought her with me, he thought. When I brought her back to life after the wolves attacked her, I should have left her in a human village. The darkness pulsed around them, pulling him from his thoughts as it swarmed around them and suffocated them, until it swallowed everything and Sesshomaru could see, hear, smell, feel, even taste the darkness. When it retreated shortly after, Kohaku gasped.

"It took Rin!"

Sesshomaru raced after it, uncertainty replaced with determination. He would kill the Guardian of the Underworld. He would get Rin back. He caught her scent in the darkness, floral and sweet despite the stench of demon and death that polluted the air around him. His mother was determined to stop him, it seemed, as portal to the living world opened, revealing his mother's palace in the sky.

"Come out, Sesshomaru! If you continue further, you'll exit the Underworld. However, this path will soon close. Once it does, you'll never be able to return to the living world."

"Kohaku, take this portal outside." The demon stared at the portal unblinkingly and moved to the left, away from the opening, and found that a new path formed beneath his feet. Rin's scent is stronger this direction.

"I'm coming with you, Lord Sesshomaru!"The patter of feet echoed after him, and he felt a twinge of remorse. Rin. I will come for you. The darkness receded as they reached the end, and Sesshomaru watched as a large, faceless giant gripped Rin's tiny body in its fist. The Guardian of the Underworld. He stood surrounded by endless piles of human corpses, towering over them all, but Sesshomaru leapt up and sliced him in two as easily as if he were made of paper. Such was the power of the healing Tenseiga.

"Rin." He grabbed her petite body in midair and twisted, landing lightly on his feet. I've done it. I've defeated the Guardian of the Underworld. She can be saved now. "Rin, wake up."

Nothing happened. "Rin."

His mother's voice once more drifted to his ears. "Tenseiga has already brought the girl to life? Then she cannot possibly be brought back again."

Tenseiga fell from his hand, and he gripped the child's body to his chest. She cannot be saved? I cannot save her? He glared at his father's fang. I let her die for this... thing. Tenseiga. He felt his blood boiling, and struggled to keep his claws from pricking her. She was slumped peacefully against his fur, her expression as calm as if she were sleeping. His heart thumped unsteadily in his chest. No, nothing could ever be worth the cost of Rin's life!

Tenseiga began to glow, and the eerie blue lights shifted around him until the healing abilities began drawing in the corpses scattered around him. They moaned and crawled toward the blade. A way out, it called to them. Sesshomaru grabbed it once more, and the light pierced the darkness, tearing a whole in it and purifying the corrupted human bodies. Tenseiga pulsed in his hands, and he swung at the darkness, his strong voice resonating throughout both worlds:


"Sesshomaru," his mother called, meeting him as he exited the Underworld. He set Rin's lifeless body down carefully, and stood to meet his mother's gaze. She frowned at what she saw. "Sesshomaru, you look dejected. You have survived the Underworld, and Tenseiga has grown as you wished. Shouldn't you be rejoicing?"

He said nothing, but then, he didn't have to. His mother could read it in his eyes. She sighed, ignoring the tears of the imp that now fussed over Rin's body.

"Tenseiga can only bring one back from the dead once, Sesshomaru. It is no trifle to bring a soul back numerous times. Did you believe yourself to be a God?" At his shock, she scoffed. "Did you think you need not fear death while wielding Tenseiga?" She looked at the young child, merely an infant in demon years. A new born. "It is natural for something to die, having only lived once. This child was allowed to live twice. Is that not enough?

Compassion and sadness," she continued. "Your father told me that these were the requirements of mastering Tenseiga. He who had nothing to cherish could never wield Tenseiga, the healing blade. But if you learned compassion, and fear of death, you could not only master the healing blade, but the weapon inside of the blade, as well. The ability to send your enemies to the Underworld: Meidou Zangetsuha."

Rin had to die in order for the Tenseiga to grow, Sesshomaru realized. Was that Mother's plan all along?

"Are you crying, little demon?" Sesshomaru's mother turned to Jaken, who was sobbing into his sleeve. The imp, embarrassed, stuttered,

"Since Sesshomaru w-will never cry, it is my duty to shed t-tears for him!"

"Oh? Are you sad, Sesshomaru?"

Sad? He stared down at his ward, the scent of death permeating the very air he breathed. It seemed to poison him from within, suffocating him and hollowing out his insides all at once. Was that sadness? His face remained as blank as always, but his mother could see everything. She sighed.

"Do not expect another chance." She lifted her necklace from around her neck and laid it against Rin's heart, humming as it began to glow. "The light is her soul, trapped in the Underworld."

Th-Thump. Th-Thump. There was a deep breath, and Rin began coughing, choking on the air. Jaken and Kohaku exclaimed their joy aloud, but Sesshomaru wasted no time. He knelt beside the child and reached for her, his large hand moving the side of her face and cupping her warm cheek.

She was alive.

"Lord... Sesshomaru," Rin stated happily, moving her tiny hand over his. Relief rushed through him so fast he became dizzy. He helped her to sit up, his ears focused only on the rhythm of her beating heart.

"You're fine now," he told her.

"Yes," she agreed, beaming up at him.

Her mother scoffed. "All this just for a little human girl."

No, he argued in his mind, not just a little human girl. For Rin.

A/N: Ta-dah! Could be better, I'll admit, but I though it was good enough to post. Stay tuned! Sorry it took so long!!! And if you could please leave a little review? It's comforting to know when people enjoy my writing. =] Thanks for reading!