Disclaimer: Only the story is mine

Summary: Rogue's childhoods with Logan and Evan's childhood with Storm in 'Tortured Shadows'.

A/N: This story will go from the point when Logan found Rogue, and from the point where Ororo learns of her sister's death, to when the Professor finds them.

A/N: Rogue still has her accent, but I'm having her live in Canada, sorry for any inconvenience that may cause.


Chapter 1: Found

Anna Marie stumbled along beside Logan; she couldn't help the smile on her face as she looked up at the man. He gave her a nervous grin in return.

~What am I doing? ~ They continued down the street and out of the park, heading towards the camping ground Logan had his truck and trailer parked for the night.

Marie stumbled and Logan placed a hand on her shoulder to steady her, she thought it strange that it was so heavy.

"Watch where you're goin' kid." He said, not unkindly. She gave him a grin, but then noticed how close his hand was to her bare arm and jumped away, "Hey, what is it?" She looked away, ~He won't want me.~

"C'mon kid, what is it?" He crouched down in front of her, but she avoided his gaze, "When people touch mah skin…somethin' bad happens." She whispered.

He cocked an eyebrow, "What d'ya mean?" she shrugged, "They just get hurt." She whispered and he nodded, "Hey, it's okay; I still want ya, Marie." He quickly put one and one together, and figured that she was a mutant, not so hard to believe when he was one himself and placed a gentle hand on her covered shoulder. She gave him a nervous smile and he grinned back before picking the small girl up and cradling her in his arms. She gasped, but didn't squirm when she saw he was wearing a leather jacket that kept him from touching her skin.

She gave him a smile and yawned, curling up in his arms. "Go to sleep, little Rogue." She giggled even as she fell to sleep, content in her guardian's arms.


When Marie woke next, she was under a warm blanket and there was a faint rumbling. She blinked sleepily as her surroundings came into focus. What she saw was interesting, it appeared she was laying on a small bed, in a cozy, if a little untidy, trailer. The rumbling appeared to come from the truck that it was attached to. Over the seat, she could see Logan's head as he drove.

She pushed the blankets off her and wobbly walked up to the cabin of the truck. She nearly fell into the passenger side when the truck hit a bump, but Logan caught her with one arm, an amused smile on his face. "Careful Kid."

She smiled and crept into the seat beside him, pulling on her seatbelt. Marie could barely see over the dashboard, but she could tell they were on the open road, other cars driving beside them. "Where are we?" he grinned, "Alberta Canada, and coming up to a small town. We can have Lunch there." She gave him a quizzical glance, "It's nearly Lunch time?" he nodded, "You slept like the dead." She giggled, "Look in the glove compartment, there should be some beef jerky that'll hold you over for a while." She did as she was told and handed him a piece before wolfing the rest down, much to Wolverine's amusement.

"We would have made it to town earlier, but I had to pick up a few things back in Edmonton." She looked up; she'd lived in a small town outside Edmonton, about an hour's drive away from the large city. "So, what town are we coming to now?" "Camrose, small little middle of nowhere town, but nice enough and it's got stores for the stuff we need."

Marie, by nature, was curious, so she continued to question him, "What kind of stuff?" he grinned, "Well, clothes for one, food for another. Gas for the truck; and I have some connections that I need to make so I'm not convicted of kidnapping you." She smiled and sat watching the scenery pass as they drove in comfortable silence.

Pretty soon, a sign proclaiming 'Welcome to Camrose' came into view and she felt herself getting excited, this was really happening, she wasn't going back to her parents.

Logan ended up parking the truck outside a small diner.

He gave the girl a grin, "Hungry?" she nodded and he smiled, being sure his wallet was tucked into his pocket as he got out of the vehicle and went around to help his charge out. She took his gloved hand as he helped her out and let him shut the door and lock the truck.

"C'mon, let's get some food in us." She nearly skipped she was in such a good mood as they entered the diner.

He felt an amused smile come to his face at the little girl's excitement. Logan realized, somewhere in the back of his mind, that it would seem strange to see a man in a pair of old jeans, a leather jacket and scuffed within an inch of their life boots, with a small girl, who barely reached his hip, with two toned hair and wearing a black skirt, a black t-shirt and runners. It didn't matter to him, though; he would just do his best to not stand out too much…

Yeah like that would ever happen.


First chapter of a new story, what do you think. Quick note, I'll be focusing on 'Tortured Shadows' and a couple other stories while I write this one, so it won't be updated as often.

Please review, it's the best way to start off the day!