A/N : I do not own JONAS or any of the characters. This story is sort of based of the song, 'Kiss the Girl', hence the title.

He never really noticed it before, the way her brown eyes sparkled in the light, the way her smile made your, more importantly, his heart melt, and how her she never let anything get her down. Like the time when she realized her singing was horrible.

But then again how could he notice it, whenever she was around him and his brothers, she switched from graceful athlete to hallway hazard in a matter of seconds.

And although it probably left him in aching pain, he had to admit it was pretty cute. How her cheeks turned a bright crimson red and how she immediately felt bad for harming her favorite band in the whole wide world.

"Hey Kevin, ready for lunch?" Snapping out of his train of thought he turned his eyes from the bubbly brunette casually talking with her fellow teammates to find his brothers and best friend Stella waiting patiently for an answer.

"Oh um , yeah."

"Cool, lets go then." Joe replied before walking toward the cafeteria area with Nick and Stella closely behind.

"So, Kevin. What were you staring at earlier? Better yet, who?"

"Who? What? Me? Staring?" He asked confused. "I wasn't staring." He responded trying to prevent his voice from doing that freaky high thing it did whenever he told a lie.

"Are you sure? To me, it kind of looked like you were checking out Macy."

"What!?" Kevin blurted out. Thankfully, his mouth was free of milk. Don't want a repeat of Stella and the singing incident do we?

"Yeah dude, your face got the really dreaming look."

"No it didn't."

"Yeah, it did."

"Guys, just leave him alone. If he said he wasn't checking Macy out then he wasn't and Joe, watch how youre eating. Do you know how much it cost to make that shirt?" Stella added in an attempt to break up an argument before it even started and prevent Joe from ruining a perfectly good shirt.

"Thanks, Stella, Besides, I dont even like her like that." This much was true, he didn't know whether this feeling he felt whenever he saw her calm, and at peace, or playing one of the many sports she participated in was because he liked her as a friend or as something more.

"She's just like any other JONAS number one fan who can't get over the fact they were JONAS and go to her school, weird, erratic, spastic, and clum-sy...Now what are you guys staring at?" He asked before turning around to catch a heart-broken Macy standing in the doorway on the verge of tears before running away.

"Macy!" Stella calls out preparing to go after her, only to get beaten to the punch by Kevin.

A/N: Reviews are most definitely appreciated. The next chapter will hopefully be up soon and longer.