The steady beep of a heart monitor was the first thing Amanda heard as she slowly regained consciousness. As she opened her eyes she could see she was no longer outside in the cold, dark woods, but inside in what appeared to be a hospital room. She tried to move her arms and sit up but found she was too groggy to do so. She was able to lift her head a little and see that there was someone else in the room.

"Gus?" she said, the other person snapped out of his day dream and the sound of her voice. He held up one hand.

"Hang on" he left for a few minutes and then returned with Agent Doran and Detective Lassiter.

"Hey" Doran said coming over to the bed. She was smiling but her face was tense.

"Hey yourself" Amanda said smiling back. Then she furrowed her brows "Where's Shawn?" at that moment and mass of balloons and flowers came through the door.

"I hope there's enough, the gift shop lady thought I was nuts" behind the balloons Shawn Spencer's face peaked out. Amanda couldn't help but laugh because he was so cute.

"What happened?" she asked confusion coming back to her face "I remember arguing over whether or not I was going to be helped walking."

"You fainted from blood loss" Doran said "then the cavalry came and got the rest of the gang members. Spencer carried you to the chopper and we left"

"You carried me?" Amanda asked looking at Shawn. He nodded and then rubbed a hand over the back of his neck and through his hair.

"You know, I figured you pushed me out of the way of that bullet. Besides, Gus was too busy freaking out and Lassafrass was mooning over Doran's marksmanship"

"That is not true Spencer" Lassiter complained and then gave a sideways glance to Doran "Although he's right, that was some good shooting." He thought for another second "A girl with a gun is always attractive" Shawn and Amanda rolled their eyes and pretended to gag while Doran blushed a little but kept her smile.

"You didn't tell her the best news Shawn" Gus said changing the subject. Shawn looked at him.

"Oh right, since the guys in the gang practically tried to kill us all they don't need us to testify for the trial and they're compensating us for loss wages and giving us time off." He was beaming as he said this "and I can get us a great deal in the Bahamas. Think of it sun, sand surf. Shooting ranges" he said glancing at Lassiter and Doran who weren't paying attention but talking quietly to each other. They were standing very close, so close that their hands were touching slightly.

"That's what I'm thinking" Gus said "Shawn? Shawn!?!" but Shawn couldn't hear him, he was standing next to Amanda showing her all the cool balloons he'd gotten for her.