Harry stood watching his husband and the boys in the back garden, Uncle Draco and their cousins were with them. Harry knew all the manor house elves were busy some where with the preparations for the party, guests would be arriving in a few hours. Harry had been a Malfoy for ten years today, and while officially the party was for Draco's daughter's second birthday the anniversary was remembered. It was winter holidays so they were all home from school, Remus and Severus would be here with the twins soon. The family had grown so much in ten years and not just with grandkids, but there was not a day Harry was not grateful for what he had.

He looked down at his sleeping one year old daughter in his arms, and at his husband with their two boys. If Charlie had not found him in that hospital all those years ago Harry would have never had this, not just the family. If any one had told him when he was eleven that he would not only be a Malfoy but married to Percy he would have laughed. They had been married now for seven years and had three kids, Dylan who was six, Eliot who was three and baby Adair.

He felt a hand on his arm and Lucius' voice came to him. "Ten wonderful years."

Harry turned to look at his dad."I can never thank you enough for taking me in.'

Kissing his son and taking his granddaughter in his arms he assured Harry he never had to, they had been the ones blessed. Harry and Lucius had always been so close as Lucius was to this day the only one Harry could speak of his sexual abuse to, he relied on him. To this day he had never spoken to his husband about the abuse, thanks to the hospital his family knew but not the details. Lucius often thought is made Harry a wonderful dad, like Severus with the twins he would do all he could to ensure his kids never suffered. Harry didn't have any physical scars left, but even after all these years the memories remained with him.

But the memories meant little when he was with not only Percy and the kids, but his family. Elisa was nine and Allan was now seven, Charlie happy as ever as a dad and head of paediatrics. Draco and Pansy had been blessed twice now, Jason was four and of course little Daisy was two today.

Harry showed his dad a letter. "This came from Dudley a week ago."

Lucius could see is had not been opened. "Will you read it?"

Harry had long moved on from his former life and so called family, but Dudley had not been a part. His dads had told him out raged Dudley was when he found out what his father had done, and had been worried about Harry. His memory of the punishment for his parents was erased when he was sent to his Aunt, but he still knew what his parents did. Harry never knew what happened to his Aunt and Uncle; he never asked his dads to check and though Lucius knew he never told Harry.

His dad summoned a crib for Adair and lay her down; he knew Harry was waiting for him. Harry slowly read the letter which started with an apology for what Harry suffered and telling him Petunia was alive but Vernon had died two years ago. Harry knew what his Uncle would have encountered in a muggle prison.

He touched a pendant around his neck, a gift a long time ago from Remus."That he may find redemption in what ever god he faces.'

Lucius may have been Harry's dad for ten years but his son could still amaze him. "He doesn't deserve it but some how I'm not surprised."

Harry could never forgive the couple not only for the dumpster but the years of abuse and rape, but he could hope the man might find some redemption. He turned his attention back to the rest of the letter which was about Dudley, and a request for a letter or visit. Dudley had it seemed become a coach for a local school, and inspired by his cousin he was a mentor for troubled teens. He was married now for two years and had a son.

Harry put the letter away when Lucius asked if he would write. "Maybe one day, I'd like to see him. But today is about celebrating my amazing new life and family."

Author note: I am sorry to see the story end but it was time, hope you enjoyed. I am in need of a PLOT challenge