Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh. I also don't own the song "Tuca Tuca" by Pink Martini.

Claimer: This is mine.

Notes: Here's your sodding third chapter. I've started and stopped and unraveled this so many times!


Seto came upon a strange sight at a small café not far from Domino High. Jou was cleaning off one of the outdoor tables, as was his job. That wasn't the strange part.

Jou was singing in Italian.

"Mi piaci, ah-ah!

Mi piaci, ah-ah-ah!

Mi piaci tanto, tanto, ah!

Sembra incredibile ma sono cotta di te," sang the blond, swaying his hips a tiny bit, his eyes closed as the sun shone on his face.

Seto decided to take a seat at one of the indoor booths near the singing boy.

"Mi piaci, ah-ah!

Mi piaci, ah-ah-ah!

Mi piace tanto, tanto, ah!

Questo stranissimo ballo che faccio con te,"

The blond, having seen Seto out of the corner of his eye, sang a little louder. The song did remind him of his feelings for the CEO after all. Pink Martini was a band of genius.

"Si chiama: ooh! Tuca, Tuca, Tuca

L'ho inventato io

Per poterti dire:

'Mi piaci, mi piaci, mi piaci, mi piaci, mi pia!'

Ti vogilo, ah-ah!

Ti vogilo, ah-ah-ah!

È tanto bello star con te

E quando ti guardo,

Io sai cosa voglio da te,"

Seto wondered why the song sounded familiar. Still, he watched the blond, unaware that the blond knew he was there. It was a cute song though. But now he'd missed part of it in his musings.

"Mi piaci, ah-ah!

Mi piaci, ah-ah-ah!

E quando ti guardo,

Io sai cosa voglio da te, ah-ah!

E quando ti guardo,

Io sai cosa voglio da te, ah-ah!

E quando mi guardi

Io so cosa tu vuoi da me."

The blond finished singing.

"Hello Seto, did you enjoy my song?"

"Very much," said Seto, recovering quickly from his surprise. "Who is it for?"

"You of course."

And the blond leaned through the open window and placed a soft kiss on the older teen's lips.

"Now, what can I get for you?"

"When is your break?"

"Now. Would you like anything?"

"Just a coffee, black and a piece of that strawberry cake. You've gone and put me in the mood for something sweet."

"Alright, coming right up."

When the blond returned with two coffees, the cake, and two forks, Seto smiled.

"Want to make this little mutual love official then?"

"Be my guest."

"Katsuya, will you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?"

"There's nothing I would enjoy more."

The pair dug into their treat, happy to be in the company of the other and finally having achieved their goal. Seto laughed when Jou got some pink frosting on his nose. So Jou smeared some on Seto's cheek to even the score.

"So who sings that song?" asked Seto.

"Pink Martini. They did Gardens of Sampson and Beasley too."

"I see. Well, we'll have to thank them, won't we?"

Jou nodded, laughing.

"Say, what is your little brother going to think of this?"

"He's been encouraging it for months on end. I think he'll be okay with it."

The pair laughed as Seto put his arm around Jou's shoulders. The blond snuggled into his boyfriend and turned his sunny eyes to an even sunnier future.


The end. No more, I'm done!

No new chapters, even if you beg!

Details: Alright, so the whole reason I hauled my lazy ass into gear writing this (in under ten minutes not counting the time it took to copy the lyrics over from the CD jacket) is because my mom bought the newly released Pink Martini CD "Splendor in the Grass" today, and I fell in love with the entire thing, even though I don't understand half of the songs (they're in languages like Swedish that I don't know and Spanish that I've forgotten for the most part and French that I'm learning and in the case of this song, Italian). We heard about it on NPR last week and I was like "OMG Yes! I'm so buying that!". Anyways, here. Chapter 3 and Chapter last. I have a new project in mind for six Pink Martini songs.

Completed: Nov 12, 2009.


"I like you, ah-ah!

I like you, ah-ah-ah!

I like you so much, so much, ah!

It seems incredible but I have a crush on you,"

"I like you, ah-ah!

I like you, ah-ah-ah!

I like it so much, so much, ah!

This very strange dance I'm doing with you,"

"It's called: ooh! Tuca, Tuca, Tuca

I made it up myself

To be able to tell you:

'I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, my darling!'

I want you ah-ah!

I want you ah-ah-ah!

It's so nice to be with you

And when I look at you

You know what I want from you,"

"I like you, ah-ah!

I like you, ah-ah-ah!

And when I look at you

You know what I want from you

And when I look at you

You know what I want from you

And when you look at me

I know what you want from me."