"Guys?" Sam asked. "What do you mean 'you guys', I'm the only one here, Nikki."

I stood up. "So, you're saying you don't see anyone else here. Just you, me, and that gaping hole in the wall."

"That's what I said," Sam replied, crossing her arms. "Dude, are you drunk or something?"

"No," I said firmly. "I've never drank in my life and I don't plan to!"

Sam put her hands up in a surrendering position. "Hey, don't let me get involved. If you ask me, you've been studying way too much. You need a break," she said. "Come have some actual fun with our actual friends?"

I shook my head. "Still cramming."

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever," and left.

Once I was sure she was gone, I turned back to everyone.

"Okay," I said. "Start talking."

"What do you mean?" Dib asked.

"I mean how are you here?" I fumed.

Johnny slung an arm around my shoulder. "See, when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much-"

"Not that!" I said, pushing him away. "How did you get in my dorm and where did you come from?"

Devi put a finger to her chin. "Let's see," she said. "Ah, I remember! I was listening to a voice message that Johnny left me and I bashed the phone with a metal chair."

Johnny stepped forward. "I was writing in my die-ary."

Then Dib. "I was stalking Zim."

"I was yelling at him for stalking me," Zim said.

Dib motioned to Gaz. "Oh, and Gaz was helping of course."

I sighed. "Well-"

Johnny cut me off. "Hey, wait. You know our names. So what's yours?"

"Oh, sorry-" I said before catching myself. Why was I apologizing to fictional characters that burst in while I was studying? "Uh, Nikki. Nikki McKlatz."


I was about to say something, when one of my friends from across the hall burst in, Pamela.

"Nikki," she said. "I heard a scream. What happened?"

"That was, like, five minutes ago," I replied.

"Yeah," she said. "Crystal had some trouble waking me up considering I was out like a light."

Crystal, her roommate, came in behind Pamela. "In other words, I heard you scream. Not her." She motioned to Pamela. "So, what's up?"

"You're kidding," I said. "You mean you don't see anything either?"

"Besides the hole in the wall?" Pamela asked. "No, why?"

"Because there are FUCKING FICTIONAL CHARACTERS IN MY ROOM!" I said, pointing towards the group behind me.

Pamela and Crystal looked to where I was pointing, then looked at me.

"I think she's finally lost it," Pamela whispered to Crystal.

I paused. "I haven't lost anything!" I was yelling now. "And if this is some kind of a joke, then I swear to god-"

"What's going on?" another girl, Natale, came in. "I'm trying to get my beauty sleep!"

Natale is one of those girls that I hate. The perfect ones with blond hair and straightened smiles. She's also one of my worst enemies here at the university.

"Nikki's seeing fictional characters," Crystal said like it was no big deal.

Natale's eyes went wide, then a smile spread across her face. "Really?" she said slowly, like she had a plan of some sort. She stepped forward. "What kind of fictional characters, Nicola?" I hated it when she used my real name.

I'd just about lost it. I was breathing heavily like I was about to attack them. Which, frankly, if they say one more word involving the fact that I'm crazy, I will. "What do you mean 'what kind'?" I said, teeth clenched. I picked up the comic involving Johnny and threw it at them. Natale glanced at the cover, then at me. And before I knew it, she started running. And, goddammit, I really didn't give a shit where.

Pamela picked up the comic and looked inside. "Whoah, Nikki," she said. "What are you reading nowadays?"

Crystal took a peek too. "God, Nikki. I'd expect this stuff from Sam, but you?" she shook her head.

"Hey," Johnny said, stepping forward. "What's so bad about my comic?"

"Shut. Up," I said slowly, turning around.

Crystal and Pamela looked at each other again, then fled faster than Natale did.

"I'm not crazy!" I shouted after them.

But apparently, I was. Because right after that, Sam busted in shouting, "Nikki! Some dudes in white coats are looking for you?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"I've seen this on TV," she said. "The dudes in white coats come, then they take the main character away to an insane asylum!"

"Okay," I said. "You've been reading fanfiction again, haven't yo-"

I was cut off when the men Sam was describing came in.

"Wow, what's with all the bursting in?" I asked.

But I didn't get another word out. Because the last thing I remember was a sharp pain in my arm, and Zim repeating my name over and over, more worry each time. Then everything went fuzzy and faded to black.

And you'll never guess where I woke up.

In an insane asylum!


Sorry, it's short but sweet.

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