Newwww chapterrrr after so lonngggg I totally forgot what I wrotteeee ahhhhhhhhh but anyway, I finally decided to update, after a rather lengthy period of procrastination. I have a new muse now, so I guess I'm just pumped enough to finally write. Hope you guys don't hate me for not updating!

Harry dragged himself out of bed the next morning, awakened by the sound of squealing from down in the common room. Yawning, he made his way toward the door, seeing Ron was already up as he walked past his bed. As soon as he opened the door, the muffled squealing sound was amplified, much to Harry's annoyance.

"Marik, you ass, get back here with my eyeliner!"

Harry raised an eyebrow and walked down the stairs. That hadn't sounded like a girl's voice.

"Marik come back here! You little shit! I'm gonna kill you!"

As Harry entered the common room he was greeted with the sight of Malik, rather ruffled and lacking his usual eyeliner, chasing a hyper Marik (still in toddler form) around the common room. He walked over to where Ryou was sitting, looking rather calm and reading a book.

"Um, morning Bakura. What's-"

"Marik stole Malik's eyeliner. This happens a lot." Ryou calmly turned a page, not even bothering to look at Harry as he spoke.

"Oh. Are they going to be doing this much longer? It's giving me a headache." Harry complained, rubbing his head in little circles, as if it could ease the throbbing pain in his temple in any way.

Ryou sighed and put his book aside, standing up. He walked around the couch and planted his hands on his hips, a stern look on his face.

"Marik Ishtar, you get over here right now and GIVE ME THAT EYELINER." Ryou commanded loudly, causing Marik and Malik to freeze. Marik trotted over to the angry whitenette and handed him the eyeliner, a sheepish look on his face.

"Sowwy…" Marik sniffled a bit, tears in his big lavender eyes.

Ryou saw right through his act, however, and gave the little Egyptian a quick swat to the behind. He walked over to Malik and returned the eyeliner before going back to his previous place on the couch, resuming reading his book. Marik sat beside him, his own little book, one that Ryou had picked out for him to read earlier that morning, in his little hands.

Twenty or so minutes later (once Malik was finally finished getting ready), they all headed down to breakfast. Marik sat next to Ryou, seeing as Malik would indeed be no help to the small Egyptian's manners at the table. Malik had almost worse table manners than Bakura.

At the thought of the white haired yami, Ryou's heart gave a little skip. He was awfully worried about Bakura, not knowing if he was safe or hurt. Marik seemed to sense the boy's worry and placed a small hand on the pale boy's arm in a small gesture of comfort. Ryou couldn't help but smile and mouth a silent thanks to the tiny yami, feeling a little more reassured at the fact that Marik knew that Bakura was okay. That didn't mean Ryou wasn't worried any less, though.

After breakfast they all had to head off to classes, Hermione and Harry choosing to run off ahead, saying they needed to visit the library before class started. Ron offered to take Marik to Hagrid, seeing as the giant was being kind enough to offer to take care of the yami for the day while Ryou and Malik were in class.

During their lunch break, Ryou went down to Hagrid's to retrieve Marik. He wanted to see if the small Egyptian could possibly help him locate Bakura. Marik agreed and they set off to search the grounds for the missing white haired yami.

After about ten minutes, Ryou felt a tug on the Millennium Ring from under his shirt. His heart skipped a beat and he scooped Marik into his arms, setting off running in the direction the ring was pointing.

'Oh, Bakura, please please be safe…please be okay…Oh, Bakura…'

Ryou's heart rate increased as the tug became stronger. Soon they rounded a corner and were almost in the Forbidden Forest when they came upon a small bundle by a large tree. Ryou set Marik down and walked over to the tree slowly, his heart still pounding nervously.

He knelt down, reaching slowly for the bundle, hands shaking with trepidation. The bundle moved suddenly, making Ryou retract his hands quickly, but slowly, ever so slowly, he reached for the small lump of cloth once again.

"Mmmmnm…whuua?" The bundle mumbled, slowly unwrapping itself to reveal a small boy with a shock of white hair. It was Bakura.

Ryou's heart almost stopped. He couldn't breathe. Then, all at once, relief, happiness, and slight worry all crashed down at once, overwhelming him with emotion. Tears stung at his eyes as he reached for the small yami.

"Bakura…you're okay! Oh, thank God!" Ryou pulled the confused yami to his chest, holding him in a tight hug, but being careful not to squash the boy.

"What-who-Hikari? What the hell? Why am I so…tiny?" Bakura shrieked, pushing Ryou back so he could get a good look at himself.

Ryou laughed, tears running down his face. He swiped at his eyes, trying to rid his vision of the blurring tears.

"I don't know, Bakura. The same thing happened to Marik. I'm just bloody glad you're okay!"

Ryou hugged Bakura again, this time the yami letting him.

"Wait, Marik's like this, too?"

"Mhmm! I'm all tiny, Kura! Lookit me!" Marik squealed, jumping at Bakura and Ryou, trying to wrap his tiny arms around Ryou's body, wanting to hug them both and failing.

Ryou laughed and opened his arms, letting Marik join them, much to Bakura's dismay.

"Nooo! Hikariii! Get him offff!" Bakura whined, trying to shove the tiny Egyptian off him, seeing as he was trying to kiss the white haired yami, giggling and squirming.

"Kura Kura Kuraaaa!" Marik sang, giggling and trying to plant more little kisses on the poor white haired boy.

Ryou laughed and stood up, taking Bakura and Marik with him, and started walking towards the castle.

Ryou returned to the lunch hall not ten minutes later and was greeted by the sight of Malik and Ron playing a game of 'Who can eat all the food on his plate faster?'. He took a seat by Hermione, setting Marik down next to him but keeping Bakura in his lap, arms around the smaller's waist.

"Oh, Ryou! You found Bakura!" Hermione squealed, finally getting a good look at Bakura.

At the witch's outburst, Malik nearly choked on the food he was trying to swallow, whipping his head around to see if it was true.

"Mphapurfah!" Malik exclaimed, little bits of food flying out of his mouth.

"Ew." Bakura said, wrinkling his nose in disgust.

"I agree with Bakura, Malik. That's disgusting." Ryou said, mirroring Bakura's face.

Malik chewed quickly and swallowed hard, desperately trying to rid his mouth of the food so he could talk again.

"You found Bakura! He's tiny too! Hahahhahaha!" Malik held his stomach as he laughed, tears forming in his eyes and his cheeks stained pink from the force of his laughter.

"Shaddup, Malik! Stupid head!" Bakura pouted, burrowing his face in Ryou's shirt to hide his embarrassment.

"Malik, don't laugh at him! Would you like it if you were laughed at for your body being shrunken mysteriously?" Ryou fumed, planting a small kiss atop Bakura's head to calm him down.

Malik's laughs died down to chuckling, still whipping tears from his eyes and holding his stomach.

"S-sorry, Ryou, but that's just too funny. I'll try not to laugh, kay?"

Ryou could hear small stifled giggles next to him and turned to see Marik with a dinner roll stuffed in his mouth to hide his laughter.

"Don't you laugh either, Marik. This happened to you, too, after all." Ryou said, a stern look on his face.

Bakura turned his head from Ryou's chest to stick his tongue out at Marik and blow raspberries, a put out look on his face.

Ryou smiled to himself, not able to help thinking Bakura was rather adorable in his current state. He squeezed the small yami tighter, planting little kisses in his hair, much to the small boy's confusion.

Harry returned at that moment, sitting down beside Malik and filling his plate with lunch items. He had just had a rather tough study session with professor McGonagall and was worn out. He started eating before noticing that everyone was focusing their attention on something across the table. Harry looked up to see Ryou kissing the top of what looked like a small child's head.

"Who's Ryou holding?" Harry asked Malik, prodding the Egyptian with his fork to get his attention.

"Hmm? Oh, that's Bakura. We finally found him! Well, Ryou did, anyway." Malik exclaimed, returning his attention to the small yami.

'So that' s Bakura. I don't get a good feeling from him either. In fact, he's possibly worse than any of them…I'll have to keep a close eye on them…especially him.' Harry thought to himself, not taking his eyes off the small white haired yami, a bad feeling in his gut, making his scar burn. Things just kept on getting worse, and he had a feeling that they wouldn't stop very soon…

Well, finally finished that chapter! It's kinda short, but it's better than nothing. Hope you guys like it!

Thank you everyone, also, who reviewed my story or chose to follow it! It really means a lot, even if I'm a jerk for not updating. I'm sorry. :( I will try to update more, though, now that my muse is inspiring me nonstop now!

Please review! 8D