Albus Dumbledore and the Super Gay Cram Dream

A\N I do not own Harry Potter, or any of it's characters, neither do I own Dane Cook's Joke about the gay crab stuff, and I do not own all my base because they are belong to them…

Dumbledore's leg kicked at him really hard. It seemed to say "Wake up!" which Dumbledore did, just to fall instantly back to sleep and directly into the dream.

He was being chased by a giant crab, and it was doing this crazy crab walk and snapping at him with its little snappers and it was wearing some sort of muggle shoes… Loafers or something, and it was shooting lightning out of its eyes! And during this dream, it looked like the crab could run as fast as it wanted be he just could not just…

Finally Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Order of Merlin, (First Class), Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, and Grand sorcerer, woke up from the nightmare that had hunted him ever since he was little. He had stopped dreaming about the crab for a while, but ever since he had hired Severus Snape…

No! Tonight was the night he was going to find out! He Stood up from his bed and walked over to the fireplace. Albus took a pinch of green powder from the mantle and, whoosh, the flames turned emerald green. A second later he was in Sybill Trelawney's classroom.

"Headmaster! The orb told me I would receive an unexpected visit from you tonight!"

'Pish posh…' Thought Albus, without really meaning too.

"Professor, good evening. I hope I do not interrupt you in your ,um…"

He could see that Sybill had not been sleeping, but she had not been consulting with the fates either. The smell of cooking sherry and the hastily concealed bottles under the coushion of one of the chairs gave her away.

"No, not at all professor, please do tell me what is troubling you."

"Well, you see Sybill, I have been having an extremely unsettling dream. I.."

"Yes, yes, I have just what we need!" Trelawney dived towards the shelves filled with books and candles, and came back with a large deep blue book titled "Mysteries of Dream Interpretation by Fredrick M. Frinsterstone"

"Now, headmaster, tell me what you have seen in your sleep and we shall journey into the land of fate together."

"Yes.. I, well in the dream I am being chased by what seems to be a giant crab." Dumbledore said, eyeing the book with apprehension.

"Yes, crab, crab ,crab… Ah! Here it is: crab. … Headmaster, you are gay!"