Lunar's Note: So I decided to make you all not suffer anymore by updating. School's been hectic for me, with my honor classes and one AP classes with two electives…so yeah, you can blame that for me not updating for too long. This chapter is really interesting and it's also the beginning part of the turning point for the story. So I bid you all a due while you go read this chapter.


Full Summary of Monotonic Allurement of Stars: A lonely goddess has fallen from above, from the mighty monotonic allurement of stars. How does she know the headmaster so well? And why was she covered with blood when she first arrived? Plus, why does she have a baby with her? Strange miracles seem to happen everywhere she goes, whenever trouble happens. The important question is: Who is she? And is she friend or foe?


Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Sailor Moon. They belong to their respective owners.
"………" Talking
Thinking *usually in italics and without the ()'s.*

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Monotonic Allurement of Stars

Created By: Labores Solis
Chapter 7: Already Gone
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"You're right, you are sailor senshi. But, I do not want—nor do I need any protection." Serenity growled out. She did not like the idea of having protectors again; she did not want them to put their lives at risk just for her. Not anymore! She lost her senshi because of that very reason and she'd be damned if she allowed anyone else to take their spots.

"You hear that Ira? She doesn't need anyone to protect her. So can we just now? Only Kami-sama knows that I don't want to be here!" Hikyuu all by growled out, her hands were forming fists that looked tightly clutched together.

Serenity bit back on saying anything, for right now she would carefully watch their actions. She turned around, her stained-white dressed, flowed slightly on the floor as she turned.

"Are you sure that you're a sailor senshi?" Serenity asked out, arriving at her bed, sitting down on the comforter, being careful of the sleeping Hotaru; her dazed silver eyes gazing upon the four females, one whom looked murderous.

"You seem more impatient than most sailor senshi that I know. Of course, I can understand your problem, you yourself only taking orders from one person. Not wanting to take orders from another senshi. I too knew of senshi like that. They became my protectors. And where did that leave them?" Serenity's voice lingered into the minds of the four females, none replying, too interested in her speech.

"Dead; not coming back alive again, never again, are you sure you really want to take that risk? Are you sure you can handle being a protector of the Lady of the Stars, herself? Are you really sure that you can handle that sort of pressure? My enemies…my enemies, they will automatically assume you are strong because you are my protectors. They will automatically hunt down your families if you even give them a chance to. Kill your families and friends one by one, until you are alone,

"Can you truly take that risk? Can you face the consequences? Are you up for the challenge; because, I'd be damned if one of my enemies killed you just because you couldn't protect your own damn self. I won't be able to handle it! I just won't! It is your choices not mine, whether or not you shall be my protectors. I don't give a damn if you are a protector of mine or not. I don't. I already had those slots filled. So the real question is, are you ready?" Serenity asked her voice lingered with much sorrow as she talked about her long gone senshi who had passed, by protecting her.

Their starseeds safely remained the Cosmos Cauldron, she could call fourth their starseeds anytime she wanted to, but never, could she bring her senshi back alive…at least, that was what she thought.

Before anyone could answer her question, a long bang was heard at the door. Madame Pomphey was glaring at the occupants that stood. "For Merlin's sake, locking the door despicable; you four get out of here! I told you all, even the Headmaster told you all, that no student is allowed here unless injured! Now get; MOVE IT!" Madame Pomphey yelled at the four senshi, who quickly got out of there. But before they left, Serenity silently said, "I will be waiting for your answer, the day I get out of here. That will be a night of a full moon. The night, I fully recover."

"Now, now Pomphey dear, don't you think that was a bit harsh?" Albus voice trailed in the hospital wing as he looked upon the four young females leaving the hospital wing, all taking in hush tones.

"Harsh? Albus! I do not tell you how to run your school so do not tell me how to run my wing!" Pomphey yelled out.

Serenity sighed, looking down at Hotaru who was starting to make a fuss from all of Pomphey's yelling. Her powers are starting to show again…, Serenity thought as she watched a purple glow emit on the baby's forehead. She wasn't even supposed to wake up right now! Serenity thought shocked. But she did not show it at all on her face, all she did was say, "Touchy, isn't she, my firefly?" Serenity asked, picking up Hotaru and gently rocking her back and fourth to see if it would cease the fussiness.

Hotaru stopped fussing for a bit and giggled in response as if she knew what Serenity said.

Serenity turned Hotaru around, so her little back could rest on her chest and allow her to watch the amusement of the fighting duo, although it seemed to Serenity, it was mostly Pomphey who was doing all the fighting.

"It seems, Albus, you have lost your mighty touch." Serenity said, her eyes shining with amusement, but her voice sounded gentle with not one ounce of emotion in them.

"Ah, but what is there to lose?" Albus asked, as if joining in on his little teasing with Serenity. Serenity slightly chuckled to herself that if one was close to her, they wouldn't even heard it.

"You are always too wise for your age, Albus and I must admire that. There has not been anyone wiser than you that I know of besides Setsuna," Serenity commented softly, her eyes pondering over Hotaru's sleeping body.

"You too, shall be wise my dear young one, wiser than all children your age. The death, they will follow you. The damn, shall listen to you. The souls of those reborn, shall guide you along your rocky path. The rocky path that I speak of is the path that you shall walk to assume your role as Mistress Death. You shall not be part of Hell, no. You shall be part of Saturn's royal Goddesses of Death, as you should have been. Silence may take over your soul; death may be part of your life; darkness may always chase you down but the light will always guide you to your journey," Serenity stated, closing her eyes as she leaned back slightly as if to fall asleep.

The Headmaster, thinking that Serenity had gone to sleep, had taken a few steps back to leave the Hospital Wing until a voice called him, "Do not leave Albus. Please, we must talk about the letters that you sent out." Serenity commented softly, her voice held no emotion but you would think there was sadness and anger in her tone.


Eh? So what do you all think? During my long period break of not updating, I went through this chapter so many times, revised a whole lot of parts just to get this. Just please do tell me what you all think. Was it worth the wait? Was it? You tell me. (: