I walked at a leisurely pace behind Mr. Delmas, the principal of Kadic Junior High School, a boarding school I attended. My red backpack was slung casually over my shoulder, my suitcase was gripped in my other hand. I was wearing a white spaghetti-strapped shirt, a tan jacket, and dark blue jeans with a brown belt. On my feet were brown sandals. My short brown bangs were in my face, hiding my auburn eyes. I brushed my bangs out of my eyes. Mr. Delmas walked towards a door and knocked twice. There was a faint voice, a woman, and he opened the door and stepped inside; I followed him.

"Oh, Good morning, Mr. Delmas," the teacher said. She had short gray hair, glasses and was wearing a white lab coat.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we have a new student," he said, then gestured me to introduce myself.

"My name is Dialla Reinhart and I just moved here from Florida. So, yeah." I said nonchalantly, giving a short wave.

"Alright, who would like to show her to her room?" Mr. Delmas asked.

Hands flew into the air, mostly boys, and loud begs echoed the small room. One boy in particular caught my attention. A boy with blonde hair and a purple spot in the middle of his hair. He was dressed in a purple attire and practically falling out of his chair with his hand raised. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hm, how about you, Odd," Mr. Delmas said and pointed to the blonde boy.

"Yes!" the boy cheered. "Whoa!" he added in a cry as he fell out of his chair.

The class erupted with laughter, including myself and the boy, Odd. He scrambled to his feet laughing and rushed towards me.

"Hi, there!" he said. "I'm Odd Della Robbia. Nice to meet you Dialla."

"Nice to meet you too, Odd," I said.

"She's in room 205 Mr, Della Robbia," Mr. Delmas said, "No goofing off."

"No promises, sir," he said then grabbed my hand and led me out of the class room.

We walked up to a room marked 205 and opened the door. It was a decent sized room with one bed, a closet, a drawer, a desk and a window. I placed my suitcase down and sat on the bed.

"Mmm, comfy," I said and laid down.

A second later, the bell rang and Odd beamed.

"Yes!" he cried. "Lunchtime!"

I glanced at my wristwatch. "Wow, noon already, huh?"

"Yep. C'mon! Now you can meet my friends!" Odd said.

I stood up and he raced out of the room. I quickly followed him. We arrived at the cafeteria within a few minutes. People were standing in line getting food, others had already gotten there food and were sitting with their friends.

Odd and I walked into our line and picked up a tray. It soon became filled with mashed potatoes, gravy and peas.

"Mmmm! You came to school on a good day, D. Kadic makes the best potates ever!" Odd said. "You don't mind if I call ya D, do you?"

I shook my head. "No, go right ahead."


After we got our food he walked over to a table where two boys and a girl sat. One boy had blonde hair and glasses. He was wearing a blue turtleneck and tan pants. The other boy had brunette hair and was wearing a yellowish green shirt, a green jacket and dark green cargo pants. The girl had short black hair and was all dressed in black.

"Hey guys," Odd said and sat down.

I hesitated slightly but sat down as well. Odd nudged me in the ribs slightly and whispered for me to say hi.

"H-Hi," I said shyly.

"Guys, this is Dialla Reinhart. She's a new student here," Odd explained.

The brunette boy nodded. "Right. We never got a chance to introduce ourselves in Biology. I'm Ulrich Stern. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Jeremy Belopois," the blond boy said.

"My name is Yumi Ishiyama," the black haired girl said.

"Nice to meet you too," I said.

We talked for the rest of lunch until the bell rang for the next period.

"What do you have next, D?" Odd questioned.

"Um," I reached into my pocket and pulled out my schedule. "Geometry."

"Alright! I have that class too," he said. "Maybe after class we can show you around a little."

"I'd like that."

We put our trays away and walked to the Geometry room.

I'm not a fan of Geometry. Never was, probably never will. So, for the whole class, I played tic-tac-toe with Odd. At the same time, I wrote notes, so when the teacher would occasionally ask what we were doing, I simply showed him my notes.

Class ended and as Odd promised, him and the rest of the gang showed me around. We had almost finished the tour, when a loud beeping came from Jeremy's backpack. He pulled out a laptop, opened it and started typing. He looked up at his friends and nodded.

"Sorry, Dialla, we have to go," he said and they ran off.

"But, what about the tour?" I called.

"Sorry, I'll show you the rest of the school later!" Odd called back, "I promise!"

I blinked, surprised, as my new friends emerged into the woods. I raised and eyebrow, shrugged and walked into the school. I realized later that was a mistake. I decided to work on my Pencak Silat a little bit in the gym, so I went back to my dorm to get change. As I did, I bumped into a girl with long black hair and dressed in a pink outfit. I recognized her as Elisabeth Delmas, the principals daughter. Although her name was Elisabeth, everyone called her Sissi. Why they called her that I wasn't sure.

"Oh, sorry, Sissi," I said.

When she turned to face me, she was angry. But not the, oh-my-god-you-just-ran-into-me-you-clumsy-idiot angry. More like the I'm gonna-kill-you-for-no-reason angry. It was evident in her eyes. Quick as a snake, she struck me hard in the face. I collided with the wall, uttering a soft groan and hit the floor. Pain appeared and spread throughout my body. I held my cheek and looked up at her, scared. She tried to strike me again, but I quickly rolled out of the way, and swiped her feet with my foot. She fell to the floor with a thud and I quickly flipped onto my feet and ran. I quickly darted around a corner and ran outside.

*Jeez! Someone is PMSing!*

I pulled out my cell phone and dialled Odd's number, grateful he gave it to me during Geometry. It rang a couple of times until I got his voice mail. I cursed under my breath and ran.

I ducked behind a tree and crouched down, silently praying someone would come soon and help me. After waiting a while, I felt like I was being watched. I peered around the tree. Bad timing. Once I did, Sissi immediately saw me, growled slightly and ran at me. I yelped slightly, scramble to my feet and ran again. I didn't run long because next thing I knew, I tripped over a branch and fell onto the grass. I looked over at Sissi, who was now just a few feet from me, a metal bar in her hands.

*Oh come on!*

She brought the bar down on me and I screamed, my hands out infront of me. I waited for a blow but nothing came. I looked up at her and she dropped the crowbar and sunk into my lap unconscious.

I stared at her, utterly appalled. One minute, she's trying to kill me, the next she faints. I sighed and gently moved her off of my body, then laid down on the grass. A soft breeze blew by and I ran a hand through my hair. It felt so nice, I decided to take a little nap. That little nap, ended out being a long and deep sleep.

When I awoke I was in a bed. I sat up, rubbing my eyes, confused on how I got here.

"Oh, your awake," A voice startled me.

I jumped slightly and saw a woman with blond hair wearing a white nurse coat sitting in a chair next to my bed. I stared at her befuddled.

"Where am I?" I questioned.

"You're in the infirmary. You were found asleep outside, as well as Elisabeth, and your friends brought you inside. I'm Ms. Perraudin, the school nurse." she answered.

I looked around and saw Sissi still unconscious on the other bed. Then I climbed off the bed.

"Are you feeling better?' she asked.

"Yes, I'm going to head back to class. Do you know what period this is?"

"It's free period. I would use it to thank your friends and then get some rest, dear."

I nodded. "I will." Then I walked out of the infirmary

I roamed around the campus and found the gang at the vending machine. I walked over to them.

Odd was the first to notice me. "Oh, hey Dialla. Feeling better?"

"Yeah, thanks for bringing me in," I replied.

"No problem," Jeremy said. "However, we noticed a crowbar near Sissi. Did she attack you?"

I paused, pondering what had happened so far today. "Yeah, she did. But, she wasn't herself. It was like she was possessed or something."

"What do you mean?" Ulrich asked.

"There was a weird symbol in her eye. I can't really describe it."

"Can you draw a picture?" Jeremy demanded.

"Uh, sure,"

I grabbed a stick and drew the symbol. They stared at it, shocked. I looked at them confused and my phone rang. I pulled out my phone and checked the caller ID. It was my mom.

"Oh, I gotta take this," I said. "I'll see you later."

"Bye," They said as I walked away.