Hi everyone. :)

So... first of all, thanks for your awesome responses to my last chapter. I really liked it, and I'm glad most of you did, too. Unfortunately, apparently I wasn't clear that it was, in fact, the final chapter of my story. Some of you said you were waiting for an update, and I don't have one! I've tried a few times to write an epilogue, but... I don't know, it just isn't working out.

A few people have said they'd like to see more letters, a few people have mentioned an epilogue... what would you like to see? I had never considered continuing the letters, and I never really thought I'd fill in the gaps between a few of the chapters, but some people have asked. I'd love your opinion. (:

If there's a huge response for more, I might (might) oblige. Let me know. And thanks for supporting me through this story. I appreciate everything.

Since you're sad this is over (I know, you're really choked up), I am shamelessly recommending you check out my other fics. None of them are this long, in fact, two of them are one shot song fics. I'm really fond of them, and even though they're old, I would LOVE feedback. :D Thanks!
