Unfortunately, I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon or the characters of these two. I also don't own Digimon (you'll see why I put this when you've read to the end)

Because at the time of writing this, I am new to the site so therefore unaware of other crossover stories so therefore if this is similar to any other story it is totally coincidence and I apologise.

I also write this with the assumption that the reader already knows the characters of Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon, but if you don't, just google it or something, because they're both that popular.

This is also my first fanfic for this site, so please leave a comment, criticisms welcomed just don't be too harsh please I'm only human!

Chapter 1

News Story Alert:

"This is Gerry Hudson with Dominos evening news. The Gaming company known as GamersFantasy inc has revealed in a press conference today their new virtual game, Pokemon, short for pocket monsters. After years of being shunned into the shadows of the gamers market by Kaiba Corporation, GamersFantasy inc told press today they have been working in secret about the virtual project for many years. Plans to open the first centre, where gamers can go and be virtually taken to the 'Pokemon World', are scheduled for next week right here in our own Domino City. Its thought that gamers from all over the world will be flocking to the city, and numbers are estimated to be more then double of Kaiba's Battle City tournament. I now give you Adrian Maloney to give you more details."

"Thanks Gerry. This has became a shock to the gaming world, everyone thought that GamersFantasy inc was long out the business and Kaiba corp reined over all, well not quite! From what has been revealed today, it would seem that this virtual game has been in development for years, and has already been tested for months by family and friends of the production team, who will also act as in game characters. This is HUGE! Now for the low down on Pokemon. What is it? Well Pokemon, short for Pocket Monsters, are creatures that act as the 'animals' of the world if you will. These Pokemon can be caught in 'Pokeballs' and used for battling or for beauty competitions. The aim of the game is to train your Pokemon and to ultimately be the best or if your not the violent type, just have fun in a virtual world! Seriously, this is HUGE, that's why if you would like more information, go to our Domino news website and click on our main story of the day link."


"What do you think Seto?" Mokuba asked his brother. The brothers were in Kaiba's office at Kaiba Corp HQ and had just watched the evening news.

"Why wasn't I informed of this, is what I want to know" Kaiba questioned angrily. Kaiba was sat at his desk and dialling a number on his office phone. It rang once and then someone picked up. Before the guy on the other end could even say 'Yes Mr Kaiba', Kaiba heatedly demanded;

"I want Felix in my office now!" The phone was then slammed down onto the receiver.

Kaiba lent back in his chair and shut his eyes. This was a total surprise to him. He was told by his company spies that he had nothing to worry about, that other gaming rivals would have nothing on him. It seems they were either bad at their job, or someone was going against him in his own company. He believed the latter. Footsteps could be heard coming towards the office door. Enter a skinny, snivelling looking man, with a sweaty head and thick rimmed glasses.

"You cal-"

"Why didn't we know about this 'Pokemon' virtual game?" Kaiba questioned. Felix shifted uncomfortably on the spot.

"W-w-well you see, um-sir, we didn't know because it was so secretive an-"

"Oh I'm sorry did I just hear you correctly, because last time I checked it's your job to find out about rival products, secretive or not." Kaiba stated. Before Felix could try and defend himself and his team, Kaiba continued;

"Because of your stupidity, I'm firing you. Now get out of my sight." Kaiba turned in his chair and put his back to Felix. He looked out his window, his chin resting on his knuckles. For Kaiba, this was totally unacceptable. Felix, with head hung low, left the room quietly, knowing full well not to argue with Kaiba. Once his decision was made, there was no way of changing it. As he left, he looked at Mokuba, hoping for support, but Mokuba just looked away in disgust.

"What are you going to do big brother?" Mokuba questioned. There was a time of silence before Kaiba replied:

"I'm going to have to investigate myself, as it seems I have to do everything myself around here. Next week I'm going to go to the centre opening and try out the game for myself and see what its like."

"Sounds good, can't wait." Mokuba replied. Kaiba turned to his brother.

"Your coming?" he asked

"Yep. To be honest Seto, it looks interesting." Mokuba's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Kaiba smirked at his brother. He started to think that 'yes, it was interesting, but no one beats Kaiba Corporation at anything'.


The Next day, Yugi, Joey, Tristan and Tea were all walking back to Yugi's house from school. It's a warm day, and the gang is in high spirits laughing and joking, mostly at Joey. Before popping into Yugi's house, the gang goes and says hi to Yugi's Grandpa in the small game shop he owns below the flat they live in.

"Hi Grandpa I'm home!" Yugi shouted in the store. The loud voice shocked Grandpa, and a squeal came from below the till, where Grandpa was checking stock.

"Oops, sorry Grandpa." Yugi apologised, rubbing the back of his head with a little grin on his face. Grandpa stood up from behind the counter.

"Ah, welcome back Yugi, and I see you brought your friends home." Grandpa remarked. Joey, Tristan and Tea said their hi's to Grandpa. Just as they were about to leave, Grandpa threw a newspaper at the back of Yugi.

"Hey what was that for?!" Yugi exclaimed, shocked at how hard Grandpa could throw.

"Look at the front Yugi." Grandpa urged. He seemed to have a note of urgency in his voice. Yugi straightened the front of the newspaper out and everyone moved so that they could see the front.

Headline: Pokemon Packs a Punch for Gamers.

Yugi glanced at the headline, which was accompanied by a picture of what looked like a yellow mouse with red cheeks (Pickachu)

"What's that?" Tristan asked.

"It looks like a new game has just came out." Tea guessed. Grandpa snatched the paper from Yugi's hand and held it up in front of them.

"This is what's going to run me out of business!" Grandpa said with annoyance.

"Wait a minute, what are you talking about Gramps?" Joey questioned

"Yeah, please Grandpa calm down and tell us what's going on." Yugi urged his Grandpa. Grandpa told them about the new virtual game Pokemon and that it's going to be such a huge game everyone will be involved.

"Don't worry Grandpa." Yugi reassured, placing a hand on his Grandfathers back.

"Yeah I wouldn't worry, card games are too popular, there's no way anyone's going to forget them." said Tea. Grandpa gave a little smile, but still did not look convinced.

"You know, it does look interesting, I wouldn't mind trying it out myself." Joey said, looking at the newspaper with interest. Grandpa looked alarmed at what Joey said, and before he could say anything Tristan smacked Joey round the head.

"You numb skull what'd you say that for."

"What?! I'm sorry but it does." Joey tried to defend himself, only making the situation worse, and making Grandpa more depressed. Yugi reassured his Grandpa that it wasn't the end of card games and that there was no way of his shop closing down. Yami, the spirit that lived within the millennium puzzle that hung from Yugi's neck then wondered out loud to Yugi through there mind talking ability:

"I wonder what this game is like. There's something about it that urges me to try it out. I wonder what though…" Yugi nodded in agreement and then said to everyone's surprisement:

"I'm gonna try out this Pokemon and see what it's like for myself! After all, am I or am I not the King of games?"


It was the opening day of the new virtual centre for Pokemon. It was placed at the heart of Domino city and everyone flocked to get a look. Kaiba pulled up to the front entrance in his black limo and got out the car, followed by Mokuba. He walked in with his usual air of superiority and everyone looked in awe. Mokuba followed and noticed in the cue of people Yugi and the gang. As Kaiba talked to a GamersFantasy inc representative, Mokuba skipped over to the gang of friends.

"Hey guys, I thought you might be here today." Mokuba said.

"Yeah, were here to see what its like, especially seeing as they're giving away free accounts. But with all these people here, I doubt were even gonna be able to sign up today." Yugi replied.

"But why are you and your brother here Mokuba?" Tea questioned.

"Were here to check out what its like also. This came as such a surprise to us, especially to Seto. None of us saw this coming." Kaiba walked over to the gang.

"I should of known you losers would be here." Kaiba remarked. Joey angrily made a fist and replied,

"Why you stuck up-"

"Come Mokuba, they've given us special entry." Kaiba said walking away. At this point Joey was being held back by Tristan.

"Hey Seto, can they come with us?" Mokuba asked, to Kaiba's surprise. Kaiba knew how much Mokuba liked Yugi and his friends, but could never understand why. To Kaiba, friends were meaningless, a waste of time. But that's when an idea came into Kaiba's mind. Not only could he use their opinions to help his research and investigation of the virtual game, but maybe this was his chance to beat Yugi Moto and become number one of this new game. What first became investigating a rival company and their new product had now become a way to quench Kaiba's thirst for beating Yugi.

"Fine then, but make sure they don't get in my way, I have important business to attend to." Kaiba replied, and as he turned his back to his brother and the group of friends and walked towards the registration counter, a deviant smile appearing on his face.

Once finished at the registration counter, registering login details, personal details and payment methods (their first 5 days were free, after that it was either pay monthly, every 3 months or pay every time you wanted to enter the Pokemon world), the gang, with Kaiba and Mokuba were led to the virtual chambers. Here they met a man who asked for their usernames and registered they're details into the computer attached to a pod the size of an elevator, which looked big enough for 8 normal sized people. Once details were registered, the group entered into the pod, and the door closed. There was complete darkness…

(FYI, if anyone has played Digimon World 2003 for the playstation 1, this last paragraph is meant to be like the start of that game so knowing that may help with picturing the process)