I know I really shouldn't be starting any more stories at this point…but after reading YuYu Hakusho volume sixteen, this idea lodged itself in my brain and simply would not go away until it was written down. Of course, I'd like to read volume seventeen before I continue so I have at least a little idea of what actually happens in the battle in the Demon Plane.

She walked silently, ignoring the chaos about her.

She closed her eyes, clearing her mind. Petty human thoughts and ideas would only serve to distract her from the power radiating through the air. It was like nothing she had ever felt and it was strong. Underneath this unusual power though, she could detect powerful youki, the auras of a thousand demons thirsting for blood.

She stopped when she felt the power diminish for an instant before flaring even larger than before. She was standing in a clearing, one of the many in the local park. She kneeled down and placed her palm flat against the grassy soil. She focused her aura, expanding it into the earth itself. Yes, there was a great battle taking place far beneath the soil. A powerful force was rising…rising…

"Get back!"

She raced forward, slamming into a woman and child just instants before a huge ball of energy erupted from the soil. They landed inches from the side of an enormous sinkhole that fell ceaselessly into a gaping black void.

After ensuring the woman and her child would be taken care of somewhere further off, she strode calmly to the outermost edge of the sinkhole. She stared into its depths, once again attempting to focus her mind's eye on the battle being fought therein. A number of people had gathered beside her, all muttering quietly amongst themselves.

"Isn't there a river running under Swarm City?"

"Yeah, it goes through the Irima Caves."

The girl opened her eyes once again. So, the Irima Caves, huh? Well, at least she had a better idea of what she would find down there. Praying her plan would work, she stood quickly and took a running leap into the void.

She fell into cold silence, a world bereft of the senses. Trying to calm the slight panic that had arisen in her chest, she felt for her own gift. She couldn't find it.

"Okay girl, don't panic. Remember the lessons. Remember the training."

She reached into herself once again, rummaging through her soul in a desperate attempt to find her center before she crashed to her death. With one final lunge, she grasped the core of her power. Her aura expanded quickly, flowing out of her body to catch the wind and slow her descent.

Seconds later, she hit the ground. Suspended in a huge cloud of billowing dust, she was momentarily consumed by a bought of coughing. Wiping her teary eyes, she looked up to see six…beings staring at her in surprise.

They all had vaguely the same kind of spiritual pressure as the Soul Piper, albeit much stronger. They were also all wearing some kind of uniform. She guessed they all had something or other to do with the spirit world. Oh well, no matter.

She stood slowly, setting down her giant yellow backpack on the ground beside her. She put her hands on her hips and frowned at the staring… whatever they were.

"What are you looking at? Never seen a girl land on two feet before?"

One of them, a tall broad-shouldered male with a bushy mustache and graying hair stepped forward. He was about to say something when two of his companions blinked out of sight. The girl sighed when they crashed into the barrier she had instinctively placed around her body.

She spun abruptly and glared at the two black haired males behind her that now sported throbbing hands twice their normal size. Served them right.

"Excuse me! You people should no better than to attack a defenseless girl from behind like that. And two-on-one, for that matter! If I had more time, I swear, I'd teach you brutes some manners! As it is…oh, damn it!"

Everyone in the caves turned quickly toward the portal. It was writhing, twisting in a grotesque display of clashing powers. Three more beings came crashing out of the portal, all of them covered in various gashes and scrapes. One of them was nursing a broken arm.

"Sorry sir, we couldn't hold them off. There are too many of them!"

The man with graying hair stepped forward, his whole body tensed. He was obviously the leader of the group. He clasped the speaker on the back, raising his voice enough so that everyone in the caves could hear his next words.

"No matter. We are the Underworld's Special Defense Force. We will prevail! There is no other option!"

The nine spirit beings stepped into formation in front of the dimensional hole, the mysterious girl who had fallen from the sky forgotten. The girl herself reached into her backpack and pulled out an ancient wooden bow and several quivers of arrows. She stepped back and shifted into a shooting stance, one arrow already knocked and aimed to fire.

When the first wave of demons sprang from the portal, the SD force managed to eliminate them all in a combined attack of massive proportions. The next wave however, came so quickly after the first, they did not have time to reapply that same attack. As such, they all began to take on individual or small groups of demons even as more began to pour through the portal. The girl began firing at any demons that managed to pass them. She would not allow them to escape into the city.

Her ammunition, however, was quickly used up and when she bent down to grasp another quiver of arrows, a rather large snake demon appeared behind her. She twisted quickly and attempted to notch an arrow to her bow, but the demon was too close for it to be of any use. She braced herself for an attack that she couldn't avoid…and that never came.

When she opened her eyes again, the gray haired man was standing over the demon's smoldering corpse. He reached out a hand to help her up. She took it, a wide grin on her pretty face.

"Thanks Mr…?"

"Captain. Captain Ohtake. And you are?"

The girl was about to respond when another demon appeared over the captain's head. She shot the thing between the eyes before it could sink its fangs into the man who had saved her life. It fell away in a flash of blue fire and ash. She straightened quickly and smiled at the bewildered captain.

"Kagome. Kagome Higurashi."

The two fought back to back for several minutes before Kagome pulled several ofuda from her shirt pocket, placed them on a single arrow, and turned to Captain Ohtake.

"Captain! Get your people out of there!"

Captain Ohtake stared questioningly at the girl for several seconds before he noticed the huge amount of force beginning to build up in that tiny arrow. Eyes wide, he whistled loudly.

"Fall back. SD Force, fall back!"

Years of following orders without question brought the rest of the force behind them seconds later. Kagome took aim directly at the center of the hole between worlds and fired. The arrow, encased in resplendent blue and gold light, quickly carved a path of destruction amid the demon hoard before flying into the portal itself.

The portal pulsed for an instant before crackling veins of white energy began to race across its surface. It pulsed once, twice more before a blinding flash erupted from its surface, effectively killing any remaining demons and nearly blinding the SD force.

When Captain Ohtake regained his vision, he glanced to his side only to find the girl missing. She was racing toward the rapidly closing portal with what looked to be the full intent to leap through into the demon plane.

"Kagome, wait! How can you do these things? How can you close the barrier so quickly?"

The strange girl paused at the threshold, glancing back at the SD Force. She shook her head silently and turned back to the portal.

"Simple, Captain Ohtake. I created the barrier in the first place."

And with that one statement, she stepped through the portal and into one of the greatest battles Makai had ever known.

Please keep in mind that I know next to nothing about the SD force or any of their fighting styles, so I'm just making things up as I go along. On that note, if any of you happen to be willing to give me advice or correct any mistakes I may not have noticed, please feel free to press the little blue button in the corner and let me know all about it.