Author:pls enjoy this story I cam up with while listening to who is it my Mj (RIP)

Dislaimer: I do not own JK rwling charcters

Chapter one

Draco stared at his neck it was marked with bruises, he stared at his torn face. He lips were swollen and bleeding, his cheek was bruised , and he

flinched when he tried to touch it. Getting up he limped over to the closet in his expansive room. Picking out certain outfits he muttered a spell he

watched them as they folded themselves neatly and piled inside of the bag. He could not really fill any emotion for the corpse on the floor, Staring

dispassionately at it he could only see his freedom within it's dead eye's. He went back to the vanity table and pulled out a note kissing it, he placed

it on the table. If everything went well tomorrow everyone would assume Draco Malfoy had died and Alexander Union would be born.

4yrs later

The night sky flickered with stars as they watched two lovers below kissing passionately. "please please "Gasp" don't leave me, I need you."

Silver flickered opened and stared into brown eyes, he coldly stated "I give my all to you for one night and that is all." Later Alex slipped on his

clothes and walked out of the room the silver case heavy with cash. He felt empty it was better feeling empty he walked down the hall turning he

stopped in the stairwell. "You are late." The man before him glared threw thick glasses, Alex new better than to react " He is dead as you wanted, I

slit his throat like the customer wanted."

Handing over the case he walked away and let the helpers change him. He never called them anything else , when they were done there was no

longer a blonde but a Red head with a spunky style that stood in his place. "Who is next?" He asked empty silver blue eyes waiting for the answer.

"The politician Freddie Zincs, He raped an 23 year old college student her father wants revenge, calmly the man handed him the file… It seems you

have gotten used to the killing." Alex eyes flickered up to his "I am simply paying back a debt that I incurred when I was foolish."

Alex walked into the hotel calmly he handed his card over to the body guard , who took it and read "James" and nothing else. The bodyguard

stood aside and open the door for him, Alex walked into the room and smiled at the man standing against the wall. He stood careless , with his shirt

un- button and his black slacks covering muscled thighs. Alex was grabbed immediately and kissed with fervor. Alex leaned into him allowing himself

to be led into the bedroom.

The man laid on the bed , Alex straddled him and leaned down kissing his lips, chin, and neck. Leaning he removed the ice pick from the back of his

pants. And with cold eyes stabbed the man several times . Watching his eyes go dead , he jumped off the bed and walked back to the door wiping

his smeared lipstick he winked at the body guard and left.

The next morning all papers were filled with the news of the brutal killing of Freddie Zincs.

Alex sighed as he watched the people in the park playing this was peace. The wind caused the trees to sway. Closing his eye's he could imagine

the life he could have after he filled his part of the contract. Getting up he swiped a leaf from his shoulder and threw it to the ground.

Alex stared at "glass" man as if he was crazy "What do you mean? I am not hired to kill anyone tonight, That's my only job." The glass man

merely stated the same thing he had stated before "You have been hired to protect someone tonight, so you may still get to kill the bad guys." Alex

glared "Who is it?" It is the minister of Britain, he will be going to a ball with the magical world." Alex flinched at that, luckily the other man decided to

ignore it " He is aware of a group of terrorist who are against seeing any muggles and wizards have peace together , so he believed they may

target him." Alex rolled his eye's and stood from his plush leather chair and walked over to the window that over looked the city. "So he wants a

body guard, and that would be me, turning he stared at the man … Why not Cynthia ?she could do it." The glass man shook his head "She fell in love

and as the contract stipulates she no longer must work for us." Alex eye's widened " The man excepted her being a high cost whore." Alex was

aware of that loophole within the contract if the person you loved excepts such an explanation you could leave with half of what you made every

night. Alex turned away his eyes feeling dry "Lucky her." "I will do this." "Good" The man said "You will being going as a women." Alex sighed "See

you , than."

Alex felt eye's of driver upon him feeling nervous, he allowed himself to lick his lips as the only show of emotion. As he waited for the Minister in the

Benz,closing is his eyes he allowed himself a moment to compose himself. The door opened and an Older gentlemen sat down beside. Alex

immediately henoticed the minister was not bad looking with intense hazel eye's and grey hair at his temple's, Giving him a wise look. "Are you the

one who is towatch me ?" Alex simply nodded "Good, at least your attractive." The rest of the ride was quiet. Once they arrived ,The cameras

flashed as Alexplaced his hand in the other mans he was helped out of the car. He stood quietly behind the minister as he talked to the reporters.

They finally made it inside and Alex hoped this would end soon.

Walking along the Hallways Alex felt slightly disoriented , he had drank the champagne that had been spiked with something. He didn't know

whether it was a poison or a date rape drug. Luckily the glass man had the culprit but Alex had went to the bathroom only to come out feeling dizzy.

He stopped and leaned against the wall. Hearing giggling he turned and noticed a couple against the wall. Deciding to move further away he walked

towards the terrace. Untill he trip as cut short by him bumping into someone's chest "oh I'm sorry…" Alex looked up into Vibrant eye's "green…their

green ." His mind told him "No, I should apologize." But instead of saying that Alex leaned closer to the smell of forest and wind"Umm are you okay…

do you need me to get someone for you." Alex didn't say anything merely wrapped his arms around the persons neck "I've found what I'm looking

for." With out any thought Alex leaned up placed his lips upon the other's.

Harry was in shock, He had simply wanted to disappear from the stupid ball but he had been delayed by the minister. Instead , he had only

gotten away after drinking several glasses of brandy and fire whiskey He closed his eyes and heard the other moan, feeling it go straight to his

crotch. Harry Picked the person up and hurried into the closest room. Thank Crouch for having this event at his new manor. The person didn't even

notice the change of atmosphere, they simply clung to him Harry laid them on the bed and groaned at the sight of the curvaceous body. He leaned

down and lost himself within the woman's arms.

Alex awoke startled by a hand on his shoulder, to only look blearily at glass man. "What are you doing in my room?" The glass man frowned and

pointed at his back, Alex looked behind himself and gasped, jerking out of the bed he began grabbing clothes from the floor. Looking down ,he

sighed when he realized he was still in woman form. He also he was not at his home and it was still night. "You were heavily disoriented, from what

we found out to be a complicated mix of 'Ex' and other drugs." Alex nodded and fallowed the man out of the room. "I hope he does not remember

any of this." The glass man nodded seeming to agree with him "We will be leaving for Russia tomorrow." Alex nodded As he was led to the car, he

noticed the stars before he fully got in, they seemed to be dancing. Shaking his head he got fully into the car.

2 months later

"You are being let go from your contract." Alex sighed he knew they would catch on "How did you find out?" The glass men merely stared "Of

course , you simply did." Alex got up and walked towards the door "I have never ever said this to anyone else but in your case I will tell you one

thing, Stop running." Alex nodded and left the agency to never return.

6 yrs later

Alex chased after his son who was running threw the crowd without a worry. "Gabe…GABE…" Gabriel Aries Union smiled back at his father.

Before slammed right into a pair of two tall legs. Slightly disoriented he looked into worried Green eye's. Alex picked up his son , once he caught up

"What have I told you about running while we're in a crowd." Alex gently admonished, looking up Alex was about to say thank you. When he looked

right into Green eye's remembered to well especially when He had seen them in anger and passion. Catching himself staring he mentally shook

himself "I'm sorry he bumped into you." The man smiled "It's okay I'm used to it."

Harry admonished himself, how could he say such a stupid thing. The shorter looked slightly messy with raven blue hair and grey eye's. He made

Harry's heart skip a little, Harry had been out looking for Hermione who he was suppose to meet about a case of miss identity. Shaking himself from

his stupor he reached out for the other mans hand "I'm sorry , mister…" the man grabbed and shook "Alex, Alexander union." Harry smiled "Alex, he

whispered… but I must be going if you need anything you can reach at the address." He handed over his card and waved good bye and jogged of

into the crowd.

Harry smiled at Hermione when she waved him over , once they had taken their seats and ordered cups of tea. They got down to business "So

what is it you need from me?" Hermione frowned "Well you remember the Draco Malfoy case. " Harry's face grimaced, who didn't Draco Malfoy had

been found beaten to death in his manor. All clues had pointed to his father , who later admitted to trying to beat the boy into submitting to joining

him in his ambition to becoming the next dark lord. "Yes, I remember why?" Hermione gestured to the photo on the table "last week we got a hold of

some one stealing the graves of the Malfoy family. When we caught him he had dragged a body out of a grave unlike the other bodies in this family

grave site it was dressed in rags and several inches shorter. When we asked where the body came from he pointed to the headstone. Now if I recall

Draco Malfoy never had green skin, large ears and green eyes." Harry stared at a photo of a half decomposed elf "And your point?' Hermione rolled

her eye's "One Draco Malfoy obviously is not dead , second this means that Luscius Malfoy is not guilty and will be let out of prison, and that you

have now been assigned to find where the real Draco Malfoy is."

Author : pls be kind and review