Alright here's the deal. I'm new here and this is my first fanfiction in 6-7 years. Forgive me for the sentence structure and grammar mistakes(I'm very Very rusty). I may have also made the characters too OOC and for that I apologize. This will be a Seiner story,...eventually.

'blah' - thought

"blah blah" - speech

I own nothing and am not making any profit off of this, no matter how much I wish it. Enjoy the first chapter. :)

Tings and clanks echoed throughout the empty kitchen spilling into the living room. Quiet mumbling could be heard but only a few words could be made out.

"Stupid.....grumble mumble Why now of all days?.............................figures." Suddenly a clap of thunder shook the entire house making the only occupant in the kitchen jump clear up into the air and nearly drop his recently made tea and spill a few droplets on the tiled kitchen floor.

Startled and spooked the figure quickly went into the living room while switching off the kitchen lights and settling down on the nice soft plushy couch. Dark maroon with velvet fabric and covered with lots of squishy pillows made sitting on this couch a dream.

Gently sipping at the hot tea in his favorite teacup, minding the scalding porcelain surface in favor of the handle, the young man of 18 reached across the oak coffee table for a book he was currently reading. Setting the teacup down and laying back in a comfortable position he began reading Through the Looking Glass. That is until...

Lightning lit up the entire living room accompanied by a glass shattering boom followed by complete an absolute darkness. It was seven thirty in the evening and the sun would normally set around seven forty five, but since today it was raining there was no sun to set. The cell phone sitting a few feet away from the panicking young man sang it's ring tone consisting of Shut me up by Mindless Self Indulgence. It was immediately snatch up with a barely whispered, "H-hello?"

"Hayner! Oh thank god! Are you alright?!"

"Yeah I'm fine Roxas... Just scared shitless from the power outage is all...." It was no big secret that Hayner was afraid of two things, heavy lightning storms and the dark, both of which were making themselves known.

"Oh man... Did you see that last strike! Holy fuck man it was awesome!" Roxas had somehow over the years picked up an interesting hobby. Lightning photography. Which would explain his obvious joy at what had taken place only two minutes ago.

"I'm sure it was..." Hayner grunted annoyed and still shaky from the very recent events.

Wind and rain as well as thunder could be heard on the other line which meant Roxas was out in that horrid monstrosity of a storm making it tough for Hayner to decipher what his best friend was saying.

"Hey--make sure you--safe. You'll be alright--pass in--no time. Okay buddy?"

It was hard to understand at first but a few seconds later Hayner knew what Roxas was saying. And before the line went dead due to the interference he quickly yelled back, "Will Do! Good luck Rox!" before complete static engulfed the conversation.

Now left completely alone in the dark with out any distractions, Hayner quickly decided on finding some source of light before he began another panic attack. As the dirty blonde got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen pantry, lightning continuously flashed through the wide open space through the windows making him completely uncomfortable. Swiftly opening the pantry door he rummaged around behind the canned goods until he finally found what he was looking for.

'Now where are those matches? I know mom put them in here somewhere where dad can't find them.'

Anything that was flammable and created flame were hidden from Hayner's father because of his increasing cigar smoking habit. No one in the household liked the sweet cigar stench that always seeped into the chair his father always occupied. No matter how many times he and his mother would scrub the damned thing the stench would always stay, sometimes getting even stronger then before.

"Ah-Ha!" cried the dirty blonde out of triumph. The matches were stuffed behind a bag of flower and a can of spam. A perfect hiding place since his father never baked anything and hated spam. Closing the pantry door, Hayner made quick work of the match and had a small fluttering flame on a small candle and little peace to his frazzled mind. Walking back into the living room Hayner went to draw the curtains but quickly stopped to stare into the street at what he saw before him.

On the sidewalk on the side of his house he saw a baby kitten getting pelted by rain and chilly winds. Running out of his front door he made his way to the kitten and gently scooped up the poor animal and ran back inside. Hayner quickly went up stairs to his bathroom and grabbed towel after towel trying desperately to dry the poor little kitten off, not taking into account of his own sopping wet clothes. After ten minutes of continuous drying the dirty blonde in all his soaked glory went to the hallway closet and grabbed a heating pad followed by a small box. After re-entering the bathroom and finding the kitten where he left it, he put together a temporary place for the kitten to be during the heavy storm. Heating pad at the bottom of the box and a light fluffy towel above it, he placed the now dry kitten into the box and set the heating pad at medium.

Carefully picking up the box with the now sleeping kitten safely inside it, Hayner slowly walked to his room and set the box right by the side of his bed.

Another crash of thunder shook the house and reminded him of the candle he left down stairs. Running as fast as he could, the young blond jumped the last part of the stairs to see his candle on the the floor, the flame snuffed out. Breathing a sigh of relief, he left the candle where it was and went to draw the curtains again for the second time. For a brief moment however he felt something was horribly wrong but couldn't figure out what it was. The dirty blond sighed tiredly and drew the lavender silk curtains closed and headed back up stairs to his room. Laying down on his queen sized bed, the young man closed his eyes and hoped that the kitten would still be alive when he woke up in the morning.

Roxas hung up his cell phone and threw it into his water proof satchel and went to steady his tripod. The rain and wind were becoming a little to much making it hard to see your own hand in front of your face. Roxas was positioned underneath the huge tent in the Twilight Park, built to keep the sun from baking the playground equipment to extreme temperatures to the point where children would get 3rd degree burns just from touching said equipment. After fighting with the bitchy tripod, Roxas decided to remove his camera and climb on top of the tent. Not only would there be more chances to snap a picture, but he could easily see all around him, and in case of emergency, just slice through the fabric and land on sand that would easily break the fall.

Carefully the spiky haired blond climbed, realizing why the park committee closed down this park temporarily. The very tent Roxas was climbing was very loose and could collapse at any moment.

Reaching the top, he settled himself on the very edge and positioned his camera in the area where the most lightning could be seen. A few minutes went by until he realized he was freezing to the point of being completely numb in his hands and feet, not to mention his face as well. Deciding he didn't want to carry his equipment down the way he climbed, the spiky youth tossed his bulky bag that could with stand anything in the direction of his car parked on the side of the street a few meters away from the tent.

A crash of shattered glass was heard, making Roxas wince and hope it wasn't his car he hit. Followed immediately after the shattering of glass a woman's scream could be heard. The next thing Roxas knew was that he was on his back and that in front of him was a car completely totaled and wrecked underneath the very tent he was on top of a few moments prior. Scrambling to his feet he ran to the car to see if the passenger was alright. Complete horror and disgust threatened to claw out of his throat any second. Roxas then backpedaled and vomited where he stood. After emptying his stomach of everything it could, he wiped his face with the back of his sleeve and sought out his car. After immediately finding it he turned his head back to the disaster he inadvertently caused and found his bag a few feet away. Running with all his might he made a grab for his bag and headed straight for his car, not forgetting his tripod either. Starting the engine with shaky cold hands he quickly drove away from Twilight park with only one thought going through his head. 'Hayner.....'

Behind him, the totaled car sat there being washed by the rain water. If one would glance through the crushed windshield they would see a man in his early forties, dark brown wavy hair and tan, dead on the steering wheel. If they glanced to the passenger seat they would no doubt find an unconscious woman in her mid thirties with short blond hair and pale skin lucky to even still breathe with her throat being crushed by a pole that held the tent up before they crashed into it. Nobody would be able to tell what caused the crash, just that the man was killed instantly and the woman was put through hell before she went unconscious.

Roxas wouldn't feel any guilt for what had just occurred a few moments ago, not for a few days at least. He definitely would not know how to face Hayner. I mean seriously, how could you go up to your best friend and say, "Hey buddy,....g-guess what? I accidentally killed your parents. Wanna go play some struggle?" Roxas sighed deeply at his poor attempt to lighten the situation. He knew Hayner was in for a world of hurt, and to learn that his best friend had caused said hurt would change both their lives forever. 'Well I-i got some good pictures at l-least.......'

If you have any thought's on this or would like to share your opinion, review. Hope you had a nice read. :)