Hey Everyone ! OMG ! I've got to give all of you guys thanks for the amazing reviews, story alerts, author alerts and Favorite Story ! It means a lott ^_^ now I have some bad news as I told EllietheDisneyFreak in a message, my computer got a virus -_- but im still using it regardless until my mom takes it to get fixed ! So until then I'm kinda scared of using the compie so I won't be able to update as fast as I wish I could. Well, here's the new chapter hope you all enjoy it and leave the amazing reviews you guys left before :] Thank you !

Disclaimer: Sonny with a Chance isn't mine, only this plot.Chapter 5

Chads POV

I don't think I ever noticed how beautiful her laughter was until tonight, I Chad Dylan Cooper had just told Sonny all about my potty training experience and for once in my life I didn't want to run and hide under a rock, I wanted to tell her more and if possible, everything.

"I still can't believe you did that" laughed Sonny "And Derek for taking the blame !"

My chest tightened, I had completely forgotten about my brother. "Yeah, he was always there for me even after our parents divorced when I was 9"

The shine in her eyes dimmed. "I'm sorry"

"Don't be, it was for the best, we grew up quite well" I smiled and making her eyes light up and I began to wonder if Derek was able to have this same effect on her. I shook my head, why do I keep comparing myself to him. I could never be better than him, he's everything I'm not yet everything that Sonny has probably dreamt of. The way my heart started beating when she reached for my hand was wrong on so many levels but to me, her touch felt perfect. Her touch made me forget the slight pain I felt whenever I talked about my father walking out on our family for his secretary whom left him 2 months before the divorce was finalized

"You don't have to put up an act with me Chad" she said as she caressed my cheek

My defenses crumbled. "Fine, It was horrible .. I .. cr .. cr .. argh that thing that people do when they're sad"

Sonny sympatheticly smiled. "You mean cry ?"

"Yeah that thing, for many nights. I resented Derek for leaving me and going with dad but I understood why he did it"


"Dad was really sad about the divorce because he realized he made a great mistake that mom couldn't forgive and started drinking and Derek knew if Dad had someone to look after than he would stop"

"He's amazing isn't he" said Sonny, but there was something in the way she said those words that caused my throat to tighten. "I should get to bed, it's already 3 am and we have filming to do tomorrow morning"

"Yeah, my team is so gonna finish off you Random's tomorrow"

"Oh please, you're only winning by 3 points" laughed Sonny as she began to get up from the couch when I grabbed her hand. "What?"

I have absolutely no idea what took over me the moment I grabbed her hand, pulled her towards my body, felt her warmth, looked into her eyes and was about to kiss her when I heard Tawni's voice, I had never been so happy to hear that annoying voice in my life.

"Um, Am I interrupting something ?" smirked Tawni

Sonny pulled herself away. "No, No, I .. I was just going to bed .. good night"

Tawni eyed me suspiciously before going after Sonny. I groaned, what in the world was I about to do to my own brother. Betray him

Meanwhile . . .

"Sonny Freaking Monroe what in the world was that about !" yelled Tawni as she closed the door behind her

"I .. I don't know, I wasn't going to do anything I swear" yelled Sonny back

"Then why was he close to you .. he .. he was about to slobber all over you wasn't he !" yelled Tawni so loudly Sonny was sure the whole cabin must of heard.

"No ! He was probably just going to thank me for listening to him" said Sonny

"ON YOUR LIPS !" yelled Tawni once more

"Tawni, I like Derek a lot okay, I will never do something like that .. NEVER" and with that Sonny walked over to her bed "Never you hear me"

Sonny bit her lip, this whole attraction with Chad was getting dangerous, she mentally kicked herself for imagining how a kiss from Chad could be, how soft and inviting his lips looked when they were that near to her. She also hated how part of her wished Tawni would of never walked in on them when her dream was about to come true . . wait did I just say dream ?

The Next Day . . .

Chad awoke with a new perspective, he couldn't have these feelings for Derek's girlfriend. Derek has been an amazing brother and he didn't deserve what Chad was about to do last night with the girl that he knows Derek loves. He thought he was going to be able to fight for her but soon realized that against his brother he doesn't stand a chance. It took him all night to talk himself to giving up the chance of being with Sonny. His defenses fell yes, but he is Chad Dylan Cooper, and if he falls he doesn't stay on the ground for long. He fixed his tie and gave his signature smirk to put on the show of a lifetime. He walked downstairs into the kitchen to catch Sonny in the same place where the whole night had started

"Morning Chad" said Sonny

Chad eyed her and coldy responded "Random"

"What ? I thought --" began Sonny before Chad interrupted her

He laughed. "You thought we were going to be friends and that the rivarly would end ? Silly Silly Sonny, I'm an actor" If looks could kill, Chad would be a dead man. "It's what I do"

He began walking away when Sonny grabbed his hand, again he felt his defenses falling. "Don't you dare go Hollywood on me. You trusted me last night"

"Don't take it personal, it was just a prank to see how much brain you Random's have" said Chad "And honestly, it's not much" He patted her head.

Sonny wanted to kill him. "Then why did you almost kiss me , was that part of you prank as well ? Attempting to kiss your brother's girlfriend ?" angrily whispered Sonny.

Chad stood speechless, what in the world was he supposed to say to that.