Disclaimer: I don't own Shugo Chara....and some ideas I got for this story come from Gakuen Alice....and I don't own that either....

This is my first fanfic...is that all I have to say for the disclaimer???



Seiyo Academy for the Fine Arts

Welcome to Seiyo Academy for the Fine Arts!

Our school, ranked 4th in all boarding schools in the world, is very prestigious. If you or your child has been accepted, you should consider this as a once in a lifetime chance.

We accept both boys and girls, grade 1 through 12, and have very accomplished teachers here. I know you will enjoy it here.

We may accept boys and girls, but each are separated on two sides, never coming together, except when needed, when cannot be avoided, and on pure accident. We do this to have least distraction as possible. Siblings are allowed to see each other if they both attend the school.

Children are allowed to leave the premises only on special occasions. For their needs, they have a special shopping center, located in the center of the premises. There, both male and females are allowed to converse to each other, but bringing one over to the opposite side is against the rules. At the shopping center they may buy anything they like at the fashion boutiques, and other special stores, and all are expected to eat there at their restaurants. Children get their money from their weekly allowance depending on their grades. Family visits from outside are only allowed during school breaks.

School is Mondays to Fridays. On Saturdays, Sundays, and any extra time during the school week they can spend doing whatever they want. On Saturdays and Sundays students are not required to wear school uniforms.

Many courses are offered at Seiyo. All students are required to take their level of mathematics, science, history, Japanese, English, and 2 classes of their choice. That includes all the arts we have offered here.

Wearing school uniforms are enforced, and are $15,000 for both a winter uniform and summer. School cost is $700,000 for one student. You can also apply for scholarship if you have financial problems.

Dorms are shared by 4 people, each getting their own separate room (including bed, bedside table, light, lamp, and closet. The size is also depended on their grade level. The four people share a bathroom, with 2 sinks, one toilet, one shower room, and one bathtub. Then there is one middle room connecting all their rooms together, where they can put wherever they want. And for children 5th grade and up, their room includes a kitchen.

Enjoy your stay at Seiyo Academy, and I hope you will enjoy it here!


(Amu's POV)

"Seiyo Academy?" I asked my parents.

"You've been accepted!!!" They both yelled.

"ACETED! ACETED!!" Ami yelled happily.

I rose an eyebrow. "Um….."

"Amu-chan, it's one of the best schools in the world!"

"And why should I care?" I shrugged.

"Amu-chan, you're going. It may be a boarding school, but you just have to go!" My mother exclaimed.

"Boarding school??" My eyes popped open. This was all happening too fast!


And here I am.

I stared at the gigantic school right in front of me.


A boarding school? I'm only in 6th grade! I'm TWELVE.

"Bye-bye Amu-chan!" My parents chorused. Why are they so happy?

"Buh-bye onee-chan!" Ami smiled cheerfully. Good bye, Ami!

I took one deep breath, and entered the school gates.

Hello, Seiyo Academy.


(Nagihiko's POV)

After applying for Seiyo Academy,

I was finally in.

But…there was just one tiny problem.

"Mom…are you serious?"

I was enrolled….as a girl.

"Yes! You have to, Nagihiko. It's our family's tradition.." and then she went into the super long speech about our family history.

"Okay, I get it, I get it! I'll do it…" I mumbled.

"Thank you, Nagihiko. Or as you are now known, Nadeshiko,"

I groaned.

Accepted into my dream school to pursue dancing,

But as a girl?

Not my dream.

At all.


(Amu's POV)

House 8…I muttered to myself. I was frantically trying to find my dorm room.

I climbed a flight of stairs, carrying my bazillions of bags, trying to not look amazed by the fancy interior of the building.

Room 58…..I took out my key, and unlocked the door, slowly opening the door.

"Ah! She's here, she's here!!" I heard someone cry.

I began to feel afraid. Who is that?

I felt my eyes widen as I saw the room. Correction….my room?

It was so fancy and rich looking I thought I would freak out.

No! I told myself. Stay calm…and cool.

Immediately a average height cute looking girl popped her head through the open door which she had just banged. Her hair was orange-ish hair that were held by two red ribbons in pigtails. She looked really cute.

"AH! Utau-chan, she's already here!" she exclaimed. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room, causing me to drop and almost trip over my bags.


The room I was in was full of streamers and there was a big banner that read "WELCOME TO SEIYO!"

I saw a blunt looking long haired blonde looking slightly bored, and the cute girl and her said in unison, "WELCOME TO SEIYO ACADEMY!"

Cute girl immediately cried, "I'm Yuiki Yaya! I'm in 5th grade and I've been here since….um….I think maybe since 2nd grade?"

Blunt Blonde stared at me with her purple eyes. "I'm Hoshina Utau. I'm in 8th grade, been here since 5th grade,"

Yaya grinned. "We've been friends forever! And roommates. Utau-chan is like my mommy and sister all in one!"

Utau smiled the smallest of smiles. But hey, it's a smile! "If you need us for anything, I'm in room A, and Yaya's in room B. I think you're C,"

I was amazed. "So you guys are my roommates?"

Yaya nodded cheerfully. "Yep! We just have to wait for D….hey what's your name?"

I smiled. "Sorry. I'm Hinamori Amu, and I'm in 6th grade!"


(Nagihiko's POV)

Ugh. Okay, so I'm a guy, right? I can handle a bunch of bags to carry around everywhere.

But what I cannot stand,

Is wearing a stupid skirt.

Oh my god! How can girls stand this?

And I'm wearing this top and my hair is up and…UGH!

Because I am so lucky I was born into the Fujisaki family.

I reached my door. Unlocked the door. Opened the door.

"Hey, it's D!"

Then, a cute girl grabbed my arm and yelled.


I tried to act happy and everything.

They introduced themselves.

Yuiki Yaya. I can already get that she is one of those extremely hyper girls.

Hoshina Utau. Didn't smile. Maybe catching onto my secret?

Hinamori Amu. Her first time too. Really nice, and twelve like me. Hopefully we'll be friends?

But of course, I thought to myself.

There is no way that I'm going to get used to making my voice five octaves higher than it is supposed to be.


(Utau's POV)

"So do you like them?" Yaya asked me, when we were done getting all our new roommates stuff into their rooms. We were now in Yaya's room, cleaning up the party favors Yaya stuck all over her room.

"Who?" I said bluntly.

"You know…." Yaya pointed to the door.

I shrugged. "We hardly know them. I can't really judge yet,"

But I knew that Nadeshiko had a secret. A big one. I'm gonna be watching him.

Amu…well….I don't really know. She's nice enough. As long as she doesn't get in my way.

Yaya smiled. "Well, I really like them. They're super nice. I hope we can get along well!"

I smiled too. "Yeah….I hope so too,"

"So you try your best okay?" she told me.

