Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Not Shugo Chara!, not any of their characters, not Gakuen Alice, not anything. NOTHING.


(Rima's POV)

"EH??" Amu yelled.

"Tadase-kun, what are you doing here?"

At the doorway stood just a small, blonde kid. I think it was a guy. But I wasn't sure.

"Hinamori-san??" He exclaimed in his super girly voice.

I sneaked away from Kirishima and nudged Yaya. "Who the hell is that and why is he here?"

Utau came up behind us.

"That's just Hotori Tadase," she drawled. "WAY long ago, when Amu first attended the academy, before Ikuto, it was him,"

I stared at him.

"Are you sure?"

Utau nodded, rather spacey. I wasn't sure if she was serious, since, you know, she was probably going to faint any second now.

I turned to Yaya.


Yaya nodded. "Why is that hard to believe?"

"Um, cause, he looks kinda-"

"Gay?" Utau interrupted.

"I HEARD THAT!" Tadase yelled. Utau smirked. "Hell, its my WEDDING, you BRAT! I can say whatever I want to say, and why the hell are you-" she blinked a little, and fell back, until the not as drunk Kukai caught his wife. Utau just smiled and they started to make out.

Since the gay looking Tadase was now in a fight with Ikuto, he forgot to close the damn door. And now paparazzi was running in, and it made it hard for me to see and breathe.

But I could hear.

"AW *Bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep*" Utau cussed.


Utau dragged herself and Kukai out, and everyone left. I did too, just going back to home.

"I'm home!" I called to my mom. No answer.


I walked over to the table, where there was a note.


I don't care what you're saying. I'm going to her wedding.


I rolled my eyes. Then right now she was probably stalking Utau just like all the other paparazzi.

I ran upstairs first, and took a shower, thinking about the day I had just witnessed.

Then I started to read for a little bit, but the doorbell rung.

Ugh, I thought. It must be my stupid mother who probably forgot the key for our house.

I ran downstair, and opened the door.

"Mom-" I started, but nothing else came out.

It was Nagihiko.

Fujisaki Nagihiko.


The person I loved…

He was just standing there awkwardly.

I slammed the door. And locked it, and prayed that he didn't learn how to hack locks in Europe.

I slid down to the floor, where I sat in my ball form.



Why is he here?

"Rima!" he yelled. I felt him bang the door.

"Open the door, please,"

I stood up. Trembling. I didn't even know why I felt so nervous.

God, why didn't he tell me first or something?

I fell down again, my legs feeling like jelly.

I attempted to stand up again, and succeeded. I unlocked the door, and opened it.

I saw his face. GOD!

I slammed the door again, locked it, and fell down again.

"Rima…" I heard him mutter.

I closed my eyes.

"Why are you here?" I managed to whisper. And he heard me.

"Why wouldn't I be here?" he asked me back, in that kind voice of his.

"Open the door, Rima,"

Damn. His voice felt so controlling!

I complied. My eyes met his again and I was about to close the door when he put his hand to the door, so I couldn't move it anymore.

I lowered my eyes, feeling powerless.

"How have you been?" he asked me, finally, after a long silence.

"Fine," I choked out.

"Can I have a more than one word answer?"

"I'm fine,"


I looked at him finally, frustrated. "What do you want me to say? I was happy and joyful all along? I went along life as if I was fine? Dammit Nagihiko, it was all too fast! Three of the most important people in my life left me all alone! It was like how my parents ditched me all over again! But no, you're standing here, expecting me to be all happy and not yell at you! Nagihiko, I WAS LONELY!"

I took a deep breath, after my big outburst, and, embarrassed, lowered my eyes to the floor again, feeling like I was going to cry. And I did.

Then something happened that I absolutely did not expect.

Nagihiko stepped toward me and hugged me.

I was so shocked, my eyes were open wide.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into my ear.

I was so shocked I couldn't say anything else.

He let go of me, and I sniffed.

"Why no letters?" I asked.

He shrugged. "I didn't exactly know what I would say…"

I glared at him, but sighed.

"How did you find me?"

"I was invited to the wedding, you know. But my flight got messed up. And I caught Amu just when they were leaving, and she told me,"

"How have you been?"

He smiled a little. "Fine,"

"Any girlfriends?" I asked, keeping my face emotionless, staring at a rock on the ground as if it was the most fascinating thing at that time.

"What?" Nagihiko said, surprised.

"There has to be one," I replied, feeling tears rise up again.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Rima. You're the only girl I've ever loved, and it's not like I ever stopped,"

I could have heard that sentence for the rest of my life. I looked up at him, my eyes tearing up, but for a totally different reason.

"What about you?"

I smiled a little. "I tried…to forget. But I don't know what was more painful- living with you still in my heart, or trying to forget about you,"

He breathed a sigh of relief. "That's good," he said. "Because then this would of gone to waste,"

I gasped when he pulled out a box, identical to Kirishima's.

Please let it not be the same stupid bracelet, please let it not be the same stupid bracelet, please let it not be the same stupid bracelet!

Nagihiko kneeled on the ground.

Please let it not be the same stupid bracelet, please let it not be the same stupid bracelet, please let it not be the same stupid bracelet!!!!!!!

And it wasn't. Instead, a small diamond ring lay inside.

Okay, that was it. The tears were just spilling out, and I wiped my eyes.

"Will you, Mashiro Rima, please, marry me?"

I just placed my lips on his, something that I hadn't done in the longest time. And he kissed back.

When we broke apart, Nagihiko smiled.

"Is that a yes?"

I slapped him, playfully. "What do you think, Fujisaki?"


You should of seen my mother's face when she came home.

It was pretty amusing, since she decided to come home on the exact time Nagihiko and I were in a fairly awkward position. (A/N: I'll leave that 'position' to your imagination)

But she merely smiled and asked who my 'friend' was, as if she was totally expecting it.

I have a good mom.

Anyway, yes, later me and Nagihiko got married, and Amu, Utau, and Yaya attended the wedding.

Since Utau went, the paparazzi also came to the wedding, which kind of broadcasted me and Nagihiko's marriage, and a couple days later, I received a letter by a very disheartened Kirishima, who begged me to cheat on Nagihiko and run off with him.

Like I would!

Nagihiko snatched the letter from me, and was incredibly mad. I have to say that I think that's the last of Kirishima, and I'm happy. But I do hope that he finds someone in the end. I think him and Tadase would be perfect together, if Kirishima ever turns gay.

Me, Amu, Utau, and Yaya always stay in touch. Every few weeks, whenever Utau is free, we meet up in Tokyo. Amu complains about Ikuto, Utau complains about work, Yaya complains about how Kairi still hasn't proposed, and I complain about how people on TV ruin comedy.

But we're still the best of friends. After all, we met at the one and only, Seiyo Academy.






*Runs around in circles, screaming 'OHMIGOD'*

Okay. Sorry.

But it's done!

I feel so sad in a way. And it was very short.


Just today I had the brilliant idea of a sequel (which I will hopefully do and hopefully not suck as this one did)

Anyway, I want to thank EVERYONE who REVIEWED!!

*Takes a deep breath*

MaroonAngel of Darkness, HeartsTamago, ShugoPita, , xxxUtauloverxxx, luv2sing27865, koijoi, AnimeLovaXD, MoonlightRush, Sparrow90, YingYangButterfly, Ivy34325, XxxxClouDxxxX, funnyghost444, xXLove'n'HateXx, Madmae16, kuutau4everx3, MyForbiddenDestiny, music4soul, pop-virgo97, Joker4ever, donladey, liledormouse, xAngelic, LaharlCrazy1120, WantingFreedom, Blossoming Hope, snowlight-chan, The one and only Mimi Cha, and xxxskittlezxxx

You all are so great; because of all of you I now have a number of FIFTY EIGHT reviews!!!


I also thank all the silent readers!

I hope you continue to read my stories!

And for the last time, I hope you liked this chapter!



(P.S. Lol, I wish I could see your reactions. A lot of you were like 'Is it Nagihiko that's going to walk through the door?' It was TADASE! Lol. I felt bad because he wasn't in the story much. But I don't like him much anyway…hehe!)