Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is the last time I am going to say this because I am getting sick of writing it

Kaitlin's PoV
When we got back to our room everyone was laughing and in a good mood. I saw Anne, Catherine, and Kim looking at me with suspicion and I knew they were going to bombard me with questions the first chance they got.

I quickly walked away from them and made conversation with Kel and the others. When dinner came and we went down to the Grand Hall, Anne pushed the doors open. The boys looked at us in surprise.

Even though we'd been kidnapped and taken here a couple days ago we'd never officially been introduced to the boys.

Will and his roommates got up as if they were planning on forcing us back to our room. I looked at Will with a smirk and a look in my eyes that probably was interpreted as bring-it-on. Will and his friends slowly sat down but their eyes never left us as I led our group to the buffet.

We got our food and made our way to an empty table passing Will's.

When I passed him I could still smell our stink bomb's on the boys so I took the opportunity to mock them and say, "Nice cologne," as I walked by.

I noticed one of the boys wink at Anne. She spat "Skiz coff!" with venom at him and he look taken aback for a second, but then smiled and nodded his head like he was some cool guy. I grabbed Anne's arm to keep her from smacking some sense into that boy (which I think he clearly needs since he's decided to mess with my German fiery friend).

"Come on Anne. He's not even worth you breaking a nail." I said while we both smirked at him.

We continued our walk and sat down. The room was eerily quiet. I shoved my plate of salad away, losing my appetite as I watched boys check out my 'sisters'.

After a few minutes I got up and walked out of the dining hall, needing time to think.

I wandered for a long time, finding secret passageways, thinking, and just relaxing. It had grown dark and I started to make my way back to my room when I saw a figure. He looked about thirty and muscular, I assumed he was a teacher.

"Young lady, you shouldn't be wandering the halls alone." He told me, stepping closer but staying in the shadows the whole time.

"I know. I'm just going back to my room right now. Goodnight." I said, turning to go to my room.

I felt a hand grab my arm and I turned around, surprised. "No you're not, Ms. Goode." And I saw him clearly for the first time since he was shown by the moonlight coming in through the windows.

He was tall, taller than 6'', muscular build, brown hair, black eyes, scars running across his left eye down to his nose, and sneering. I took a step back, frightened but the man's hold on me didn't lessen. He held up a ring for me to see, and I instantly recognized it, the Circle of Cavan.

"But… but I thought you were beaten." I said, frightened as I remembered stories my parents told my about the CC. About how they kept attempting to kidnap my mother. And now they are after me.

"Your father and your pathetic mother were wrong. They didn't kill all of us." He said and started pulling me towards an open window. I could see a black van waiting below the window, only made visible because of the moonlight. "Now if you'll come with me." And he attempted to push me out of the window but at the last moment I countered his wait and flipped him, sending him out of the window.

Victory soared through me for a moment, before I felt pain in my ankle and I fell backwards. I looked up to see the man with one hand on the window and one hand on my ankle, keeping him from falling.

"Get off me!" I screamed as I started to slide towards the window, his wait pulling me.

"Not a chance, sweetheart." He mumbled between pants as he struggled to keep his balance and tried to pull himself up and into the window ledge.

I struggled and kicked but he just wouldn't budge. He got into the window ledge and fell into the hallway, landing next to me and on my right arm. I felt a snap in my shoulder and suspected he had dislocated my arm.

As I went to scream he put a rough hand over my mouth. He then elbowed me hard in the stomach which made me gasp for air, so he took his hand off my mouth since I was unable to breath let alone scream.

I quickly regained my strength and breathe as the man tried to regain his. I shot up and started running like hell down the corridors, trying to be as quiet as possible which means less follow-able. It was a tough decision, screaming for help and possibly getting caught by the man whose footsteps I could hear following me vs. not screaming for help (even though I bloody wanted to) and possibly losing his trail.

I ran through corridor after corridor, not recognizing where I was going in the pitch black. I heard the footsteps catching up to me and I turned around to see where he was. I couldn't see anything since the lights were out and there was no windows to get moonlight from.

I smacked into a wall of some sort and hit my head hard. I tried to get up, to keep running, but I felt arms around my waste and then being pulled tight against someone.

Tears welled up in my eyes and I was filled with dismay and lack of hope as I thought,

It's all over.