Yay. Finally a Zeruto fanfic written by the awesome Mo0on~ :D
Oh, I think this site definitely needs more Zero x Ikuto stories, because they are just too hot together. *__* [ Fangirl attack ]
(By the way, this fic started for fun during a recent msn convo between friends) ;D

Hope you'll enjoy.

WARNING: Explict YAOI. Rated M for lemons. :3

Disclaimer : I do not own Vampire Knight & Shugo Chara. (Altho, I wish I owned Zero and Ikuto) xD

The sun was about to come down and the moon was full. Zero was sitting on the grass, remembering his sad past and trying to sleep it off. That evening, he dreamt of someone during his sleep, someone with blue eyes, someone who was calling him out...

"Zero! Come to me ! Help me ! "

Zero suddenly woke up ; he was sweating and breathing hardly. He felt like his soul was hungry for someone... but who? He didn't know. He looked at the moon and suddenly saw Black Lynx. Ikuto was shining in the moonlight starring at Zero , untrasformed, he went down on the floor and gazed at him again, then he spoke.

" What are you doing here? It's dangerous.. and who are you? "

"That has nothing to do with you , stupid cat. "

Ikuto chara changed again and yelled.

"Who are you calling stupid? It's REALLY dangerous to stay here! "

When Ikuto had said the last word, he found Zero behind him holding his gun and pointing it to some creaure; then he shot and killed it off with one hit. He turned to look at Ikuto again.

"Who is in danger now?"

He smirked and vanished into the night shadows.

That night Ikuto couldn't sleep; he was thinking about how Zero had saved him even if they didn't know each other... he wanted him so bad for himself that he started to dream about them being together , his eyes finally forced him to sleep , but a crushing sound woke him up. It was Zero.
He came through the window and jumped on top of Ikuto ,making him yell.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! I don't even know your name yet ! "

Zero smirked.

"Your body and soul were calling me , they brought me to you. You want me, don't you? Plus I want to make sure you're safe... kitty cat. "

Ikuto's face went red and he suddenly chara changed.

"By the way, my name is Zero... your other half. "

With one hand, Zero grabbed Ikuto's ear and started to lick it, with the other , he grabbed his tail and started to move towards him.

" Tell me Ikuto, did you get your first kiss? "

"Yeah, long time ago... ! "

" Liar. I hate liars, they should be punished and.. I will punish you. "

He smiled and leaned towards Ikuto to kiss his warm red lips, so hard that Ikuto started to shiver.

" Mh-Mhh.. Stop it ! "

"Why? Didn't you like it? You know , I can give you more than that. Actually, I saved you because I've dreamt of you... you are mine now. I-k-u-t-o. "

Ikuto blushed and looked at the other side of the room, he didn't want to face Zero, he found that situation extremely confusing and embarassing.

"How cute. I love you Ikuto. " Zero smiled and laughed.

"How did you even know my name?! I haven't told you. "

"True, you didn't, but your soul did. "

Zero started to move Ikuto's pants and unbutton his shirt. He placed his fingers on Ikuto's chin and looked into his blue yes.

"I shall make you mine forever."

He smiled again and moved his fingers down , untill he reached Ikuto's chest and started to lick him.
Oh God. Ikuto was turned on , he couldn't help it but yell.

"It's.. hot.. it.. it feels good .. Z-Z-ZERO .. ! "

Zero came down more and more with his fingers , never taking his tongue off Ikuto's chest.

" Mhmm.. I-I can't.. I feel like.. I feel like.. It feels good ! "

Zero lifted his face to look at Ikuto, then he grabbed his face.

"Relax, the pain will go away fast if you don't resist, you know... "

"What pain? I-I want more..."

Zero suddenly suddenly stopped, causing Ikuto to gasp in displeasure.

"Why did you stop? "

"If you want more, I want your blood. I'm hungry too... " Zero smiled at Ikuto's shocked , but cute face.

"M-My blood? "

" Yeah, this... " he said, placing his hands on Ikuto's beautiful neck.

Ikuto didn't know what to say or do, he was unable to think, at all.

Zero saw Ikuto's worries in his eyes and decided to reassure him by similing.

"Don't worry, the pain will soon turn into pleasure."

Ikuto moved his head to the left side of the bed, untill Zero could fully see his neck;
he was coming closer and closer to him, Ikuto could feel that hot breath on his skin, but suddenly Zero stopped and went back.

"No Ikuto, you're not going to it all from the first time.. I will save it for later. " he smirked and then continued. " If you want more, be my love slave Ikuto. If you agreed to be my lover , you will get it all. "

Ikuto felt like he was under some weird spell. He couldn't move, he couldn't talk, he was just stunned by Zero's words. He wanted more, yes he definitely did. Even though he was embarassed, he looked at Zero and suddenly hugged him tight.


Zero smiled and stroke his lover's cheek.

"Then you're mine Ikuto, and I'm yours. "

That night, they held each other and slept in that bed , crossing their hands and legs , not knowing what was awaiting them behind the curtains of the darkness.

Woot, done. Ok , sorry for any grammar / expression errors , English is not our first language. :]
Hope you enjoyed anyways~ Review for more chapters. O:
