This was not my original idea. I got this idea from reading a story on called "When Sally met Jack." it was really cut and I wondered what it was like for Jack so I created my version of Jack's side of that story.

I don't own any of this stuff and my story "When Jack met Sally" is an idea derived from someone else's. The idea's presented here are in no way representing the person who wrote "When Sally met Jack" just me filling in the blanks. Here is the link to read the original. I suggest you do it is really cute and sweet. Go to Deviantart .com and then in the search engine type "When Sally met Jack" then click on the first thing that pops up.


Chapter 1

Jack walked across the town square towards town hall to speak to the mayor. He was carrying a box of pox from Devil, that had suggested it for next years Halloween. He wondered what the mayor would think. As he reach the town hall the mayor came rushing out of the door bowling into Jack causing both of them to fall onto the ground. Jack picked himself up off the ground then bent over to help the mayor. "Oh thank you Jack. I'm terribly sorry about that. What was it you wanted."

"I was thinking we could add these to next year's Halloween. Devil wanted me to run them by you to see what you thought." Jack held put the box for the mayor as he spoke.

The mayor leaned in and said "Wonderful…what are they?"

Jack opened the box reveling the pox happily. "Pox!" immediately the mayor was engrossed in little red blotches all over his face and body. Jack's face fell like rain in the spring. Shock evident on his face, he closed the box and set it on the ground. "Mayor, what's happening to you?"

"Uh uh u u eeri eaon oo uh oxs." the mayor told him.

Jack made a confused face "What?"

"Uh e uh uh u u eeri eaon oo uh oxs!" he cried helplessly louder trying to get the skeleton to understand, but to no avail.

"I think you need to go to the hospital." Jack told him leading him towards the place.

"Buh u ha hu ho oo uh ocds ous." the mayor protested trying to head to the doctors house.

Jack pulled him gently away saying "No mayor you need to get the hos-OH! You need to go to the doctor's to meet his new creation." the mayor nodded vigorously. "Very well I shall go in your stead. You go and get some rest and feel better." the mayor waved a pathetic looking hand to thank him and then tried to smile, but what came was nothing of the sort. It ended up looking like a very fat monkey trying to flip his lips open to revel his teeth. After that he waddled his way to his car then off to the hospital. Jack waited until he was out of his site before heading to Dr. Finklestein's house. He picked up his box of pox and delivered it to his house before crossing the street to the Doctor's. Jack walked up to the door and rang the door bell.

On the other side of the door he heard the faint sound of the doctor's voice "Coming, coming I'll be right down." Jack waited patiently for him to answer when again he heard the doctor's voice saying "IGOR hurry and get the door." moments later the door swung open to revel a short hunchback with one eye and matted hair staring up at him.

"Come in master Skellington." the little man said ushering him in to the house.

"Thank you." Jack told the hunchback kindly and the little creature hobbled happily over to the sitting room. Jack was about to follow him when he heard the doctor entering the entrance hall. "Hello Doctor! Wonderful to see you!"

The doctor looked up at the tall skeleton with a scowl on his face while saying "It's nice to see you too Jack, but what are you doing here?"

They walked into the sitting room and Jack took a seat on the couch. "I came in the mayor's stead, I hope you don't mind." He told the doctor.

"No, not at all." the doctor answered plainly and it was clear to Jack that he did mind, but he didn't know why. Normally the doctor was delighted to see him. "Igor." the little man limped into the room. "Go fetch her." the doctor ordered.

This intrigued Jack. "Her?" he asked.

"Yes her." the doctor said plainly.

"How is she doing?"

"Not well, m'boy. Not well." Dr. Finklestein crossed his arms and his head fell. As if it pained him to talk of her.

"Is she sick?" Jack asked curiously.

"No! My creations are perfect! She's just too interested in everything else. I designed her to take care of me she isn't supposed to be." He told him hotly.

Jack sat back a bit surprised by how angry the doctor seemed by all of this. He laughed "Well Halloween town is very interesting."

"She shouldn't be interested in anything, but me. That's what I made her for. To take care of me. But she just doesn't seem to want too." he said sounding baffled like this was unheard of.

"Maybe that's not what she want's I mean everyone has there own propose in life." Jack told him irritably. He didn't like how the doctor treated her already.

"Yes, yes that is true of course, but ah- . . . I must warn you that she is exceedingly, how should I say this . . . peculiar. She has no desire whatsoever in being frightening, in fact she spends more time being afraid herself, if you can imagine that."

"Well be that as it may, doctor, there is a place for everyone within Halloween Town. She'll find her niche eventually and besides, a little diversity would be good for the town. Variety is the spice of life, you know." Jack answered, happy to change the subject.

"Yes, well if you're fond of that sort of thing . . ." the doctor sounded unconvinced, but he didn't care.

Suddenly Igor plowed into the room and then doubled over into a low bow saying "Master, she's here. Just as you asked, master . . ." Jack didn't like that. How Igor was so willing to act like that to someone. He just couldn't understand it.

"Very good, Igor. Sally? Sally, come on in." the doctor patted Igor on the head and demanded a 'Sally' to come in. Jack watched as a small nimble women walked into the room and gingerly placed one foot in front of the other. What he saw was a women so different form the other Halloweener's he had ever met. She was stitched together with long red hair and had a bright colored stitched up dress. Her eyes were like two black pools of nothing but terror that made Jack's heart, well if he had a heart still, skip a beat. She was very pretty for one of Dr. Finklestein's creations. She held herself well, but seemed a bit nervous. "Oh, there you are Sally," the doctor didn't sound to happy, but Jack wasn't even paying attention. "Er . . Sally you should know-"

Jack stood at once hardly able to contain himself any longer and strode over to her with a big smile that spread across his face. Then extended his hand out for her to shake. "Well, hello, Sally It's wonderful to finally meet you "

She slid her hand into his and looked at them with aw. He enclosed his hand with her and waited patiently for her to respond. Sally started to blush as she said "I-it's . . . it's wonderful to be meeting you as well, Mr. Mayor . . ." Jack made a confused face causing her to redden even more. Why did she think he was the mayor? The doctor behind them started to splutter out something, but once again Jack was too preoccupied with Sally.

"Oh I see, you wouldn't have known You couldn't have" he laughed nervously "Oh, you must forgive me, the doctor here didn't know I was coming either or I'm sure he would have told you. Of course you were expecting the mayor but I'm afraid he couldn't make it tonight (allergies to pox of all things) so I came in his place." He gave her a warmer smile. "My name is Jack. Jack Skellington." Sally's eyes grew bigger as she realized who he was then out of no where she just fainted, falling into his out stretched arms. "Oh," The Pumpkin King said holding the rag doll in his bony hands. "oh dear. Doctor she seems to have passed out."