Lady Muck and the Auction part 2!

"I love it!" Skulduggery couldn't hide it.

Valkyrie was chuffed. She just hope he had the budget. She glanced at the leaflet, seeing the price for the first time.

80,000 euros!!!

Valkyrie gulped. "You don't happen to have 80,000 euros on you do you?"

Skulduggery nodded, "Aye," as if that was the obvious thing in the world.

Valkyrie raised her eyebrows. "How much do you get paid?" She was annoyed that she wasn't getting paid for risking her life! Grown ups!!

He tapped the place where his nose should've been and looked back at the car.

Everyone was submerging now as the auctions were starting, Valkyrie guessed they'd better get seated.


"Leave it Beryl!"

Beryl was kneeling behind an MG spying on Stephanie and the hat man walking away from the Bentley.

"Don't get caught up in Desmond's mess," Fergus encouraged. But Beryl simply waved him off.

"I'm going to find out what she's been doing. Something dodgy is up."

"Well, it looks like her friend wants my car. I won't let that happen!"


Beryl crept around the car and tiptoed to a shelf where cars parts were placed. Stephanie was right on the over side. She heard what she was saying.

"You know, if you get left any change, say about Two Grand, could you buy a car for me?" She joked to the mysterious man.

What a goldgigger she is! Thought Beryl.

She was clearly using this man. Selfish money grabber.

The two drifted away from beryl, she cursed.


"No! I don't trust you!" Skulduggery told Valkyrie. She shook her head disappointed but not surprised.

Suddenly Skulduggery stopped dead. "Is someone following us?"

Valkyrie looked around, not seeing anybody out of the ordinary. How did he know these things?

"I don't think so."

"Humm," he continued to walk, then stopped again. "Do you have a feeling someone is watching us?"

"Skulduggery," Valkyrie snapped, "I don't have the sixth sense like you seem to do. No, I don't."

He trusted his hunch and looked back. No one, absolutely no one. Apart from a man who looked very familiar and a rather short, ratty old woman ducking from Skulduggery's eye view. No, nothing important…


Fergus Edgley and his wife Beryl.

"Erm, Val. You're relatives are here."

"Who?!" Valkyrie panicked. She noticed Beryl run away, with Fergus trying to catch up with her, clutching his chest.

"Is this bad?" She asked.

"Well, It is, but I need a car and I think I have a way of them forgetting everything about us."

"Oh yeah," She raised her eyebrow.

"Well, lets hope I do, anyway."


Beryl was going to ask questions later, first, she needed that car.

"Lot 37," cried the auctioneer standing on a platform. "A rather beautiful Black continental Bentley coming in first at 60,000 euros. Whose bidding?"

Before he finished a dozen of hands went up.

Two of those including Fergus's and Skulduggery's. The competition had started.

After five minutes the price was up to 75,000 euros.

Their was only three people bidding, Fergus, Skulduggery and a red headed car buff.

When the price went over 80,000, the asking price, he quitted and stomped his foot angrily.

But Fergus and Skulduggery were determined to get it.

Fergus and Skulduggery shared intense gazes. Skulduggery's more threatening than Fergus's.

Valkyrie tried to hide her face from beryl, but it was too late. She had recognised her.

This was awkward.

"90-95?" the auctioneer turned to Skulduggery questionably and Skulduggery nodded.

"95-100?" he tuned to Fergus, who was sweating droplets of sweat. This was his maximum, she gulped and then nodded.

"100-105?" Skulduggery waited for a while. He wanted to make Fergus sweat a bit more first, then raised his hand.

Fergus looked as if he was going to cry.

Beryl urged him on, but his arms were hung on his side, gutted.

But Beryl was determined. She snatched the number card and held it up, keeping the bid.

Valkyrie was quite concerned. Beryl would be made bankrupt. But Valkyrie had mixed feelings of that.

Skulduggery then accepted 120,000 euros and the crestfallen Beryl couldn't deny it. She was outbidded.


"Stephanie, what the hell are you doing here?!" Demanded Beryl as she stormed to her and Skulduggery, after the auction was over.

Valkyrie looked for help at Skulduggery and he went to Beryl. "Very sorry Beryl, but I'm afraid she isn't what she seems, or what I seem to be too." and incredulously , to Valkyrie's horror, put off his scarf and glasses off and revealed his true identity to Beryl. She fainted.

Fergus was away and Skulduggery quickly replaced his disguise quickly, Valkyrie hid.

"Pardon me," Skulduggery looked directly into Fergus's eyes through his magic specs and said very calmingly. "You haven't seen Stephanie, nor me. You never even went to a auction today. Forget all of this happened." Fergus's face was still like stone, his gazed hypnotized his Skulduggery's specs.

He nodded obeying.

Skulduggery was going to let Fergus out of the trance until he thought of something, "And buy something different then a Bentley. I think that Lime green jeep would suit you two more."

He pointed to a hideous jeep for sale. He was evil.

Fergus's nodded again and Skulduggery clicked his finer, and as soon as Fergus was conscious he pointed to his wife. "I'm sorry, but s this your wife? She seems to have fainted."

Fergus's looked down and saw her and panicked next to her. Skulduggery slipped away, forgotten and met Valkyrie outside, standing next to their, or rather his, new Bentley.

"What did you do?"

"I hypnotized Fergus not to remember any of this."

Valkyrie frowned, "What about Beryl?"

"Oh, she fainted. I'm sure she would think it was al a dream." He chuckled.

"Anyway, shall we try out our new ride?"


"What the Hell have you bought!" Beryl screamed.

Fergus stood proud next to the lime green jeep in the drive way of his house the day after the auction. The toxic twin's stuck out their tongues. Beryl was distraught.

"How are we suppose to show our faces in that Thing!" Her head fell into her hands in dispair!

Hehe! Hoped you like!! A bit daft but I was bored and liked how Beryl finds Valkyrie!

Please R&R!!

Thanks so much!!!

Rhos Furey!!