A/N: Okay here you have it: The final chapter of Sinister Dreams.

Warning: This chapter contains blood, possibly gore, language and insanity (Both from the author and the character moahaha-ak-ag-cough... Jesus... EWWWWW! I just swallowed a bug ;P)

The laugh followed him; haunted his mind with its deep, sinister intent. Barely able to stand it Naruto stopped in the middle of a clearing, deep inside the forest surrounding Konoha and fell to his knees when all his strength left him. Kyuubis evil laughter resounded louder in his mind and he grasped his head with both hands, clawing his scalp as to try to dig out the voice inside of him.

"Shut up..." he whispered with a hoarse voice but to no avail. The fox kept laughing his ass off like he was enjoying his vessels pain and anguish, which Naruto knew he did.

"What the hell is so god damned funny?!" Naruto roared out in the air, his voice echoing, silencing the chirping birds in the trees.

"You are", Kyuubi answered, still snickering.

Naruto released his head and looked up in the sky, the morning sun stinging his eyes but he didn't care. What he had done during the night haunted him; the guilt twisted his heart, tore his sanity apart. He raped Sakura. Sakura, one of his closest friends... the one he considered a sister. He had hurt her in every way he could possibly imagine, taking what he had learned during his time in ANBU and used it on her...but that wasn't the worst. He had enjoyed it. On a deep, primal level he still replayed the night over and over; reveling in the memories of her scream, her pain and her fear. Bile gathered in his throat but he refused to throw up; didn't want to remember all the things he had done; all... the blood. The sweet, addictive blood...

"NO" he screamed when the blood-lust surged through his veins, the call for destruction singing in his mind stronger than ever; the Kyuubi humming along with it in the background.

"What the hell is happening to me? WHAT IS GOING..."

Suddenly realization hit him and Naruto narrowed his eyes as certainty rose at the thought of just who exactly was behind all this and probably had been all the time. Turning his thoughts inwards he traveled his mind until he reached the sever-like chamber where the demon was incarcerated. The fox just looked at the blond who stood before his cage, his lips lifted in a menacing sneer, sick glee swimming in the red, slitted eyes.

"Well well well... Finally paying me a visit, hm?" The fox conversed in a bored tone, as if he was just discussing the weather.

"What did you do", Naruto growled and clenched his fists, the rage boiling inside of him. The fox's smile only widened and he started to snicker again.

"It's too late now, boy. You can't do anything", the demon laughed and Naruto frowned.

"What did you do, tell me you fucking demon!"

Kyuubi stopped the laugh and stared down on Naruto, the foreboding hanging thick in the air, making it hard for the blond the breathe despite that it was only in his head.

"I have managed to alter the seal", Kyuubi said and seemed to enjoy when Naruto paled.

"Y-you... WHAT?"

"Uh-uh not that tone with me", the fox mocked and swished with his tails as he stepped closer to the doors of his cage; the seal keeping him there in the middle of them. But now when Naruto looked closer at the paper he could see that it was somewhat... faded. Pure fear filled him at the sight; the terror disabled him, made him unable to move.

"So to answer you question, and I hate to repeat myself so listen closely", the fox began. "I have managed to alter the seal. But don't worry my boy, I will not be released... not entirely anyway."

Naruto looked up and met the demons eyes.

"What..." He almost dreaded to ask. "What... do you mean by that", he ask weakly and flinched when Kyuubi laughed again.

"Well my dear boy that means that you and I... will become one. I altered the part where you can access my chakra without going insane so that... well you're going insane. The Yondaime didn't make the seal as strong as he thought he did. This little weakness allowed me to tamper with it and while it doesn't free me it fuses our souls together. Luckily I saw to it that... should we say me, will be the most pronounced part about the new us."

Terror was to weak of a word to describe the things Naruto was feeling at the moment. He and the demon was becoming... one? No! No, no, no! Never that he would agree with that, not if he could help it.

"You'll never be able to take me over, demon", Naruto hissed as he stood, the determination and will of fire he was famed for burning in his eyes. The fox only smirked and sat down, his tails neatly arranged around him.

"Any other time you would've been right but not now, Naruto. I was all thanks to you and your foolish village really. Ah I can see that you are confused, well then I'll let in you in on something and let me phrase it this way: What do you think have caused all the glorious killing sprees you have indulged in these past months? Surely you didn't think it was only me? No, my boy; you like everybody else have a dark side. You showed it well enough on your first mission - and let me tell you how proud it made me - and after that it was easy to nourish and push that aspect of you into full bloom."

Naruto took a step back at hearing this, not able to comprehend that it wasn't only the Kyuubi but also... himself?

"You don't have a choice at this point", Kyuubi continued. "The change is already too long gone for you or anyone else to be able to do anything. This process have been slow; I began about a year ago but it went faster after that one time. You are quite sadistic to your nature if one pushes the right buttons, do you know that?" the fox mused as if he was talking to himself, making Naruto nauseaus at the sick pride he could hear in the demons voice. He felt the terror surge through him at the words. He didn't have a saying in this... it was already a fact.

"Why don't you just accept it and let go", the fox persuaded. "It will make it less painful for you now that we enter the... final stage."

"Final stage?" Naruto echoed; afraid of the answer as the dread filled him along with other chaotic emotions already swirling in his body.

"The transformation you could call it. It should begin in less than twelve hours", Kyuubi smiled and lowered his head until the head rested on his paws.

"I suggest that you go back outside now, you have company", the fox yawned and the camber quickly faded, hurling Naruto out into reality before he could respond. He shuddered as he opened his eyes and looked up when a shadow was cast over him. He met the red eyes of his best friend and tried not to flinch at the rage burning in those orbs, the accusations that lay there silently asking him for answers.

"Sasuke..." the blond whispered and tried to stand up, only to receive a punch in his face.

"So it was true", the raven growled as he looked the blond over. Naruto was covered in blood, the tanned skin on his arms barely visible through the dried crimson liquid, his hair painted with red streaks, dots of blood splattered in his face. He was still clad in pants only, his bare chest baring witness of his crimes in form of bloody hand-prints and scratch marks.

"Naruto... WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO IT?!" Sasuke screamed and lunged at his best friend, punching and kicking him as the rage, the sorrow the betrayal surged through him, amplifying his already railed up emotions to the highest limit. Naruto didn't do anything to defend himself, knowing full well that he deserved it and more. His back hit a tree trunk hard and as the air was knocked out of his lungs Sasuke was before him with a kunai against his throat.

"Sasuke... that's enough", a cold voice behind them said. The Uchiha didn't turn around at Kakashi, who had witnessed the whole beating, not doing anything to help his blond student; not when he - like Sasuke - was filled with turmoil at Narutos actions. The blond looked up and the two who met his eyes flinched and took a step back. His blue eyes was no longer just blue, they were filled with red streaks and as they observed the red began to grow until it almost had engulfed all the blue. Just as Sasuke was about to speak a scream of cheer pain ripped from Narutos throat and he fell down to his knees, clutching his head in his hands. The seal on his stomach surfaced and glowed with a purple light, burning his skin. Kakashi stepped forward and took a hold on Sasuke when the raven was about to bend down over Naruto, restraining him from going to his friend.

Before Sasuke could say anything Kakashi darted down and pressed a pressure point on Narutos neck and the blond slumped down on the ground, unconscious. The silence following the screams could only be described as heavy; not even the birds could be heard. Sasuke and Kakashi looked at the jinchuuriki; the seal still visible and glowing with the same purple chakra.

"We need to get him back to Konoha as soon as possible", Kakashi said and moved so he could haul the blond up on his back. The Copy-nin tried not to flinch as Naruto rested against his back because even unconscious the blond radiated such an ancient, evil aura that the silver-haired jounin barely could suppress the urge to kill him on the spot. He was shocked at his own reaction but the aura around Naruto struck a cord inside the other men; primal fear flooding through them and they could do nothing about it. Sasuke met his former senseis gaze and they could both see the dread in the others eyes.

"Let's go", Sasuke said in a hushed tone and soon they jumped among the trees, speeding towards Konoha.

Silence reigned the empty corridors in the hospital. Outside a door in the middle of one deserted hallway on the third floor five ANBU stood; all tensed and clearly filled with dread despite their seemingly relaxed poses and masks. They couldn't help it though because of the threat inside of the room. Inside stood an alone bed with Naruto on it, still unconscious and unaware of his surroundings. Chakra-draining seals was painted on his now washed form. Beside the bed three people sat; staring at the blond with weary eyes and apprehension in their heart. Sasuke and Kakashi was still; not showing any emotions what so ever but the Hokage... she couldn't look away from Narutos face. It looked so peaceful, just like it had been only yesterday when she had treated his wounds after the chuunins had caught him when he collapsed at the gates.

She had been shocked yes; but nothing could have shocked her more than the sight of Sakura, raped, beaten and tortured in Narutos hospital bed this morning. Tsunade couldn't comprehend such cruelty from Naruto, not from her gaki, her little brother. They had managed to save her apprentice but only barely; when Sasuke found her she was on the brink of death. Once the kunoichi was somewhat healed she had told the Hokage what took place during the night; all the while crying and screaming. It was clear that Naruto had shattered Sakuras mind and Tsunade feared that the pink-haired medic nins mind was beyond saving.

She glanced at the clock on the wall; it had been almost twelve hours since Kakashi and Sasuke returned with Naruto and the seal on his stomach was still glowing with sinister, purple chakra. None of them could understand what was happening. She had checked his seal and it had been nothing wrong with is so why... Her musing was interrupted when Naruto began to stir and they all froze. Slowly the blonds eyes fluttered open and he blinked a little before he slowly turned his head against them. They gasped as they saw his eyes; no longer the color of a vibrant sky but a mix of red and blue.

"Baa-chan", he whispered; a tear sliding down his cheek. Tsunade could feel how her own eyes teared up at the sound of the agony in that lonely whisper and raised her hand in order to capture the tear with her fingers. Narutos reaction was as unexpected as alarming. He quickly swatted her hand away and shuffled in the bed until his back was pressed against the headboard.

"Don't... touch me", he hissed; tears still streaming down his cheeks. "Don't come near me."

"Naruto...", Kakashi said; he and Sasuke had jumped to their feet when the blond slapped Tsunades hand.

"No... no,no,no,nonononononono...", Naruto mumbled and clutched his head just like he had done in the forest; mumbling incoherently all the time. The other three looked at each other, suddenly filled with terror.

"Naruto, what the hell is the matter with you?" Saskue all but snarled at his friend; the anger making his voice vicious.

"Please... get... the hell... out of... here", Naruto whimpered and raised his head, his eyes filled with raging emotions they couldn't understand.

"Naruto what the hell..." Tsunade began but was interrupted by the jinchuuriki.

"GO AWAY! YOU... YOU'RE NOT... SAFE HERE!" Naruto roared and lunged at his comrades, knocking the bed over in the process. The crash alerted the ANBU outside but as they stormed inside the blond bolted out through the window; sending shattered glass in every direction. How the hell he managed to use his chakra with the suppressing seals no one knew.

"Capture him! Don't let him get away!" Tsunade roared and they all took after the jinchuuriki. Once outside she sent the ANBU in different directions of the village to ensure that the blond couldn't escape over the walls while they followed his trail. It led the up on top of the Hokage mountain and there they found Naruto. He stood still, just staring out over the village with an expression on his face they couldn't interpret.

"You know", he said without turning around. "I have loved this place all my life. When I was younger my heart sang when I looked out like this and thought about one day being the one to protect it." A sad smile graced his lips and he turned his head towards them; tears slowly trickling down his face.

"For what I have done and for the things I will do, please forgive me and... I love you all", he smiled before his eyes rolled back into his head and he fell onto the cold stone. Tsunade lunged towards him but was held back by Sasuke and Kakashi as purple chakra seemed to seep out from every pore of the blonds body, coating him in a thin layer of it and then his whole body began to convulse.

They could hear muffled screams filled with pain and agony but didn't dare to step any closer. It seemed to go on for hours when it only been a couple of minutes and then suddenly the chakra was gone and Naruto stilled. Silence filled the air and the three people was suddenly tingling with a bad feeling. Cautiously they stepped closer to the blond, gently bending down and turned him so he rested on his back. They gasped when his face came into view because it wasn't Narutos face anymore. Well not entirely.

The whisker-scars on his cheeks was more pronounced, deeper. His cheekbones had shifted; making his eyes more slitted and slanted; more pronounced by darker shades around the edges. They could see fangs inside the slightly opened lips from where ragged breaths slipped and his hair was now filled with red highlights.

Suddenly Naruto gave a deep chuckle and opened his eyes. They jumped back when he sat up and looked at them, his eyes not longer blue but purple with blue and red streaks and they were filled with a sick hunger.

"You know... you really shouldn't have followed me", Naruto snickered in a deeper voice than he originally had had and rose, standing tall before them as he flexed his muscles as to test them.

"What... what the hell... " Kakashi whispered, pushed up the head-band covering his left eye and took out a kunai from the pouch on his right leg, not wanting to be unarmed against... that creature, because he could see that it wasn't Naruto anymore.

"Yes I can understand that you are somewhat... surprised", Naruto smiled, but it was a smile brimming with insanity and sick desire after pain: A sinister smile.

"Naruto... what the fuck happened", Sasuke growled, his Sharingan spinning as he took in the new appearance of his friend.

"Well I don't see why I can't explain it to you before I slaughter you", Naruto mused in a bored tone and crossed his arms over his chest; tapping his claws against his forearms.

"I'm no longer a person. We are", he said as his voice became more menacing and it sent a shiver of fear down Tsunades, Kakashis and Sasukes spines.

"We have merged. We are now one. The former Kyuubi told the former Naruto that he had tampered with the seal, starting a merge that couldn't be avoided. The result... is before you."

"What the..." Tsunade breathed but they wasn't given any chance to think this over as Naruto charged at them; an insane laugh ringing in their ears.

"Now... you all die!"

The... being leapt for Sasuke first; a move with his hand so fast even the Sharingan couldn't follow drew blood and Sasukes left arm was rendered useless. The raven jumped back at a safer distance and clutched his heavy bleeding arm, hissing in pain. Kakashi was the second to follow, his shirt shredded from sharp claws that left deep cuts across his abdomen in their wake. The creature stopped to lick the claws clean and he did it with such obvious pleasure that the group in front of him was forced to hold back a wave of nausea. The brief stop was abandoned though when Naruto or whatever he was now lunged for Tsunade and soon she too joined the other two with deep slashes over her back from the shoulder blades down to the small of her back.

"Naruto! This is insane!" the Fifth shouted and the blond stopped again; cocking his head as in confusion.

"Insane? Well I thought that it was quite obvious that yes, I am indeed insane. Not that I mind it though. Oh no, not at all", the jinchuuriki snickered and attacked again. This time they were better prepared but didn't back away until Narutos increased strength and blood-lust forced them to.

"We have to stop him somehow", Kakashi growled and threw a bunch of senbons coated with poison at Naruto who swatted them away like flies.

"But...", Tsunade began only to be interrupted by Sasuke.

"That isn't Naruto anymore, Tsunade", the raven said and dodged a stream of fire from Naruto. The blond hadn't even made any seals to create it!

Their talk was interrupted as Naruto laughed again and faced them with his hands on his hips. Flashing them a sinister grin he pointed down towards the village.

"The people down there always thought that I was a demon. And however fun it is to play with you I think I'll just take my leave now and show the maggots just how much of a demon I can be."

With that the blond vanished as they stood frozen; captured by a jutsu that prevented them to move.

"What the hell is this?" Sasuke snarled and tried to break free. Kakashi and Tsunade also struggled when they began to hear cries of agony, terror and fear from the village.

"Oh no he did not!" Tsunade roared. She tensed her muscles with all her strength and broke free from her invisible shackles, quickly freeing her comrades too.

"We must hurry", she called and they hurried down into the village again. The scene greeting them however stopped them dead in their tracks. Dead bodies littered the streets; it was easy to follow Narutos trail. Tsunade made a couple of seals and summoned her slug; Katsuyu. Standing on top of the giant slugs head she could see her gaki in the market square, seemingly slaughtering people to the left and right.

"You summoned me, Tsunade-sama", the slug said and glanced up at her mistress.

"Yes. Katsuyu we have an emergency. Take my chakra, split up and heal all the injured people you can find", Tsunade ordered while she made a seal and the most of her stored chakra seeped into the slug.

"As you wish, Tsunade-sama", Katsuyu agreed and the slug shrank into smaller parts. Soon the streets were filled with small slugs who immediately began to tend to the wounded. Tsunade looked at Kakashi and Sasuke.

"Let's go. Naruto isn't far from here."

As they drew closer to the market; the largest one in the civil district they could see small rivers of blood running by them and the bodies grew in number. They stepped out in the market and it was like going into hell itself. People lay everywhere; the bodies maimed, slaughtered and batted in any way possible. Intestines, guts, blood and gore covered the ground; making squishing noises as they walked closer towards the mad blond in the center of insanity. His laughter reached their ears and it rang with a demented joy. Tsunade couldn't help but to cry at the scene of her little brother shoving a hand through a mans chest; holding the poor souls heart in his fist. Naruto yanked his arm out of the body and took his time to study the heart in his hand.

"Pathetic weaklings", he scowled and slowly crushed the muscle as he closed his fist. "Hm... but the taste is not too bad, I prefer younger though", Naruto continued and looked down at the corpse; talking to it as he licked the red grime of his claws. Sasuke made gagging noises and couldn't believe how anyone could be so disturbed. Barely holding back the bile he glanced at his companions and saw something similar in their faces. He wondered how they could still manage to look somewhat unfazed by the slaughterhouse-like market but remembered that they had been in war before; surely they would've witnessed something like this before.

"Naruto!" Kakashi yelled and the blond turned against them.

"Oh you again?", the being sighed. "I thought I told you I wouldn't play with you anymore", he pouted. "Leave this place if you value your lives."

"Don't give me that shit", Sasuke roared, unable to control his temper anymore. "What the hell is wrong with your head dobe? How could you do this?"

Naruto looked at Sasuke with a look that said he wondered who it was with something wrong in their head.

"Didn't I explain it to you enough, Uchiha? Naruto is no more. He and Kyuubi merged, leaving me in their place. What you see before you is a result of two black souls combined", the blond smirked and stalked closer to them, ignoring the mess under his feet. Sasuke paled even more and the trio retreated as Naruto drew closer. He stopped however when he suddenly was surrounded by every available ANBU in Konoha. He eyed them with a bored expression and sighed.

"Now, you see... I didn't want to make this too troublesome but I won't mind if you too want to play."

The ANBU, joined by Kakashi and Sasuke didn't hesitate and lunged for Naruto, who stood still and just waited. Once inside his reach the slaughter began. Tsunade would have nightmares for the rest of her life from what she witnessed.

Limbs, guts and blood rained down on the ground and the jinchuuriki only laughed as he worked his way through the small army of people trying to take him down. In the end it was only four ANBU plus the Copy-nin and Sasuke who weren't dead. Naruto was still standing, unharmed save for a few nicks that healed right in front of their eyes.

"Well I think that I've done enough for this time", Naruto smiled, his bloody appreance was like something projected directly from a nightmare. "I guess I'll see you around! Ja ne... baa-chan", he yelled and was flash of purple chakra; leaving behind shocked friends and a terrified village.

One month later

"Any sign of him yet?" Tsunade asked Tiger, who shook his head.

"No, Hokage-sama. The being has gone into hiding but I suspect that it is only a matter of time before he is back for more."

Tsunade sighed and raked a hand through her hair.

"All right, that is all for now, Tiger", she said weary and waved at him that he had permission to leave. The ANBU bowed before he teleported out from the office.

Tsunade sighed again and turned her chair so that she faced the window. 157 people. 157 souls slaughtered the day of Narutos... outbreak. If not for Katsuyu and her chakra there would've been 260 people but thankfully she had managed to save almost half of the maimed people. The village had been in uproar at Narutos sudden betrayal and Tsunade couldn't deny the council this time; she had declared Naruto an triple S-ranked missing-nin to be killed on sight.

However after his display on the market in the civil district she didn't think that anyone was strong enough to take the blond down. Tears leaked out from her eyes as she remembered her gaki on top of the Fourths head, telling them that he loved them. She understood that he had been saying goodbye in his last seconds of sanity.

Sasuke hadn't been himself since then and neither had Kakashi. Sakura was getting better physically but mentally... that girl would probably live the rest of her life inside Konohas mental institution. Her best friends betrayal and torture had seen to that. As the night deepened Tsunade cried harder; for Sakura, for the lives gone, for Sasuke and Kakashi and for Naruto.

But most of all her tears were filled with self-hatred because she just knew instinctively that if she hadn't sent Naruto on his first mission - with orders to torture the information out of the man - he wouldn't have ended up insane or merged with the Kyuubi. She remained in her seat all night and as the dark gave way for the dawn her tears dried and she just sat in her chair and watched the sun rise over Konoha. She didn't want to kill him but realized that that thing wasn't her little brother anymore. Naruto was dead.


A/N: And so the evil saga ends here. And believe me that I've been struggling with the end! Half of the chapter have been ready for about one or two months before I could write the rest. Sorry if it seems kind of rushed though. I just wanted to get this story done and out of my system. Maybe or maybe not I'll write a sequel but I don't think so at the moment. Only time can tell so for now R&R

Ja ne!