Title: The DiNozzo Diaries 2: From Here To Eternity

Author: rekkidbraka

Rating: T

Pairings: Tony D. and Ziva D.

Category: Romance; humor; angst

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Spoilers: From final two eps. of Season 6

Summary: Sequel to "The DiNozzo Diaries." Special Agent Tony DiNozzo's most private thoughts and desires revealed, chapter by chapter. TIVA. Warning: Intense sexual content in some chapters. No slash.

-------------------- The DiNozzo Diaries 2: From Here To Eternity---------------------

You forget a lot when you're single.

Take sharing: First thing you're taught as a kid, right? "Tony, you've got to learn to SHARE... Don't be greedy, Anthony -- SHARE those toys... Mr. DiNozzo, I hope you brought enough snacks to SHARE with the class..." Share, share, SHARE! Jeez...

Single guys? Don't have to SHARE. We GET the TV all to ourselves and we can watch re-runs of "Cops" or "SportsCenter" all day if we want to. We don't have to fork over the remote when she's in the mood to snuggle up with a blanket and a mug of hot tea while she screams at the guys on "Tapout" because they are, as she puts it, "pathetic excuses for masculinity." We don't have to give up half the covers every night because she'll kick us outta the bed and onto the floor, Bruce Lee-style, in her sleep if we don't. And we don't have to ask Sweet Cheeks why our razor is dull again because it's obvious she's been using it to shave her legs and her... um... bikini line. There's no sharing in singleness. NONE!

But when you're single, you sit around watching re-runs of "Cops" or "SportsCenter" all day. You've got the covers all to yourself because there's nobody to kick you out of the bed every night. And nobody's using your razor to smooth out her legs, among other places.

A single guy doesn't have to share because he doesn't have anyone to love.

And that's something I'm happy to forget all about.


Since Ziva's place went kaboom after the whole Rivkin mess, she's moved in with me. Which makes sense. I mean, we're together now and I want her here. I love her, she loves me and it's nice -- having your girlfriend around. I like it. I do.

Taking a little time to get used to having a woman around the place, I gotta admit. I figured the days of leaving dishes in the sink or drinking straight outta the milk carton were toast but I never thought the grocery shopping would be so tough. Tall order trying to bring home the bacon; Ziva keeps kosher. I'm not kidding about that bacon. When I pick up my Friday night pepperoni, sausage and extra cheese "movie" pizza, I gotta grab a veggie special for My Darling. Hey, she sleeps with a loaded GLOCK. I'm not risking it.


Lemme just come right out and say it: The sex? Is GREAT!

Ahhhh... She can't get enough of me. That long slump I was in... well... it just made me better at what I was already a master of. Being great in the sack is like riding a bike: You never forget how. Unless you're like Probie and you never stopped using training wheels. Or a little helmet. Heh...

Yeah, Ziva wants me all the time. Before we head off to work... soon as we get home... after we hit the hay at night... What can I say? I'm irresistible. Always have been. All the DiNozzo men have to practically fight off women and ...

"What's that, Sweet Cheeks? Yeah... I'm... I'm drying the dishes. What? Can't hear you... Huh? Heh heh heh.. YES, darling, the TRASH -- I can't WAIT to take it out! Ha HAH!" *snarl*

Tonight she'll be begging me to give it up. "Tapout" always gets her in the mood bigtime.