A/N: This one is Sirius/OC.

Hey, this one has the mention of alcohol abuse in there, so if you are going to be offended DO NOT READ ON!

I thought I would put a fun, fluffy, non-serious (ha, get it Sirius/serious. Yes, my sense of humour is whacked, I know) one in the midst of the lovey-dovey stuff.

If you review I will give you Sirius Black! In his Animagus form so he is easier to cart around. LOL!!

A group of students sat in a circle, ready to play 'I Never.' It was seventh year and in the spirit of the holidays and Christmas, plenty of seventh years had stayed back to celebrate with the kids who had nowhere else to go. Sirius Black felt slightly woozy as he sat down. There had been alcohol smuggled form god-knows-where and Sirius was now wishing he hadn't had so much. However, as rebel party boy he had to play 'I Never.'

A blond girl started off the game. "I never…kissed Sirius Black," All the males took a long swig form their goblets but the blonde girl was the only one to take sip. The rest of the girls looking slightly embarrassed averted their eyes from their respective boyfriends.

"I never…read my sixth year DADA textbook," the speaker took a swig.

It was Sirius' turn. He felt strangely bold all of a sudden, though maybe it was just the alcohol talking. "I never lost my virginity to Georgie Sparks in fifth year," He announced a little louder than necessary.

"What?!" James asked loudly.

Sirius stood mumbling something about getting some water. Halfway there he flopped into an armchair. He couldn't be bothered with water. About two minutes later Remus Lupin pressed a glass into his hand, it was sweating on the outside and it was full of iced water.

"No thanks," Sirius said. He was trying for bravado but it sounded more like a dying frog.

James walked past, a goblet of Firewhisky in his hand and an arm around someone who most certainly wasn't Lily Evans. Sirius was annoyed now, and though he knew he shouldn't filled his goblet of wine up again. James, what a pansy! He could drink him under the table any day.

Seeing the one girl in the room who was impervious to his charm he went after her. "Hey," His voice got deeper, he was trying for suave. "Want to dance?"

"Can you stand straight?" The girl, Valerie Johnson asked sceptically as she walked away.

"Playing hard to get, are we?" he muttered following her.

She stopped in a small alcove, and turned to face him. She raised a dark but thin eyebrow and Sirius gulped.

"How about we talk then?" Sirius was sobering up and fast. He could see his Golden Chance slipping away.

"If you came out with something to say that wasn't about you or the number of girls who you've shagged, I would throw myself off of a bridge." She said matter-of-factly.


Val crossed her arms. "Um," Sirius said. "What's your name?" there, that was a good opener.

"Oh," she shook her head. "You are so…"

"Look," Sirius said. "I'm drunk. I don't even remember my own name right now."

"Valerie," She answered shortly.

"Valerie," Sirius said softly, looking at her with melty eyes. "Will you dance with me?"

She almost caved. "No.": she answered firmly after her stomach had stopped doing back flips.

Sirius was becoming increasingly ridiculous as the conversation wore on. "Come on," he wheedled. "I love you."

She snorted.

"I'll prove it," He exclaimed confidently. He knelt down on one knee and picked up one of her delicate hands. "Vanessa, will you marry me?"

She heaved him off the ground and stood tantalisingly close with a flirty smile playing around her red lips. "The name is Valerie, and if you do that when you're sober I might be convinced to change my mind." She winked and walked away, her hips swaying form side to side, teasing him.

"Ugh!" he groaned, two humiliations in one night; rejection and his unveiled virginity.

Oh well.

The next morning he entered the Great Hall tentatively. The acoustics in the large hall were horrible when one had a massive hangover.

"Val," He said warmly, ignoring the stabbing pains in his head and putting an arm around her. "Change your mind yet?"

She leant close to him, her mouth against his ear. "No," her sweet breath fanned his cheek and tickled his ear, moving his shoulder length hair. "And I never will." She pecked him on the cheek and stalked off.

Sirius sighed. How he loved that walk. But oh well, clearly a lost cause.

Hope you like, please review!