Chapter Nineteen

Kaiba couldn't help but smile watching Jounouchi's defenses completely collapse as he rested. It had taken a lot of convincing to get the boy to sleep next to him and now that he was. He was curled up as if he had physical defenses even in his sleep. But despite that he looked at peace and a lot younger-more of of his age when he slept. It was what was keeping Kaiba restless himself.

He was curious on what Jounouchi's childhood was like. Most likely dark and grim. But hadn't always been like that. Something had to have changed the happiness within the Jounouchi family household... Kaiba wondered what it was. It was a wonder that Katsuya and Shizuka were still rather close considering how separated they were. But most likely; Jounouchi had wanted to keep what all he had close to him... He didn't want to be like his father.

The CEO sighed realizing what kind of situation he had on his hand. Without the concealer and heavy liner even-it was blatantly obvious what Jounouchi went through on what seemed like a daily basis. The cut on his lip, the fading bruise on his jaw line, the finger prints around his pale neck... But why?

"You need something moneybags?" Jounouchi asked, his eyes closed, and sounding rather flat and annoyed.

Kaiba jumped surprised, "You're still awake?"

Jounouchi opened his eyes, "'s kinda hard to sleep when you have a raccoon staring at you while you snooze."

"I'm far more threatening than a raccoon thanks," the brunette scoffed.

Jounouchi couldn't help but lightly laugh at Kaiba scoffing. It was very much so unlike him but it was probably because he was sleepy and just not sleeping.

"Why aren't you resting?" he asked.

"What does it matter to you Bonkotsu?" Kaiba shot back with his own question.

"Raccoon," Jounouchi said teasingly before shifting to where he was laying on his back. He had one of those stupid grins on his face that Kaiba found himself either falling for or fucking hating at times depending on the situation in the moment.

"Call me a raccoon again, see what happens," Kaiba threatened darkly.

"What's on your mind, for real, you can't sleep...?" Jounouchi asked.

Kaiba didn't want to admit that he was the reason he couldn't sleep but sighed, "Your bruises...those cuts..."

The boy next to him smiled wryly, "Pretty aren't they?"

"I could kill him..." Kaiba murmured darkly.

"Don't. He'll pay for it later on. Karma's on my side, the more I put up with it-the more he'll suffer later for his deeds," Jounouchi assured.

"Why do you go through it?" Kaiba asked.

"Why did you put up with Gozaburo?" asked Jounouchi with his own question.

Kaiba rolled his sapphire hues and sighed. That was a totally different situation. He and his brother had nothing and it was the only way Kaiba could better themselves for their sake. Katsuya on the other had had nothing to gain from staying in such a household. He would always be a nobody and always be trapped and abused.

"Our situation was different..."

"Is is it really? Maybe it's because I care," Jounouchi pointed out.

"I don't see why you do. Look at what you get in return," Kaiba said. He moved to hold the hand that Jounouchi's arm still had the bracelet around. There were bruises from the earlier deal and he kissed at them as if it were a gentle apology for adding more salt to his already apparent wounds.

"Don't be silly. They're just bruises. Cuts. Scratches. Nothing that can't heal on it's own over time," Jounouchi said pushing Kaiba away.

"You're much too beautiful to have them added..."

"You and your flattery," Jounouchi murmured sadly with a sigh.

"You don't believe me?" Kaiba asked sitting up to look at the blonde.

"How can I?"

"I suppose you have a point. I wish you could believe me to be a truthful honest person..."

Jounouchi burst out laughing, "A businessman? A truthfully honest person?"

Kaiba couldn't help but smile, "Well I can't argue with the stereotype now can I? However, I can say that I am different."

"Prove it," Jounouchi challenged.

Kaiba kissed him. Just then and there. It wasn't a long kiss nor was it short. It was just there. He poured all of his emotions into it; everything he felt... That was his only proof to give Jounouchi. He pulled away finding Jounouchi looking up at him with glazed brown eyes unable to speak. This boy was absolutely...adorable in every single way possible.

"I can prove it by saying I fell in love truly. That I want to dedicate my life to one person and one person only-I'd be proud to call Katsuya Jounouchi my lover, my partner, my boyfriend... Because he's the only person that's stunned me beyond belief. He's the only brave soul to actually stand up to me and tell me off when I'm done wrong because Katsuya Jounouchi is the only person that isn't afraid to show me that I'm wrong and prove it. Matter of fact, he's so amazing; that he's been the only person on my mind lately..."

Jounouchi was speechless. He opened his mouth but no words came out so he decided to close his mouth. That was the real fucking thing... That was what he had wanted to hear all along. And finally it came out Kaiba's mouth. Sincerely. Lovingly. Everything.

"Have I rendered you speechless pup?" Kaiba asked with a chuckle.

"I love you."

Kaiba blinked, "Excuse me. Repeat that."

Jounouchi sat up and rolled his eye, "I fucking love you dumbass, DON'T make me repeat it again!"

Kaiba laughed victoriously. Finally. Finally Katsuya Jounouchi was rightfully his.

"I love you too..."

Kaiba couldn't help but hug him tight knowing that Jounouchi was trembling. Everything was going to be new for him. This being wasn't used to being loved. He wasn't used to be first place in someone's heart. There was going to be challenges and adjustments; but Kaiba was ready for all of it. He wouldn't have fallen in love with him and accepted the responsibility of him if he didn't know what he was getting into.

"Silly...why are you shaking?" he asked gently.

"I-I'm shaking?"

He pushed Jounouchi down to where he was laying, still holding him tight, "Yes, you are. Rest. Just talk to me until you fall asleep." He knew it would take a while for Jounouchi to willingly be was best for now to get his mind off of things. To get Jounouchi talking.

The blonde silently nodded, shifting to get comfortable, and clung onto Kaiba's slightly taller frame. For once he knew he could feel safe and sleep peacefully.

"Tell me how everything was. Surely things weren't bad to begin with hm?"

"Our family used to be close. Very close you could say. My father however was the type of man who loved keeping secrets. He had probably once upon a time ago, had fallen truly in love with my mother. She was an American away on business in Japan. And my father? A Yakuza member, a low one...the ones that would take care of the dirty work and get paid enough to get by, but reguardless-they had fallen in love. My dad risked everything to be with her. He was growing old and had wanted to settle down a short time and wanted to even quit the mafia... can't just quit," Jounouchi explained.

"Go on..."

"So he had to pay back a bunch of debts he owed to prevent my mother from being killed...or me since she had been pregnant with me at the time. And I guess my father for a little bit, thought it was worth it. But after Shizuka was born and there were two kids and a wife to feed every night-I guess my father felt pressured. The playing house game was getting old and he wanted out. He wanted to pay back his debts as fast as possible and get the hell out. My mother and him would fight every night... I'd be there with Shizuka and just comfort her. She was only six or so when the fighting got really bad and she never got to see our parents happy like I had for a short while. My father...was a violent man. He couldn't put things into words so he'd express himself with his fists..."

"A typical mafia boy," muttered Kaiba unimpressed as he held Jounouchi tighter to let him know that he was indeed listening to every word.

"My mother was still very much so in love with him and had no resources any how. She was illegally here since she was a gaijin and couldn't get a citizenship. She had risked her office job for him and her kids thinking that the underground was enough to get us by and until my father could get a legit job. My mom I guess was young and silly and had the notion of 'love conquers all' but love doesn't work that way. Especially when someone falls out of love and the love becomes onesided. So the end, my father couldn't stand his wife. So he'd leave every day and come back late at night...usually he was drunk. With other women. I'm not particularly sure how my mom put up with that but she of course; loved him so I guess she put up with a lot. Because of this, she would put all her time and energy into her husband's children. When my father wasn't around; things were peaceful. It was just my mom, my sister, and myself. We'd usually go out somewhere. Anywhere. My mom wasn't familiar with Tokyo really so we'd sit around sometimes at Shibuya and people watch..."

Kaiba could imagine it quite vividly. The three them always out on these crazy little adventures to each district with barely any money at all to sustain themselves.

"Wasn't there language barriers between you all?" he was curious to know considering that Jounouchi's mother was an American.

"When we were younger yes. I knew a little bit of English being around her but my father discouraged us from speaking in English because we lived in Japan... So most of the English I knew went down the drain and my mother was forced to learn Japanese and is now, quite fluent. Anyway; back to what I was explaining. We went to school because it was free and that's how we learned proper Japanese. Our teachers would always be incredibly confused why two children such as Shizuka and I's Japanese was so on and off to be living here... So my mother considered getting us more involved...even though paying for it was always a struggle and my mother would help out at the studio even, Shizuka and I were given dance lessons. It was bonding experience between my sister and I...not only were we friends with everyone in that class but Shizuka loved watching me. I excelled at it...more so than she did. She still tried for me though..."

Kaiba stayed silent letting Jounouchi continue.

"My mother tried appeasing my father, hoping that maybe if she got a job it would put less stress on him. Maybe he'd love her again and stop cheating. So she ended up working at a hostess club that accepted gaijin for spare money for our family. Because of this, Shizuka and I would have to walk home by ourselves... So one night I had to help clean and Shizuka was really impatient to leave. She had really wanted to go home. She was like...ten and I was twelve at the time. But the studio wasn't far from the house and I was stupid. I never knew the difference between good neighborhoods and bad ones... So I told her to walk home without me that I would catch up. She knew the way home and not a thought ran into my mind about something happening..."

Jounouchi went silent...he looked down as if he were to cry...

"I still blame myself for her blindness. When I came home...she wasn't there yet. I panicked. I called my mother out of desperation and she was furious with me. She couldn't look at me in the face... My mom went out of her mind with worry and tried finding my dad who was solely beyond pissed... The last thing my sister saw was her body being raped by some gangsters who we never found. They were sick little fucks... Who in the hell stabs out a twelve year old's eyes after they're done using her...?"

Jounouchi trembled. He blamed himself...everything was huge self-blame...

"It wasn't your fault. You were only twelve. You didn't know better..." Kaiba snapped knowing what the blonde was thinking.

"My mother and father fought more. And my sister was traumatized... For a while; she was mute. She couldn't speak much less see. It took awhile for her to speak again. My mother still hated me. She couldn't look at me...she would barely speak to me unless she absolutely needed to. It was if I was the worst thing for our family. Eventually...the fighting got worse...and then suddenly; it stopped. One morning I woke up and my sister and my mother were gone. Their stuff packed and I was left in the apartment alone with my drunk father... Hence where I am now," Jounouchi finished quickly. As if he didn't even want to think about it.

"I can take you away. I can help you out of everything..." Kaiba demanded. Katsuya no longer had a say in his fate. Why? Because the CEO knew the boy would refuse. Why? Because Jounouchi had pride issues. Because even though his family treated him like shit over a mistake; they were still Jounouchi's family..and he still loved them with all of his heart. It was an icky feeling just to up and leave.

Jounouchi shot up, "What makes you think you make everything alright? Who in the fuck do you think you are?"

"Seto-motherfucking-Kaiba, and last time I checked, I've made miracles happen; so what makes you think I can't save you?" challenged Kaiba.

"You're insane," Jounouchi murmured with a sigh flopping down in defeat. He just now realized who he was talking to...

Kaiba grinned and kissed the boy's cheek as he placed his arms around him once more, "It takes one to know one."



"Shut the fuck up."

A laugh. A kiss...

"Good night."

"I love you too..."

(A/N: -falls and crashes on the floor- OH JESUS THAT WAS ALL IN ONE SITTING! Yay! This is one of my longer chapters to make up for my shorter chapter and MY wasn't it worth the wait? ;-D They're FINALLY together! Haha, but we're not finished! There's going to a lot more challenges for the two now that they're open with each other; but I think you can already see that coming ne? Thank you guys for all of your sweet reviews. I've been feeling down a bit lately and knowing that people still enjoy this fic even after a year of being away makes me really happy. This is my longest story even and it's really developed as much as I have as a person; I hope you can see that! And because it was super long and super sweet; thank you so much "thats absurd. I love it." Your review was super sweet and pushed me to write this chapter! You give me far too much credit. I've never been to Japan even though I really want to go there and visit. I just look up things and study hard though I doubt I'm even accurate! I'm glad you're enjoying and it's getting you through your exam-studying-sessions though! Those are always rough and quite lonely!)