Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A/N: Here's the next chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter 8: Violet's Story

The smell of lavender was the first thing that Harry became aware of as he slowly awoke. Hushed whispers flowed around him as he cracked his eyes open. He groaned as the light blinded him starting a drummer in his head. Instantly the whispers stopped and a hand squeezed his.

"Harry?" He opened his eyes again to see concerned violet eyes peering down at him. Violet, he thought relieved, she's safe.

"What happened?" he croaked.

"You dove in front of a curse, you idiot! Why would you do that?!" Violet shouted, her hand crushing his in a death grip as a slight sheen of tears glazed her eyes. At the shout, Madame Pomfrey bustled into the room, a set of potions in her hands.

"Miss Velocity! I will not have you shouting at my patients. Either calm down or leave." At the admonition, Violet huffed but sat in a chair next to Harry's bed.

"Is he going to be okay, Madame Pomfrey?" Hermione asked hovering on the other side of Harry's bed. She moved to the side as the nurse came over to give Harry the potions.

"He'll have to stay here for a few more days, but he's going to be just fine. The curse cut him deeply and if it had it his front it would have killed him instantly. You got very lucky Mr. Potter."

"Indeed he did, Poppy," Dumbledore said as he entered the room. "Now Mr. Potter if you're feeling up to it can you tell us what happened?"

"Of course Professor." Harry gingerly sat up after swallowing the potions. "Violet and I were coming back from the library when I saw movement. A red light appeared and I jumped in front of Violet. Then the world went black."

"So you did not see who attacked you?" Dumbledore questioned.

"No sir. Just a movement. However, I think the attacker might be a female. Her voice sounded almost familiar but I couldn't place it," Harry said tiredly sinking back on the pillows. His back still ached despite the potions.

"That's enough questions for mow. He needs his rest. Out with all of you. You can come back tomorrow before classes." Amid protests from his friends as Pomfrey shooed them out, Harry drifted back to sleep, violet eyes following him into his dreams.


The next time Harry woke, it was sudden. He glanced around trying to figure out what woke him, and drew his wand when a figure shifted next to him.

'Relax, Potter. It's just me," a feminine voice said. The scent of lavender wafted over him as Violet sank onto the bed next to him. A softly whispered Lumos cast a soft glow on her face.

"What are you doing here? Isn't it past curfew?" Harry croaked, slowly sitting up as his back still hurt.

"Easy. Don't hurt yourself further," Violet said as she put a pillow behind him. Harry smiled gratefully. "It is past curfew, but I had to see you. I'm sorry for yelling at you when you woke up."

"It's okay. Hermione usually yells at me when I do something dangerous as well."

"Yes. What you did was dangerous and stupid, but thank you anyway. You saved my life. You were a real hero today."

"I wasn't trying to be heroic. Just instinctive I guess," Harry shrugged. "What about you? Are you okay? None of the curse hit you did it?"

"No, I'm fine. You took most of it." Violet took a deep breath and looked into Harry's eyes. "Harry, I owe you an explanation, and if I don't tell you now, I don't know when I'll be able to. You sacrificed yourself for me when I had done nothing to deserve your protection. I've been cold and horrible to you, but you still threw yourself in front of that curse."

"Violet, you don't have to-" Harry started.

"I do, Harry. You deserve the truth. I realize now that my reasons for hating you were petty and selfish and unrealistic, but I-" Her voice faltered and a slight sheen covered her eyes. She took a few deep breaths and cleared her throat. "But I felt so lost after the war, and I needed someone to blame. You were the easiest scapegoat, and I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Harry reassured grasping her hand. "We all had anger after the war. I don't blame you for that."

"I know you don't. I simply forgot that you're only human. You might be a hero, Harry, but you have limitations, and I never should have expected you to saveā€¦" Violet's grip on his hand tightened almost painfully. A few tears had made their way down her cheeks. Gently, Harry wiped them from her face.

"What happened, Vi? Talk to me." Violet let out a shuddering breath before she began.

"My little sister adored you. Rose used to constantly ask me questions about you in her letters, and when I went home for holidays. I helped her make a scrapbook out of newspaper articles. She didn't really understand when the war broke out, but she knew that you'd save us. No matter what happened: the attacks on Diagon Alley, moving when our house was torched, or anything else. She believed in you, and eventually I did too. My father came from a rich pureblood family, and Voldemort wanted him and his money. My father of course refused. A few nights later, I woke up to shouts. Death Eaters had attacked our house. There was so much smoke, and I couldn't see. I followed the noise to just outside the living room. As the smoke cleared, I saw Rose lying on the floor, curled up into this little ball. She was so small and scared. Father was begging them to torture him instead, but they just laughed and said this was his torture. They crucioed her for what felt like forever. She kept screaming your name, and begging for you to save her. After a while, she could only whimper, so they killed her. They left my father crying over her body. She was only six, Harry. I hated you so much for not saving her. Deep down, I knew that you couldn't save everyone, that you didn't even know how she was. But all I could dream about was her screaming your name over and over, and it haunted me. When I'd see you in class or the common room, I could hear her asking what your favorite candy was, and it would hurt all over again. But then I got to know you, and you were so nice and determined to protect me. And after what happened I guess I realized that I was being unfair blaming you for something that you had no control over. Hating you was easier than hating myself. You weren't there to help Rose, but I was. And I was too scared to do anything. I couldn't protect her, and now I'm causing you to get hurt."

Her voice cracked as more tears streamed down her face. Harry instantly took her in his arms, a gentle hand smoothing her hair down. His heart ached to think of the pain that Violet had suffered. He wished he could go back in time and kill Voldemort sooner. Harry shifted until they were both lying down, Violet's head resting on his chest, his hand continuing to stroke her hair as he murmured comforting words. Eventually, Harry heard her breathing even out as she fell asleep. Not long after, green eyes fluttered shut and followed her into sleep.

A/N: And the great question has been answered. Don't forget to review!