I came into consciousness slowly. My whole body was aching.

When I finally forced my eyes open, I saw Aidou. Sitting at my feet asleep.

I sat up, every muscle in my body protesting. I laid a hand on his head for a moment, then he jolted awake.

"Miki!" He exclaimed, pulling me into his arms.

"Ouch..." I whispered.

"Oh, sorry...I guess you're still sore" He apologized, letting me go.

"W-what happened?" I asked, looking at the palms of my hands, which were burnt in dark lines from fingertip to wrist.

"Well...When you ran off, many of the other in the Night Class and I took off after you. Someone with us was a talented tracker, she told us when you stopped and moved. We just stayed back for most of the time, but when she said you were moving, away from the spot you stopped, and a very fast pace, we took off after you. We, well mostly me, were worried about what was happening" He explained, not looking at me, "When we came up to the edge of the forest, we saw your lightning, and how you tried to fry them. I had heard old stories about that power...but I had never witnessed it. No one there had, except for Kaname-sama, he was the one who forced us to move in."

I was speechless. My power was just a rumor? A myth?

He kept going. "I was going to grab you when that guy fell, but Kaname-sama stopped me. He held me back until you had taken your electricity out of him. It hurt me to see you causing yourself pain for that bastard, but I figured it was for the best. After I grabbed you, you passed out. The Night Class captured the one that survived, and took the one you fried. Some vampires have been known to revive after they had been supposedly killed, so we took him and put him under heavy charms, to keep his power in so he couldn't come back, and you have been asleep for four days" He said, then blushed, "I've been by your side the whole time."

I smiled lightly and hugged him, then pulled away swiftly.

"Where is the other one? The one that lived...the one I let live..." I murmured.

"Him? He's caged up, charms all over. I've heard he woke up. We offered him food, water, blood tablets. He rejected it all, all he asked for was to see you" Aidou scoffed "but like I'd let him see you after him and his partner tried to kill you, or worse...take you away."

"No!" I yelled. I was enraged. I jumped off the bed, as much as it hurt to do so, and faced him with a glare.

"He told the other one not to do anything! He was against it! Don't do this to him...he's someone important...I think" I said softly, "Someone from my past, I just know it."

Aidou was taken aback by my outburst. He looked away from my glare swiftly.

"Okay...I'll trust your judgment. I'll talk to Kaname-sama and see if you can see him. If he says you can, I'll take you tomorrow"

"No" I said sternly, "I have to see him today. No other day."

He sighed, "Alright."

He stood and walked to the door. He murmured swiftly to someone outside. I heard footsteps going away from the door, then too sets coming back. Kaname walked into the room, followed by Kain.

"She wants to see him. Now" Aidou said softly.

Kaname looked at me for a moment, considering I suppose, then nodded. "Alright" He agreed, "Kain, take them to the prisoner. Watch them closely."

He walked back out of the room quickly. Kain nodded to him as he left then nodded us out.

We walked from the Night Class building. The night was cool, a slight breeze blowing across. There was a foreboding feeling that was filling the campus, something that made all three of us on edge, yet none of us could put our finger on what it was.

We walked quickly. Kain in front, keeping a close eye around us, and Aidou beside me, a protective arm around my small shoulders. He glanced around nervously every-so-often.

Finally we came to a small brick building. Small, barred windows were around the top, but as we went in, only stairs went down. Very far down. It was dark and damp, the only actual light coming from torches lining the stairs.

"What is this, the medieval times?" I thought with a huff.

After over 5 minutes of walking, we came to a door. It was wooden, an also barred window in the middle. There was a charm in the middle, sides and top.

"Wow, this much protection to keep him in?" I thought.

Kain bit a hole in his thumb and then reached the grab the handle. It opened perfectly fine. I guess that was the secret.

We three walked in. The sight was horrible.

There he was, sitting behind bars, chained to the wall. Charms all around the bars and walls. He has drawn spells on his arms and legs and neck. There were food trays all around, food still on them, and rats picking at it. A pouch of blood tablets and cups of water were discarded all around him.

He kept his head down, but we knew he heard us.

"No. I'm not eating, or drinking. I just was to see her...I want to see Miki...I need to see my..." He trailed off.

Kain sighed, then looked back at me and nodded. I shook free of Aidou and walked forward. Kain opened the doors to the cage. I guess he knew nothing would happen, because of the charms and spells.

I walked forward to him. I heard him scoff under his breath, still looking down.

"What do you want...I'm not taking food..." He murmured.

I tilted my head, then bent down. I carefully put my fingers under his chin and lifted his head so he could see me. I heard him breathe, breathe in my scent, just as he saw me.

He jolted, jumping for me, but then a shock from the spells sent him to the floor. I jumped back, and threw a worried glance back at Aidou and Kain. They weren't looking at me.

"Miki" He whispered, "Why did you save me? I was there with Taka...trying to take you."

"No, you were trying to stop him...I know you from somewhere, I just can't remember where" I said softly.

"Taka was telling the truth...you did lose your memory" He whispered, half to himself.

"Then tell me. Tell me what I should remember" I said sternly, sitting on the ground.

He pulled himself to a sitting position. "Look in my eyes, and tell me you don't remember me."

I looked into his eyes. They were a very beautiful green color. They had this spark, something that no one else had.

"K-Kazuo?" I whispered, the word coming to my mouth by itself.

He smiled. "You remember. Thank god."

"But... who are you to me? I can't remember that..." I whispered.

"I'm your..." He struggled to say it, but finally got the words out, "I'm your older brother."

I gasped, then heard one from behind me. Then I remembered it. Years of playing together, when I would jump on his back to go home, when I fell one time in the woods and he carried my unconscious form back to the doctor. I remember it all...even the fire. The fire that I thought I had lost him in.

I launched myself forward, earning two surprised and protective yells from behind me. I wrapped my arms around him, crying. "Kazuo..." I cried heavily, "I thought I had lost you"

He shushed me. "I'll explain later, right now, I just want to wrap my arms around you and hug you..."

Then I remembered. The chains and charms. I growled and put my hands on the chains. "No..." I heard a protest from him, but I ignored it.

I growled and pushed all my strength. Lightning shot out, all around my body, setting fire to everything. All the charms and everything. A yellow light went through Kazuo, breaking all the charms on him. When I was finished, all the paper was burning, the chains were melted, and Kazuo was free.

He leapt forward and engulfed me in a hug. I cried into his chest. He cooed to me until I had stopped, then he stood up, holding me to him.

I turned to look at Kain and Aidou. Kain looked furious, I guess that I broke him free, and Aidou was shocked.

The Kain spoke, "You cannot leave. You both have broken rules in the Vampire law. You will both be imprisoned."

Aidou grabbed him. "You saw what she just did, who knows what he can do. We can't let this kill us" He whispered.

"It's my duty to stop them Hanabusa, don't interfere" He scolded, not looking away from us.

I looked fearfully to Kazuo. He had a dark look, his hair had fell to cover his face.

Suddenly, my wrist was burning. I looked at it and there was a symbol. It was an intricate design around my wrist, something I hadn't noticed until then. I saw the same symbol on Kazuo also.

He grabbed my hand, then whispered, "When I tell you, release your power" He whispered, then lifted his head to them.

"You dare to oppose us. We are more powerful than you, or your precious pureblood. We are the Bloodlines. We are the only remaining members of the Nobunaga family. Our ancestors are the very first vampires, the first to have powers. Powers that you could never imagine" He seethed, a certain powerful tone to his voice. That tone told me all I needed to know. That we had much more power than I currently knew.

I heard the crash of thunder outside and rain falling. I tried to remember if it seemed like there was going to be such a storm come through, but something told me that we were causing it.

They both looked slightly scared, even the emotionless Kain.

"Will you let us leave without opposition?" Kazuo asked.

"No" Kain answered sternly.

"Then may god have mercy on you, because we certainly won't."

Then the fire rained from the heavens.