Disclaimer: I don't own Gilmore Girls.

I enter Tristan in to the picture but they are really good friends only.

Rory's POV

Law is hard; there is no doubt in my mind about that anymore. I spend all my free time in the library or helping out at the office. I rarely see my fabulous penthouse apartment, which my grandma Francine insisted on. I am leaving my afternoon class on my way to the library when I hear a familiar Aussie voice around the corner.

"Gilmore, calling Rory Gilmore, does anyone know her?" I know he just got no's in reply because there is not Gilmore here. I hear Logan reply to Finn and I am in a mental debate between running there and saying hi or bolting the other direction. I want to say hi, and that is the plan until I see Tristan Dugray comes up behind be. We have become good friend and nothing more. Our companies work together so there was no choice but to get along. Yet he still calls me Mary. He is the only one who knows that I am also Rory Gilmore. So naturally he has to say something, "Hey Mar your ex is calling you? Is that way your trying to blend into the wall?"

"I am simply gaining the courage to say hi." I reply hoping he doesn't call attention to us.

"Its only two letters so let me show you." With that he turn the corner and I have to follow him in fear of what he might say.

"Hey Logan, Finn, Colin. I heard you were looking for something." I decided to wait on second more.

"Yet love her name I believe is Rory Gilmore." Finn states, still looking around, when I gather my strength and turn the corner. Finn is the first to see me, and before I understand what is happening I find myself twirled around in the air.

"Hey Ace," Logan says nervously.

"Hey reported Girl, who is not a reporter." Colin is trying to understand why I am exiting one of the law buildings at Princeton.

I opened my mouth to answer but I get Jim (the coffee card guy) talking instead, "I thought you were looking for a Rory, that is Leigh. By the way the usual?" At that I get three perplexed glances this time I am the one to talk,

"Yah that's great," I call over before turning the other shocked three plus an amused Tristan, "I have some explaining to do." I went over to grab my coffee but before that offered is anyone would like some and they all decided it was needed. As they bombarded me with questions, I suggested we all (Tristan invited himself) go to my apartment and get everything figured out. I steel glances at Logan while were walking and he is deep in though, I know he will be hurt I didn't tell him, but I want him back.

Logan's POV

What did she keep from me? I though I knew everything about her? I am missing something huge. Leigh, were have I heard that name before? I know there must be a reason I don't know I just can't think of one. Is this part of the reason she said no? Questions keep forming in my brain and I want/need answers. I know one thing is that if we get this thing sorted out, I want her back. Plus how does she know Tristan? We are walking up to a rich high-class apartment building. All I can wonder is why she is living here. I know the Gilmore's have money but I would never think that they would willingly pay for this. We get into the elevator and I here Colin, and Finn trying to debate what floor we are going to. To the three of us surprise we go to the penthouse. As I look at Rory, I can tell she is really nervous about what she has to tell us. As we enter, I look around at the chic open apartment that looks like her. I notice a picture frame with You Jump I jump Jack engraved on the bottom; the picture is of us at the LDB event. This brings be hope, that maybe the reasons we broke up are not that she doesn't love me.

Rory's POV

They all sit down; ever eye turns to me most curious, one amused.

"I don't know where to start."

"How about at the beginning, I will even give you a question, why does people call you Leigh?" Logan questions looking me straight in the eye, expecting an explanation.

"Well people here call be Leigh which is my middle name which is not so uncommon." I'm stalling and I know it, I just don't want them to think of me any differently.

Colin speaks up, "Answer this, even if you go by Leigh why is their no Rory Gilmore registered at Princeton?"

"Becauseā€¦ I don't go by Gilmore here. I go by my dad's last name."

Logan's POV

I realize there she always called her dad, Christopher. I begin wondering who her father is. I seem to be missing a big part of the picture. Rory continues to talk, "Lorelai Hayden is what I am registered under." I look at her shock that is not just a name that is one of the most powerful names in society and the world. I wonder why she never told me. "I'm sorry I never told you guys but I was under a contract. I was free until college graduation, and then on to Princeton Law School followed by 2 years of working under Grandpa Strobe, then I become CEO. I wanted to tell you." She is looking strait at me while I am processing the information. "However, because of the contract I couldn't tell anyone I was a Hayden until after graduation. I was going to tell you that day." It was all addressing we needed to talk.