Here's my new story that I am currently working on. I got this idea from watching a great slasher movie that I thought would be stupid, SImon Says, and after a few interesting dreams this idea came to me. But my friend dared me to try to write this fic with as little cliches as possible so I hope I can stay away from most of the cliches.

This is just a prologue, the host club will be showing up in the next chapter and will be the main characters, no OCs except for the killer(s)

Warning: Its a slasher fic, there is no reason for warnings


What makes people snap?

By a stream, crystal blue water and small rapids, two brothers sat by the shore. One was throwing rocks into the stream and the other one was just watching a couple of ants. Twins, one anxious and the other mad. They weren't talking to each other. They couldn't even look at each other. The one throwing rocks into the stream stopped and the other one stopped looking at the ants. Worried eyes met mad eyes and the younger twin instantly bit his lip and offered apologies that were so soft the older twin didn't hear. The older twin was too angry to listen anyways.

The angry twin stood up, the younger twin shakily stood up as well still offering his apologies. The older twin turned around to stare at the younger twin and let out a shaky breath trying to calm himself down.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Was all he asked. The younger twin lowered his eyes.

"I wanted to make sure I got in before telling you." The younger twin said softy

"I didn't even know that you wanted to go to Harvard, you should have told me so I could have applied." The older twin said with a smile.

"That was why I couldn't tell you." The younger twin replied. The older twin's smile rotted and his eyes narrowed.

"Why? You don't want us to go to the same university?" The older twin asked nervously, confusion on his face.

"I just…people…people look at us funny. We have no friends; the only people we hang out with are each other…people just find us too strange. They say nasty stuff about us." The younger twin whispered, disgust rested on his face.

"Who is talking about us, what do they say, why do you care?" The older twin asked his voice soft and mellow. The younger twin bit his lip and continued.

"Students from our college, they say that we are…they think that…there is a rumor flying around that we fuck each other." The younger twin admitted looking down at the ground again. The older twin laughed, not seeming to care about the rumors, it surprised the younger twin.

"That's it? Don't tell me you are transferring just because of that?" The older twin said disgust rich in his voice. The disgust wasn't aimed at the rumor but at his own twin.

"That's it? How can you say that? They say we have an incestuous relationship with each other. They really believe that we fuck each other. It's just so sick." The younger twin said and the older twin's eyes narrowed.

"So you are moving across the continent because of the 'incest?'" The older twin mocked and the younger twin held his breath.

"No, it's because that's where Shelly is transferring to." The older twin's hands shook and he bit his tongue from saying something stupid.

"So you are fucking moving away just for some slut who doesn't even like you?" The older twin hissed.

"She likes me, she just doesn't like you. She says that we depend too much on each other and that we will never have a normal life if we stay together. I agree, I am ready to find myself, find out how to live without you. Then I'll move back or maybe you will move up and we can be as close as we always were but right now I don't know who I am without you. That scares me. I shouldn't be depending on you this much. You are only my twin." The younger twin said watching his brother for any emotion. His brother had none.

"You know what, lets not talk about this now, it'll ruin this camping trip. Come on we should get back, you know how much mom and dad freaks out we're late." The older twin finally spat out grabbing his brother's hands and jumping into the stream. The younger twin watches his twin for a minute before following suit. Suddenly the older twin stopped.


"Yes Ron?" The younger twin asked and Ron smiled.

"I dropped my IPod in the water; can you get it for me?" Ron asked and Ryan nodded.

"Where is it?"

"Underneath my foot. Please hurry the current is strong and I don't know how much longer I can keep my foot on it." The younger twin stared at his brother before leaning down.

"The stream is deep, you have to get lower." Ron told his brother and Ryan ducked underwater trying to locate the IPod.

"Ron I can't seem to…" Ryan was suddenly underneath the water again, a foot keeping him under. He began to struggle and eventually the weight shifted and Ryan sprang up from beneath the surface, kneeling, coughing, spiting out water.

"Asshole." Ryan hissed trying to clear his lungs of water. Ron was just standing there, arms behind his back.

"Ron, what's behind your back?" Ryan asked and Ron smiled.

"What's…" Ryan began to repeat but his brother just shook his head and put a finger to his lips.

"Let's play a game little bro. close your eyes." Ryan said with gleam in his eyes and excitement rushing though his body.


"Ryan, trust me, this is a really cool game. You'll love it. All you have to do is close your eyes." Ryan laughed nervously but agreed and he closed his eyes.

Ron smiled and pulled out from behind his back a dagger.

He whispers to his brother, "You aren't going to some college without me. Twins are born together and twins stay together, forever," before stabbing him in his side.

Okay should I continue with this fic?

Chapters will vary in length but I promise cool killings and a actual plot with twists and turns. The chapters will be more complex than this chapter as well as I get more into the actual story.

Okay thanks for reading and please review and tell you if I should continue or not.