I no own SWAC. Trust me.

Hi everyone. So, I've sort of decided to use UnderageThinking as a main SWAC account, and pyrolyn-776 as a main CR account. I find that it's an unflawed system, really. Anyhow, to keep myself on my A-game, I've decided to create a never-ending drabble story centering on the loveable ChadSon pairing. Should be fun, no? :) Usually, drabbles are about 100 words. I'm just calling mine drabbles, as they're not really one-shots, at least not my normal length. Whatever. You'll be able to read these little drabbles in about sixty seconds...hence my title. ;)


UnderageThinking Presents

Sixty Seconds With ChadSon

A never-ending ChadSon-fest



"You're such a jerk."

The four words come out easily and she crosses her arms heatedly, waiting for what she knows is coming.

"Oh really, Sonny? Am I, really?"

She rolls her eyes. "Yes Chad, yes really."

These four words come out even easier, because it's like an unwritten script the two of them abide by at all times. He pisses her off, she retaliates with some kind of insult. He pulls out the "Oh, really" and she nods her head vigourously. Yes. Really.

He keeps the script going by walking around her as if he's better than her. (Because we all know he believes that.) And then he opens his mouth and, quick-as-a-whip, says, "Now, Sonny, it's not nice to call people jerks. Or to glare. Really. Didn't your mommy ever teach you to play nice with others?"

She clenches and unclenches her fists. It's not the first time she's ever wanted to hit him, and it definitely won't be the last.

"My mommy taught me to beware of jerks with sparkly eyes and false pretenses."

He frowns. That was a new one he wasn't expecting.

She cheers inwardly, because this means she's gained the upper hand. "What did your mommy teach you? How to screw girls over with a charming smile and a fake personality?"

He clutches his heart. As an actor, he can make Sonny believe that her words didn't hurt.

As Chad Dylan Cooper he can pretend as if Sonny Munroe's feelings don't matter to him.

He'll continue. He'll try to break her for as long as he can. Because he's a jerk. Because he's Chad Dylan Cooper.

Because it's easy to play the jerk.

And a hell of a lot harder to be Mr. White Horse.

If you like, I'll continue to write these things. I think I can produce one a day. Like seriously. Thank you so much for reading!