KM: Yes a new story!?

Shizu: So that is what you have been done

Kai: It seems so

Ray: But how is it that we know if this only NOW?

KM: I have my ways guys! Anyways I do not own Naruto but my OCs and this plot! And special thanks to Sparky-kun who helped and gave me ideas and let me use them!

Ray: Yes thanks for the help

Kai: Yeah yeah and now begin the story already!

Chapter 1

The Home Coming and Kidnapping



Kyuubi talking

Kyuubi thinking

"Shinigami talking"

`Shinigami thinking´

Summons talking

Summons thinking

It was a normal day in Konohagakure No Sato. Tsunade was in her office and actually did her paperwork. She had waited for this day three years. Three long years after he had left and now he is coming back. She knew from her old teammate that Naruto had learned more in this three years than he had original planned. In the letters she had read how good Naruto did and that he had now more than one Sensei. But when she always asked for names she got no answer or Jirayia changed the subject in his letters. She frowned to that. Why is that Jirayia can't tell her who those Senseis are? It's not like they are dangerous.

But she had an other problem now. The council was not happy when they heard about the training trip Naruto was on. She knew that they will never be quiet about. It was good that everything was planned out already now the only thing she had to do was to wait.

On the road to Konoha

A man with white long hair and a big bulge on his head was walking next to girl. 'She' was about 5'54 tall. The 'girl' had mid back long blond hair with crimson streaks in it. 'She' had three whiskers marks on each of 'her' checks. 'She' had one crimson eye that was slit like that of fox and 'her' left eye was a sky blue. 'She' wore a crimson shirt with a fox on the font. 'She' wore blue baggy pants with many pockets. 'She' had a white cloak on with black flames at the bottom. On the back were the kanjis for seal master and fox. 'She' wore a forehead protector from Konoha at her forehead. The white haired man besides 'her' still wears the same clothes back then. The only difference now was that he had more wrinkles.

When they reached the gate the were stopped by the Chunnins Kotetsu and Izumo.

"Halt!" they said together. The 'girl' and Sannin sweat dropped to that. `They are in tune´ they thought. "Who goes there?" `Yep they are´

To that Jirayia did his dance but was interrupted when a fist met his skull. "Ignore Ero-sennin over there! It's me Naruto I am back form my training trip" said an annoyed Naruto Namikaze.

Kotetsu and Izumo's jaw hit the floor. That was Naruto!? He doesn't look like himself anymore. He looked stunning and like a girl. He was more quiet and calm now. Nothing like the Naruto they knew. But before they could ask question about the way he looked he had vanished along side Jirayia. They shook their heads. Maybe they could ask him later about this. On his way to the Hokage tower Naruto revived many stares. Everyone recognized him and gave him hateful stares. They sneered at him but didn't dare to do more than that. He was in the company of one the Sannin. They couldn't be that disrespectful, now could they?

Jirayia noticed this and looked at Naruto through the corner of his eye. He saw that Naruto looked like it didn't face him at all. But the old Sannin knew better. On the outside he looked like it was nothing to him but on the inside it was an other story. Jirayia knew how Naruto thought about the village. It was a wonder that he didn't destroyed it with the help of Kyuubi inside him. He also knew that Naruto was happy outside of Konoha where no one knew him and he could be himself. Now it was all over. Now he had to be his old self again.

Naruto was too deep in his own little world to notice that they reached Tsunade's office. Jirayia smirked a little. Tsunade will get a heart attack when she sees Naruto and hears what had happened to them on the trip. Yes Tsunade will have a heart attack. But he knew that this reunion will not be a happy one. He had heard what the council has planned for this evening. He shook his head no now was not the time to think about this. He pushed the doors open and was promptly met with Tsunade's flying desk. Naruto ducked and chuckled when the desk nearly hit Jirayia.

"Nice way of saying hello Baa-chan!"

Naruto was greeted with a hug from said Baa-chan. Jirayia muttered under his breath how unfair it was that the gaki was welcomed this way and not him, how he should be the one to get the hug and the likes about it. He was only met with a fist to his face. Naruto snickered to that. Tsunade was seething with anger when she heard that and what Naruto had whispered to her. While Jirayia was on the floor Tsunade mention for Naruto to sit down.

"So tell me what has happened on this training trip Naruto" said Tsunade.

"Well after we left Konoha Ero-sennin and I travelled the whole Elemental Nations. I will not say to you where we all were. And honestly I don't remember it anymore" he said with a sheepish grin. It made Tsuande laugh. "Most of the time I trained on my Genjutsu but other things too. I know Ero-sennin has written it somewhere down. It tells you everything you need to know about it. While on the trip I had different Senseis. I will not say their names. Please understand Kaa-san" that shocked Tsunade when Naruto called her Kaa-san.

She knew that Naruto thought of her as family but not as a mother. She smiled at him and nodded. She understood what he meant when they don't want to then she won't ask about it anymore. Maybe some day she will hear their names.

"Well all my Senseis were sadistic bastard. Hell even Ero-sennin took it a notch up after I learned everything from him in only just one year. I met my other Senseis in the second year and it was fun with them. Ero-sennin didn't even went on research this whole time! I know shocking! After the first year ended of my training trip Kyuubi and I fused together. It was a pain in the ass."

"You mean Kyuubi doesn't exist anymore?" she interrupted him. He shook his head no.

"She still is existing. Why do you think I look like a girl! The fox was female. She is still there but would the Akatsuki try to extract her from me we both would die. She's a sister for me and even trained me to control her powers. I still haven't that master though."

"A shame that you are still a Genin Naruto. It looks like you have grown much and stopped your acting" she said.

"Yeah but about the Genin thing. I am not"

Tsunade looked at him and raised a blond brow. Naruto isn't a Genin anymore. But when he isn't a Genin anymore what is he then. She knew something like this would come. The old senile pervert had written about it to her and she cursed him for that.

"When you aren't a Genin anymore Naruto what are you then?" she asked him. Naruto chuckled. The answer will surprise her that much he knew. He knew that Jirayia didn't tell her in the letters and said to him he wanted to surprise her. And that he did.

"I am an Oi-Nin(Is that right spelled please tell me)" Tsunade fell from her chair and choked on her saliva. What the hell? She did not just hear this. But Naruto face showed that he meant it.

"So you mean to tell me that Jirayia let you take those exams?" a nod was given. "An do you know about your family?"

"Yes I do. I even learned the Jutsus from my father. I still can't believe it." Tsunade sighed. She knew that this day would came but why had he learned it that soon. She knew that he had to learn it when he was eighteen or had the Jounin rank. But who would have thought that Naruto would gain those ranks that soon? No body had seen this though it was a surprise.

"What will you do know? Do you want to join the Oi-Nin?" she asked him.

"Why not? I have nothing better to do" he said with a shrug. Tsunade shook her head and looked at her old teammate who was still out and hadn't woken up although hours went by. "I go and have a look around Konoha now. Ja ne" said Naruto and left through the window.

Tsunade twitched to that. Why does he always use the window when there is a door. Naruto was the only who wouldn't use the fucking door like every normal person. But who said that Naruto is a normal person? He is just the way he is. She sighed how come that Jirayia is still out? Ahh well some sake would do now `Hopefully it will work!´ she thought before she took a sip and looked out of her window. She would need all the luck she can get to make this work.

With Naruto

Naruto was walking through the streets of Konoha. Nothing had changed that much. The villagers were still the same as always. They were looking at him with hateful or disgusted eyes. Their eyes were cold towards him and showed nothing but hate for him. He sighed and continued on. He heard how they whispered about him, sneered and laughed about him. He heard how they said it was his fault that the 'last' Uchiha had left them. How he shouldn't be alive. He shook his head to get those cruel words out of his thoughts.

He arrived at his Hokage monument. Those heads always gave him the feeling of safety. He remembered how he always sat on the head of his father and looked at the village. How ironic it was for him when he heard the fourth was his father. Back then he had said he would protect this village but now he wasn't so sure anymore. Why should he protect the very own village that wants him dead? He had even asked his sister about it. But she couldn't give him an answer. She only had said to him that she would have snapped a long time ago and destroyed it when she were in his place. He said nothing more after this.

Kit? Do you still not know if you want to protect this village? asked a soft feminine voice. Naruto sighed and got in a meditation position. He soon found himself in meadow with flowers of all kinds and trees. A lake was in the middle of the meadow and to the side was a house that fit for a big family about six members maybe. It was green and red. He saw a woman sitting at the lake. She had crimson eyes that were slitted and had long fire red hair that reached her butt. She wore a Kimono in blue with white butterflies on it. Naruto went over to her.

"No Onee-chan. I know it now" he said to her. She looked at him with a small smile.

And what is you answer now?

"I will not protect it anymore Onee-chan not after what those villagers had put me through. It's just too much" he was near tears now when he thought back about his childhood. Kyuubi saw this and took him into her arms. She rocked back and forth.

Hush Otouto I know what you mean. Just let it out. It's not good for you to bottle it all up. You know I will be always there to help you no matter what! she whispered to him. Naruto let out his tears and screamed into her shoulder. His tears fell now free and seemed to never stop. He now let all his feelings out. His sorrow, pain, hate, fear. He let everything out. Poor Kit. Those villagers don't deserve you or your kindness! she thought bitterly.

While Naruto cried and Kyuubi comforted him they both didn't know what the council had planned in this very moment. But they would soon find out. It was now hours later and Naruto had somewhat calmed down. He was now outside his mind and looked at the sunset. He saw how the light of the sum lit the village. It looked almost peaceful to him. But just almost. He knew exactly what this village and it's villagers really were. For someone outside it would be peaceful but never to him. Those bastards of villagers have destroyed him! How could they do this to an innocent child asked Kyuubi herself.

But she knew the answer. It was because of fear. Humans are just like that. What they don't understand they fear and want to destroy. They don't know what it could do to them though they fear it and try to destroy it. They are that simple minded and don't try to think further. They would then notice how normal it is then. But sadly they don't and that is why always someone has to suffer. Just because no one understand him or her or they don't even try to understand.

Naruto sighed softly and got slowly up. He needed something to eat now. He hadn't something to eat since this morning because the old fart wanted to get to Konoha that soon. `Old fart just wanted to peep on those women in the onsens´ he thought. But nevertheless he made his way to Ichirakus Ramen. It was better then nothing and although he had the money to buy himself something more healthier. He knew that the clerks would just sell him the food the triple amount of the normal price or rotten food. In most cases it was both. He didn't need it this moment though Ichirakus it was. On his way there he didn't meet one of his so called friends.

He knew they only used him back then when they needed his power. They only came to him when they needed his power or help. Not one time did they come to hang out with him. It was always him who had to ask them out. Not even Iruka-Sensei came to him to treat him to Ramen anymore. It was him that had to come and get him. Why was it that he had to suffer this much. He knew no one cared about him. But this was just too ridiculous for him.

When he reached Ichirakus he saw all of his old friends and their Senseis. But Kakashi was nowhere to be seen. He shrugged maybe he was on a mission or just late. He didn't knew. It seemed that they didn't recognized him. `Mhmm maybe I should use it to my advantage to hear what they are truly thinking about me´ he thought to himself. He took a seat next to his old 'crush'. The pinkynette didn't even notice how someone took the seat next to her. Naruto scoffed to that and she was a Kunoichi? Really that was pathetic.

Kit I don't get how you ever could play the crush thing with her! cried Kyuubi when she saw the pink haired monster through Naruto's eyes.

`Honestly Onee-chan I don't know either how I could do this´ he told her while he ordered some beef Ramen.

He and Kyuubi stopped their conversation that wasn't really one to listen to the 'Rookies' and Senseis.

"What do you guys think about Naruto?" asked Kiba the others while he gave Akamaru some Ramen.

"He is annoying, a loudmouth, an idiot and only good for the mission we need him on" said Ino to him. The other nodded in agreement. Naruto silently seethed about that but choose to not let his cover blown up. "I mean seriously someone like him can't keep a secret and that jump suit of him" Ino shuddered.

`Oh sorry miss perfect that I am not allowed to go and buy me some other clothes in this wretched village! It's just normal for me to be hated and don't live a normal life like you guys´ he spat in his thoughts in sarcasm. Kyuubi snickered to that but it was so true. Her Otouto had suffered so much and now had to hear this about him. Those fools if only they knew. It even angered him that the Sensei didn't do anything to come to his defence. He saw how Kiba winced and gave him a look that he wasn't angry with him.

Kiba had winced when he heard this. He knew Naruto and how he really was. He although knew that Naruto was listening into this conversation. He had smelled him along side with Akamaru. His friend whimpered in apologize to Naruto about this. Kiba glance to him and his eyes said it all. He and Naruto always talked with them when they were together. He sighed in relief when he saw that Naruto forgave him and wanted to talk to him as soon as possible. All the while the bad talking continued.

"Come on guys he isn't that bad" Kiba tried to rescue this but it was already too late and he was interrupted by Hinata.

"Oh Kiba please he is an idiot. We all know this and now be quiet about it. It's not like Naruto would never forgive us. He is like this" she said with a shrug. Kiba saw how Naruto stood and left. He did the same and sneered at them before he left. He couldn't bare how his friends talked about Naruto and didn't want to listen to it anymore. But before he left he gave them a piece of his mind.

"You are all idiots you know that!? Didn't came you guys once the thought that Naruto acted this way to protect himself? That he couldn't buy himself better clothes than the jump suit because the stores wouldn't let him buy other clothes, better clothes? That he could only eat Ramen because it's the only food that wouldn't get the double or triple price for him to buy? No you didn't! And you call yourselves a Shinobi. You guys are pathetic. Naruto is way more better than you guys put together!?" and with that he left. Akamaru growled at them and then followed his Aibou.

The other starred dumbfounded at the spot were Kiba was and said nothing. It was just too much to take in. Kiba was in search of his best friend. He knew where he would be after this. In the Forest of Death. He chuckled to that. Naruto always had it with nature. It was in the Forest of Death were Kiba had heard Naruto's story and truth about Kyuubi. It was although the first time they met. It was funny how Naruto had rescued him from this big snake when he was lost in there. He was dumbfounded back then and Naruto had thought that he hated him then too. But it wasn't like that.

Kiba had him in a head log and told him how he could ever think that he, Kiba, could hate him. They were buddies through thick and thin and no one can change that. Naruto had laughed about it and a play fight was then on with them. And to think they were only six back then. He has asked Naruto how he knew about the Kyuubi in himself. Naruto had said that the old man talked in his sleep and that was how he knew about it. When he arrived at their spot he saw how Naruto was sitting there peacefully and enjoying the nature. It was quite the shock for him when he saw how Naruto looked. If he weren't a trained Shinobi then you could have seen the shock in his face.

Although the others didn't knew Kiba was ANBU. He taken the test when in the three years Naruto left. When Naruto had left he couldn't do anything but train. That was what he did. Tsunade had watched him one day and wanted to test him. She even talked with him about Naruto. She was shocked when she heard how Kiba said that he knew since he was six and that he and Naruto couldn't be separated. She had tested him personally and he had passed. It was in the second year to this time Naruto had taken the Oi-nin exams too and passed with flying colors.

"So Naruto, are you going to tell me how the trip was?" he asked his long time best friend.

Naruto smiled at him and nodded. Kiba took a seat in front of him and Akamaru soon followed after he arrived there.

"Well I'll show you okay? Don't worry it's just a Genjutsu and won't take long only an hour or so" said Naruto with a smile. Kiba nodded although he didn't trust it. Maybe Naruto would prank him like the last time. But he didn't. When Naruto was finished with the hand seals Kiba saw everything that Naruto had done in those three years. He laughed when he saw how Naruto shoved a Rasengan up Jirayia's ass when he was being a pervert. Well Naruto did this always when he was a pervert.

"Wow you did all this damn!" Naruto didn't showed him which rank he was or what he learned and his other Senseis but he did show him what Kuubi did to him.

"Yep and should have seen the faces of Gaara, Temari and Kankouro when I visited them after the Kyuubi and I fused. It is better in reality" exclaimed Naruto. Kiba laughed at this. He had missed the fox. Without him here in Konoha everything was so dull and lifeless.

"Damn I have to leave or my mom is going to kill me!" said Kiba when Akamaru remembered him what time it is and how he had promised to be home early. How Akamaru knew this I will never know.

"Don't worry just tell her that you met an old friend fo yours and that you guys haven't seen each other in years and that you guys had a nice long chat"

"Well it is the truth. After all you were away for years. Thanks Fox Ja ne!" said Kiba and ran in the direction of Konoha while waving to him. Naruto laughed when he ran into one of the trees. Kiba just mumble something that sounded like damn fox why didn't he told me about this and next time I see him he will wish to never have met me. Naruto just laughed and slowly made his way back to Konoha.

On his way out of the forest he talked to Kyuubi about the way his 'friends' are treating him. It was something he thought the elders of the village and the adults would say about him but never would he have dared to think that his own generation can say such things about him. He shook his had to clear his thoughts. Kyuubi had stopped talking to him after she sensed he needed his alone time. It was now only a matter of seconds till he reached the streets of the village again.

Naruto was on his way back to Konoha form the Forest of Death when he run into someone he hadn't expected to meet until tomorrow. It was his Sensei Kakashi who still looked the same like three years back. He sweat dropped when he saw that his Sensei had his nose burrowed in that book. He glared at it and twitched when he heard the giggle form the older male. He cleared his throat and caught Kakashi's attention with it.

Kakashi looked up from his book and at the person who cleared its throat and starred at the person. No it couldn't be could it...? `Naruto!?´ he thought. That was something he didn't expected to see Naruto in this outfit and no orange on it and this early. Well he knew that Naruto hated the color orange and that he would come today but never thought to meet him now. He had imagined to meet him tomorrow but not at this time. Why shouldn't he be surprise that Naruto didn't wear the color anymore? He had looked after Naruto when he was still an infant and after that. He didn't want the blond to suffer because of the burden he had on him. Besides he wanted that his Sensei's son hadn't have such a bad childhood. He had done the best he could. He was surprised that Naruto even remembered him after all those years.

But to see Naruto now and that girly looking was new to him. He wondered if the Kyuubi had done this to him. With the red in his hair and the right crimson slitted eye it probably has.

"So how have you been Kaka?" Kakashi twitched at that. Oh how he hated that nickname Naruto had given him when he was four. He still hated it with a passion. Naruto chuckled at the reaction he got. Yes it seemed that his 'Kaka' still didn't like the name that much.

"I've been good Naruto! And seems you too when you still remember that name!" it was silent after this. "So tell me what have you done with Jiaryia-sama?"

It was then that stories were exchanged and other things. Kakashi had asked him lots of question about the merging and the new book of Jirayia. Naruto had laughed and given him the newest book. It was present to his latest birthday from the pervy sage. Kakashi had bowed low to him and handle the book as if it was a god. Naruto had sweat dropped to that. He had then wondered about the sanity from Kakashi but waved it off. It was Kakashi he was here talking about.

"Ne Kakashi? What do you think about me?" Naruto asked him.

Kakashi looked at Naruto and put his book away. It must be something grave when he wanted to know what he thinks about him and didn't use any nicknames. He sighed and looked into the star filled sky. `He must have heard how the others talked about him´ he thought and sighed. It was that reason why he wasn't there too with the others. He too had heard them. He had heard how Kiba had asked this question when he arrived there. He wanted to wait first and hear what the others thought about their 'Hero'. Although the children didn't know that he is a hero. It had shocked him to hear the insults, comment and what not.

But what had angered him the most was that Kurenai, Gai or Asuma didn't do anything against it. It was Kiba who did it. It didn't surprised him that much. The where always together and still are.

He was pissed when he had heard that. He had wanted to teach them a lesson but Kiba was faster than him. He had listened to the speech and then left after it. He had grinned at their faces but it wasn't enough to calm down though he went to a training ground to let some steam off. It had worked. Now he was here with the person that he had thought about just a few moments ago.

"Truce Naruto. I like and admire you. You are still sane although this village and its villagers have put you through so much. You have your sanity were other would have lost it and destroyed this place when they were in your place. You have a strong mind, Naruto. Those villagers do not deserve your kindness" he looked at Naruto now. Naruto was looking at him with wide eyes but Kakashi wasn't finished yet. "Naruto I have never thought of you lesser. I have come to see you as an annoying little brother who I am proud of. I have heard how the others talked about you" he sneered the last part.

"Thanks to them Konoha is now three and a half training grounds lesser!" said Kakashi with a laugh. It made Naruto laugh as well.

"Thanks Kakashi I needed to hear that" he said with a grin.

"No problem brat! Besides I had missed you but not that name!" he said "Why do you still have to call me this?"

Naruto looked at him and studied him. As if to see if he was worthy to hear the answer. He sweat dropped to that and scratched the back of his head. When he thought Naruto wouldn't answer him, he hung his head. He really did wanted to know the reason why Naruto always called him that.

"I dunno Kaka" he said with a shrug and smiled when he saw the twitch from 'Kaka' "I only remember calling you that when I was four. No big reason, I guess. I think that was the only positive thing in my childhood, you know. I was always happy when you came and visited me, played with me or brought something with you. Besides it was too hard for a four year old to say Kakashi!" he said with a laugh.

It was the truth when Naruto tried to say Kakashi it sounded like a new disease or something more worse. He laughed at that. Naruto had pouted when he couldn't say Kakashi and then he had taken the right to call him 'Kaka'. Everyone who had respected him and was with him, ANBUs that guarded, had laughed at Naruto. It was cute an besides everyone had gotten a nickname from him. Some even worse than Kakashi's.

They both had taken long ago a seat on a bench near by. They were now sitting in a comfortable silence and were looking at the stars. It was times like this when they both thought back about the past they had together. The good and the bad things. The bad things were the most but they knew that the good things were always the best. Kakashi laughed when he remembered when Naruto had the first time met Anko. He was six then and had called her a man beast.

Naruto looked at Kakashi and raised a brow in question. Why was it that Kakashi was laughing? Sure he didn't do anything to make him. When the laughter died down and Kakashi noticed Naruto starring at him. He only eye smiled at him. Naruto huffed and crossed his arms. Kakashi chuckled and ruffled Naruto's hair. He knew why Naruto was like this now. The boy wanted to know what was so funny.

"I only remembered the time when you first met Anko" he said with a snicker. Naruto took his time till it clicked and then joined him in the laughter.

It was a nice meeting and Anko had tried to kill him when she had heard that from him. But luckily for him Kakashi was there with Genma. They both held her back while laughing. She had joined the laughter later and then ruffled his hair. It seemed that every person he had met in his life liked to ruffle his hair. He hadn't a clue why but he liked it.

Kakashi stood form the bench and stretched. Naruto only watched him but stood too and stretched. They both had a hard day ahead of them and they needed their rest.

"Well Naruto I have to leave now when I still want to catch some sleep. See you around Ja~!" said Kakashi while he waved lazily a hand at Naruto. Naruto waved back and with a puff of smoke Kakashi had left him.

Naruto smiled and continued on his way to his apartment. He was again lost in thought when he walked. He thought about Kakashi's word and couldn't help but smile. It were nice word and from a good friend too. He had missed the elder male dearly and his lateness on his trip with Jirayia and his lame excuses. He even used some at Jirayia when he was late. That was something that had rubbed off on him form Kakashi. He sighed and looked again at the night sky. It was full of stars that were glinting.

He was again in deep thought and thought about what he should do now. He didn't want to protect the village anymore. A village that hates him. Though why should he protect it? He snorted when he thought how he could fool everyone in this village even the Shinobis. OK he could not fool all but the citizen and most Shinobis. Only Kakashi who particular raised him, Jirayia who trained him, Tsunade who was his Kaa-san, Kiba who trained with him and who he grew up with and Kyuubi. The fur ball was all the time there though she knew what he was up to.

And his ANBU guards. The were even the ones who helped him to creat this mask. It was hard but with their help he got it down. Sometimes he was that good a faking that even they didn't knew of he was really happy or if it was a fake. He was thankful for those lessons and the pranks he played on them. Genma was still angry with him for the pink cake thing.

All the while he didn't noticed how someone followed him. But when he did notice it. It was already too late. Before he could do anything the person knocked him out. But before everything went black he cursed himself for letting his guard down.

KM: Not bad

Ray: Yes and how Naru-chan looks sighs wistfully

Kai, Shizu,KM,Naru: backs away

Naru: Why do I look like this?!
KM: Hey I need you this way!
Shizu: shakes head Please R&R!