Chapt 16

Carolinés POV

This couple of weeks have been heaven for me. I really don't know what happened but Caleb is not longer wavering around Bella and I like that. I love the fact that his face is no longer happy but angry and sad. The sadness has returned to his eyes like it is supposed to be.

Mean time I've have been spending a lot of time with Bella. I've stayed in her house and it made me feel good even though I know she is sad about her situation with Caleb. She talks and laughs but it never reaches her eyes and every time I see her like that my heart skips a little. I hurt to see her sad but it is the way it was to be.

Things are not like as I planned. I think my brain is going to explode one day because of all the information. First Bella was the girl that Victoria was looking for. So she is planning to kill my now big sister. Then Bella was in love with Caleb and there was no doubt that I would have to hurt her in order for me to keep my promise to Chase. But, what to do? Do I give her to Victoria? If I do this then Caleb would definitely suffer to see her dead and Victoria gets what she wants and I kill two birds with one stone. Could I hurt the person that I have feelings for? She was my sister, my best friend and she has become the only family I have.

I don't know what is happening to me. Am I going soft on my word?. NO I wasn't. Well I think I'm not. But, on the other hand, they were responsible for my family`s deaths. To all my distress that final thought was enough for me to snap out of inner battle and resolve my next move. I was going to tell Victoria about Bella.

I got up of my desk and started to get ready to go to the bar. We have plans tonight and I needed to clear my head for just one night. Tonight I will enjoy my last night with Bella before I call Victoria. Who by the way must be seriously crazy now because I haven't called and report anything to her. Every time she called I hung up the phone or had it turned off.

On my way to the door, I grab my phone, my keys and some cash for tonight. Before I could leave my phone rang. I don't know but my heart jumped a little and I hoped it was not who I think it is so I manage to get a little courageous and answered.

"Hello?" I answered the phone with a soft voice waiting for the other person to respond.

"How are you, darling? How is school? Miss me?" said Riley on the other end with a devilish smile I could only place it on my mind. I like this guy that is totally over hills for the crazy bitch I work for.

"Riley I'm fine. Thank you and you?" I sighed almost in relief it was him. It́s hard to admit but this was no crush. I like him a lot but, I kept reminding my brain that he is Victoriás mate.

"I'm very good and wondering why you haven't returned any of the calls. Are you trying to avoid us? Cause if you are.. it is not very nice, my dear." He sang the last words and I swore he sounded like the devil must sound cause chills ran through my spine.

"I've been busy at school and any way I have nothing to report and if I did, you would be hearing from my contact." I said sounding a little rough.

"Mmm." He responded.

"Ok then. I am on my way out so I will call you later. Send my regards to Victoria." I said and hung up. I don't know if it was something in his voice or the silent remarks that came with it but, I knew something was not normal. I decided to ignore it and went downstairs to wait for Bella.

As I waited my brain was working on a plan to do this. I intended to fulfill my promises and on the way to do that I would have to lose my heart too. That was the price I would have to pay. But, what would happen to me then. I couldn't stay here after all this and Riley promised to turn me after Victoria killed the girl.

I sighed. Deep in thought and looked at the road to see if Bella was coming. When I was suddenly grabbed by my arm hard and so fast. I couldn't see who was doing it so I closed my eyes afraid to know that my suspicions were right.

"Shh" the voice said and I opened my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I said to Riley who had tackled me into a wall behind the building. It was dark and I could only see his crimson eyes and part of his face.

"Victoria is coming to see you but I decided to give you a heads up first." He said looking around searching for someone.

"WHAT! She is coming here? WHY!" I was panicking, if she was coming here, she would smell Bellás scent and… OH SHIT! This is what you want and it would be easy. YES it would be easy but then why I feel so scared for Bella. I don't think I could do this. WHAT! What do you mean you can't! What about your promise? What would Chase say? I cańt do it. I love her too much to see her die at Victoriás hands. She is a good person. Innocent and caring and she loves me like a sister, and a friend. Looking at Rileýs eyes, my choices were made. I would do anything to protect Bella from Victoria.

"You are asking why she is coming here." Riley staring at me before he continued speaking.

"Well Caroline don't play dumb with me cause I learned to know you well enough to know you are hiding something from her and she knows it too. That is why she is coming." He said angrily while staring at me and I knew he was searching in me. My soul, my heart. I don't know why but I lean toward his lips and closed my eyes. I wanted to kiss him and mainly I wanted him to kiss me back.

"Don't!" He said and looked at me angry or sad. I don't know but in a blink of an eye he moved and looked away.

"Why did you came here? … I.. I mean why did you come first to tell me she was on her way." I said confused about all this. I know that we click to each other and I truly like him but I was sure he wanted me too. Maybe it́s a game. Play hard to get with the HUMAN!

"Why?... You are asking me why I came here… you silly little rich girl.. You think, you are saved just because she has a deal with you, don't you? He said no longer looking away but staring right at me.

"I came here to warn you and to tell you she is really angry and wants to hurt you. For some fucked up reason I care that you get hurt. So stop trying so hard to hide from her and try to behave in front of her. Do you understand?" He said getting closer again and staring at my eyes then my lips.

I was speechless. I didn't comprehend all this. He said he cares for me or cares for Victoria. I don't know but I was deep in thought staring back at him when I felt cold fingers caressing my lips and I gasped wanting to say something but then he disappeared.

I was confused by all this and with a strange warmth where he touched. I walked to the front when I noticed Bella parking and coming out of the car. SHIT, her scent!

"NO… BELLA… Wait!" I yelled at her, she can`t get out of the car, Victoria would smell her and chaos would break loose, my subconscious screams at me.

I ran to her and smile at my sister that now was my priority. I had to keep her safe while Victoria was here. If I have to surrender to the brothers I would for her.

I ran to the car and got in fast so she wouldn't feel the need to get out. I sighed in relief and smiled.

"Hey" she said smiling at me.

"Hey back! So you are ready to paaaaaarty!" I said smiling back, yes I would protect her I just had to plan how.

Our drive to the bar was pleasant. We talked about her day and how her dad and his friend are trying to get her to speak to Jacob. Apparently they were still not talking to each other. Which I wondered about. Why was she was not talking to him in the first place. I didn't know her reasons but I know that every time I asked she would put on a poker face and change the topic so it must be serious.

We arrived at the bar around nine thirty and the parking lot was full with cars and people that were hanging around with their friends. We looked at each other and smile. This was going to be a really nice night after all and we are in definitely in need of one of those.

As we enter we noticed that all the seniors and part of the school were here. I guess that since midterms are over we all have free time now.

"I will go get us a drink." Bella said and turned around to the bar.

"I will get a table." I yelled back. As I reach a empty table I saw all the brothers, except for Caleb. They were sitting with beers on their hands and staring right back me. They still look mad and resentful but I didn't care. I smirked at them and raised an eyebrows to them before I turned around to meet Bella who was coming with a beer and a coke in her hands for me.

"Hey.. You managed to get a table huh?.. Nice little sis." She smiled and sat down with her back to the boys. I sighed relief that she didn't see them so our night wouldn't be ruined.

"So did you have any problems asking Charlie for permission to come here? You know after the accident he has been very careful." I said trying to start a conversation and trying to distract myself and not think about all the stuff going on right now.

"Well, I thought it was gonna be harder but I managed to escape. He has to understand that I am old enough to make my decisions you know?" She said and smiled.

"Yes.. I know.. Bella I have something to tell you…" I decided that if I wanted to protect her I would have to know why Victoria was after her and that I come clean to her. But I was interrupted by Kate.

"BELLA! It is so good to see you here, come join us." Kate said giving Bella a quick hug and just glaring at me.

"Oh.. Hi Kate.. good to see you too and thanks for the offer but I'm here with Caroline and I don't want any trouble ok? So maybe some other time." She said to Kate giving her a big apologizing smile. Kate's smile disappeared which of course my inner ego grew a little.

"Bella it́s ok, you go with them. I just wait for you here, no problem." I smile and giving my most sincere face I could manage. I mean I know I said I want to protect Bella but I didn't say I wouldn't continue my revenge against them. So I would play victim every time I can in order to keep Bella away from them.

"No… Caroline don't be silly." Bella said and look at Kate who was practically hitting me in her mind and then she smirked.

"Good evening ladies, how are you doing tonight?" We were so immersed in our little display that I didn't notice him coming to our table all smug and devilish.

"Caleb! Good you are here. The guys are waiting for you." Kate said but Caleb just stared at Bella.

"Yes, Kate.. I will be right there." He said and smiled at her but quickly turn to look at Bella who was blushing from head to toe and speechless.

"Ok" Said Kate before turning toward the other table leaving me with Bella and Caleb.


"So Miss Swan, are you gonna talk to me?" He said all glorious in his faded jeans and black muscle shirt. I just couldn't find my voice. I know I saw him briefly at school but I hadn't heard his voice so close since the accident. I can't believe he still has this effect when I'm near him. I was pudding just with his voice…