For those who don't know what an Eighth Grade Formal is, it's the first "real" dance that a middle schooler ever has, and it occurs during the eighth grade. Enjoy!

I do not own CCS.

"Syaoran! Syaoran! Wait up!" Sakura yelled.

Syaoran stopped and turned around as slowly as he could, giving himself as much time as he could to battle the blushing. Unfortunately, her face was an inch away from his, setting multiple blush bombs off, and sending his efforts to fight them to a land far, far away.

"Do you have a date to the 8th Grade Formal?" she inquired.

Ahh! Is she going to ask me to the dance? Ooh… should I say, "Sure!" or maybe I should tell her that I like her... "Uh… not yet."

"No one has asked you yet?"


"But, you're the hottest, cutest, smartest, kindest… I mean, like, nearly every girl in the eigth grade likes you!"

Except for you… "Well, I'm not that-"

"I know!" Sakura suddenly exclaimed, cutting Syaoran off." "I'll go tell everyone to come to the theater after school… yes. That's a good idea…" she mumbled, "Hey Syaoran, come to the theater after school, okay?" she added, turning around and sprinting to class, telling something to everyone she saw. "Bye!"

"A-alright. See you there." he whispered.

For the rest of the day, his brain was in turmoil. He needed to come up with a plan to ask her to the dance! Should he do it by sticking a note in her locker? Or asking her at lunch? He wracked his brain for ideas, but to no avail. All his ideas were too corny! He wanted to ask her casually, but romantically. Way too fast, the day whizzed by, and before he knew it, he was sitting on a chair, on the stage, in the theater.

Meanwhile, after telling everyone she bumped into about the meeting after school, she asked the teacher to announce that everyone had to meet in the theater after school. This is perfect! I'll find Syaoran a date if it's the last thing I do.

At the end of the day, Sakura was standing with a microphone on the stage, facing the audience. The theater was packed with murmuring students.

"Today, we'll be deciding who gets to be Syaoran's date to the 8th grade formal!"

A portion of the audience squealed and screamed, where another grumbled about this being a waste of their time.

Syaoran's face turned ghostly white as he realized what this was about. "Oh crap."

"The start of Round 1, begins now!" Sakura screeched. Turning to Syaoran, she whispered in his ear, "Are you gay or bi?"

"OI?" he shouted in surprise, "No!" Awww man! If she thinks I could be gay, then she has no idea whatsoever that I like her! Why does this have to be so hard?

"The following people may leave the theater at the designated exits! Those with dates already, those who are male, those who aren't going to the dance, and those who do not like Syaoran at all, may leave." she announced.

After all the people left, some cheering, some grumbling, there were about 100 girls left in the room. They were sitting on the edge of their seats, waiting if they have to surpass any more rounds of expectations. Sakura grinned at them, and gave a reassuring wink.

"You guys are the finalists of Round 1! Congratulations! The next round will take place in Penguin Park, after school! You will have 45 seconds to spend with Syaoran, and he will choose who the 10 finalists are! You do not have to use all of your 45 seconds, though. Good luck, and see you in two days!" she said, ending round one. In response, the girls quickly ran out, screaming, to start their planning.

"Darn you, Sakura! Why did you have to get me into this mess?" Syaoran grumbled, "And why do they act like I'm some famous celebrity anyway? And why do you make it sound like this is a contest to win a date with a famous celebrity?"

"Because, my dear friend, you are the heir to the Li Company, and therefore, whoever gets a date with you will have a chance to get married to you and become the wife of an extremely rich and good-looking husband!" she teased, "So it's natural that I have to make it a big deal!"

"Hey, why are you only doing it for me? Do you already have a date?" Syaoran inquired, crossing his fingers for her to say no.

"I'm not coming." she replied simply, "I rather be at home playing cards with Touya!"

"What if someone asks you to it?"

"I might go if I want to go with them. I don't know yet. There's so much fuss over what to wear, but I guess Tomoyo's business is going well because of that." Tomoyo was her best friend. She was a fashion designer, even at such a young age. She could make a dress in one or two days, and design a dress within a class period. She was making a couple extra dollars by selling her dresses to the girls. "Anyway, you're gonna be at Penguin Park in two days, got it?"

"S-sure." He sighed, as he resigned himself to her torture. Maybe he can come up with a perfect way to ask her to the dance. After all, I will be sitting in a chair for and hour or so, listening to girls ramble about how perfect they are. Might as well not waste it.

I'm sorry that it's so short, but I couldn't really think of what else to put in the first chapter. The second and third chapters are already written, and are just being edited and revised, so no need to worry about me not continuing the story. All reviews are welcome, unless they're offending. And check out my poll on my profile!