
As the elevator brought me closer to my execution, I sighed and dropped my chin onto my chest, letting my scraggly hair fall across my face, thus hiding it from view. The droids on either side of me paid no attention. I could see flecks of light whenever we passed a floor, and every time I wondered which one Natalie or Maureen was on. I knew we were all going to be killed. I just didn't know when.

In my mind, I replay each moment, from the very first time we met, to the seconds right before we were cornered. Even now, I felt a blush rising heatedly and in my mind I cursed myself, yet again, for doing that to him. To them all. I had brought the fall of the 501st Legion.

Finally, the quiet elevator came to a smooth halt, in the very belly of this massive ship. I felt as if I had let my entire planet down, and we had had so much potential for the Republic, and I had changed all that. I would always be remembered, if I was going to be remembered at all, as the girl who caused the downfall of Earth before it had even had a chance to prove itself.

Like a movie, I rewound the tapes and let it all play again, and again, savoring each sound, touch, feeling, and movement. The droid behind me shoved me out into the bright light of the docking station with his gun. I grimaced; but my back was so covered in bruises and cuts already one more wouldn't change anything.

As we clanked right to the center of the 'crowd', I realized I could see right past the hundreds of droids, past the reptilian monster that had, for a short time, been the entire system's hero. The blue shield that protected us from the vacuum of space was thin enough to see through, and I could watch as the destroyed star fleet ships gently floated against a backdrop of stars. A grisly scene, one I would die with.

A wheezing sound snapped me back to the present. The huge thing, called General Grievous, stepped forward towards me and unsheathed one blue lightsaber, that made me think of the Generals I knew on the other side of this battle, Anakin and Obi-Wan. So he was going to do this the old fashioned way, a public beheading. I met his cold, yellow eyes, and did not falter when he brought the blade to my neck. Hundreds of fake eyes were on me, a small cleaning droid waiting next to us to clean up the mess. I held myself tall and proud.

I closed my eyes and accepted my fate.