Matt was a loner, always had been. That was why he began to cut. He was invisible to the world so nobody cared. At the Wammy House he would often hang out with a blonde named Mello but only so they could be alone together. During a few moments of hanging around with Mello he could feel, for a few fleeting seconds, happiness. The other children at the orphanage used to call him Mello's dog when Mello was out of earshot. It hurt but what hurt worse was when Mello left the orphanage. No note and no goodbye. Just Roger coming into his room to say that Mello had left.

Matt felt the loneliness more than ever after that so he left for America. After living on the streets of New York for a few months he was finally able to build up enough money by working at computer store to get an old dingy apartment. The loneliness was overwhelming and now his gameboy collected dust on his dresser while he lay on his

tattered couch and watched his blood hit the ground or held the needle.

So that was the way it was one night when Matt heard a knock at his door. He had just put the razorblade on the arm of the couch when he first heard the knock.

"Matt, open the door. It's Mello." The knocking continued.

Matt lurched to his feet and stumbled toward the door but the room seemed to sway and he fell, heavily. The blood poured from the cuts on his arms to gather in little pools on the dirty floor.

"Matt?!" Mello was pounding on the door but it sounded faraway to Matt. He tried to say something, anything, but he couldn't find the voice. He heard the sound of the door being broken down and Mello's footsteps.

"Damn it, Matt. What the hell?" Matt felt Mello patting him down as if to assure himself Matt was really there. "I have to take you to a hospital." He picked Matt up in his seemingly frail arms and carried Matt down to his car.

"S-so lonely." Matt was shivering as Mello gently set him in the backseat.

"Yeah Matt. I know." Mello whispered before closing the door and sliding into the driver's seat. "Just stay with me Matty. I know what I did was stupid but don't punish me by dying." Matt thought he heard Mello sob and opened his mouth to reply but he lost consciousness. There was no pain, no loneliness, just nothing.