A/N: I'd like to dedicate this chapter to "Cate Is So Damn Awesome", I didn't make it quite like you asked but I hope it works. Plus want to say "YAY" that I hit 200+ reviews I never thought to make it that far, "rogueslove22" thanks for being lucky number 200. :)


That single word felt like an echo through the hazy fog that was her mind. She knew she'd heard it before, but couldn't bring herself to remember where.


There it was again, bouncing through her unconscious mind, though this time it sounded more desperate. She felt an unpleasant rolling sensation throughout her body, and her mind began to focus on the voice. Quickly her brain began to connect a series of hazy dots. It had to be Rene, he was hurt but he must be alright.

"Rogue, please cherie, wake-up…"

Rogue? Her mind grasped the use of her name and flew into overdrive. The voice had said Rogue, not Annabelle, which could only mean that it was Remy, not Rene, trying to bring her around. It was weird that she could almost feel herself fighting the battle towards consciousness, wanting only one thing to greet her. She finally felt her lids flutter and her eyes began to focus. The first sight to greet her was not the chocolate brown she had come to know, but a stunning pair of red-on-black orbs she had silently been praying for. They were staring down into hers with concern.

"Mon Dieu, y' almost gave dis Cajun a heart attack chere. Almost t'ought I lost y'," he said while her gently brushed a piece of white hair from her face.

"Remy is that really ya? I thought ah'd never see ya again" Rogue felt her insides were going to burst with happiness she rocketed herself up, throwing her arms around his neck. She would have enjoyed the hug more if a sharp pain hadn't pierced her chest, causing her to cry out. Carefully Remy reached up and disengaged her hands. He carefully forced her back down, worry etched in his face as he saw the tears in her eyes.

"Slow down dere, chere, of course its me. Y' sure y' ok Roguey? I t'ink you must have hurt y'slef pretty badly in de fall y' took."

For the first time Rogue looked around at her surroundings. She was laying in a thick over grown patch of grass in the middle of what had to be a clearing in the woods. To her right the ground seemed to break away, forcing herself up a bit she was able to see the lip of a huge pit. Glancing down she saw her clothes were dirty and torn in quite a few places. She looked back over at Remy to see he was also dirty. His handsome face had a few light scratches, but what caught her eye was the large splotch of red seeping through his shirt on the side. For one panic stricken moment Rogue remembered Colin shooting Rene in almost the same place.

"Mah Gawd, Remy ya bleeding."

Looking down at his side he gave her a small smirk. "Calm down, it's nothin' but a bad scratch," he said pulling aside the fabric so she could see, "Remy t'ink he'll live. Must have got it when he climbed down dere t' get y'."

"Where exactly are we? What happened?" she knew what had happened to her but she had to know what had gone on in this time.

"Well Remy went t' play at de bar but came back in plenty of time t' meet y' at de fortune tellers. Waited outside for close t' twenty minute before I decided t' go in and drag y' out. By de way y' get t' explain t' m' Tante Mattie if word gets back t' her dat I went in dere. Anyway when I got in dere de old woman said y' had left a long time ago, said y' had looked sick when y' left. So I called de others and went searchin' de streets for y'."

"Where is everyone else?" she asked.

"Well most of dem are still probably searchin' in town. We a bit outside de city here, chere. De rest be back at de hotel takin' care of Mr.-I-had-ta-make-de-one-woman-who-can-control-de-weather-jealous. I never would have found y' if I hadn' followed some weird homme. T'ought he was part of de guild at first but now not so sure. Followed him out here before he disappeared. I didn' see y' anywhere so was about t' turn back when I saw dis on the ground." He held up her mask, a bit dirty but otherwise unharmed. "Followed de old path t'rough de weeds here and came across dis old cellar, dere was a house that burnt down here years ago. Y' were laying at de bottom so I climbed down and got y' out. Remy t'inks y' at least twisted an ankle and probably bruised a few ribs with de fall, but at first t'ought it was much worse when y' wouldn' wake-up."

Rogue listened wide-eyed to his story. Her mind flashed back to the dream she had had while in Annabelle's time. He had gone all over the city looking for her, had been worried about her.

"Y' might need dese," he handed her gloves to her, "found dem on de street. Dey were de reason I followed de creepy homme in de first place."

Rogue took the gloves and placed them on her lap. She just stared at them, softly stroking the familiar fabric before looking back up. She remembered everything that had happened to her, all the things she'd seen but more importantly what she'd learned.

"Remy ah want ta try something. Do ya trust meh?"

"Of course, ma cherie."

Carefully Rogue sat up, wincing at the pain and faced him. Slowly she began to bring her bare hand up between them, moving it toward his face. She tried to ignore the lingering fear, telling herself this had to work, that all this could not have been for nothing. Remy watched, never flinching as her poisonous skin drew closer to him, the only sign of his confusion was the slight widening of his eyes,

"Chere, would just like t' take a moment t' point out dat Remy can' help y' get back t' de hotel if he is unconscious," he looked at her and his lips twitched into a smirk.

With that one comment all Rogue's fears disappeared as she smiled. He knew she was afraid of hurting him, and maybe he was afraid of hurting her, but he trusted her despite it. If she was fated to only be able to touch this one man in her lifetime, she would do so happily, because she knew she trusted him too.

Her hand finally reached his cheek. For a moment they both held their breaths, waiting for the familiar pull, which never came. With amazement Rogue ran her fingers along his jaw, relishing the feeling of his skin against hers. Her other hand found its way to his opposite cheek and for a second she merely looked into his eyes before leaning forward and pressing her lips to his.

It was everything she had hoped it would be. His lips were warm and tasting of spices she couldn't even begin to name. After his first shock wore off, he moved them against hers, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her close. For a moment they just sat like that, letting the warm Louisiana breeze move around them, before Rogue finally pulled away.

Opening her eyes she waited for his reaction. His eyes seemed to burn brighter as he gazed at her.

"Chere, y' mind tellin' m' how y' did that?" he asked a little breathless.

"Sugah, ya gonna sit here and ask meh questions ah can't even begin ta answer or are ya gonna kiss meh again?"

Remy was not a man to have to be told anything twice. When they pulled apart a second time Remy took her face in his hands.

"Rogue got somethin' for y' with m' poker winnin's." he reached into his trench and pulled out a small rectangular box.

Opening the lid Rogue felt a catch in her throat. Inside, nestled on a small piece of cotton, sat a rose cameo on a delicate line of green silk. Rene's mother's necklace was in her hands, the one he had given to Annabelle on their last night together.

"Just saw it de window of one of de shops and it reminded m' of y'," Remy said.

"It's perfect Rems," she said as she fastened it around her neck.

He wrapped her hands in his raising her chin so he could meet her eyes.

"Je t'aime, Rogue, have for some time now and wanted t' show it."

Rogue smiled as she wrapped her arms around him, "Ya know what Sugah, ah'm pretty sure Ah love ya too."

A/N: So yay, I got rogue back to her own time and her own man. I still have just one more chapter. Please review they keep me writing :)