Disclaimer: I do not own OHSHC.

Haruhi slowly woke through a cloudy haze. Gingerly opening her eyes, she immediately saw an unfamiliar ceiling that looked nothing like the one in her bedroom. Attempting to turn and glance around, pain shot through her head, causing tears to come to her eyes. When she tried to lift her arm to grab her head, more pain shot through her arm and shoulder. The pain suddenly made it too heavy to lift. Before her arm could fall back against the bed, a gentle hand grabbed it and gently placed it down.

She looked over to see Kyoya sitting beside the bed. He looked a bit more unruly than he usually was with his jacket taken off and tie loosened around his neck.

When she attempted to speak, her voice came out scratchy and incoherent. He silently retrieved a glass of water from the side table and held the straw to her lips for her to sip. She never thought water tasted so good as the cool liquid soothed her throat.

"Where am I?"

"At my clinic. You were in a car accident."

Confusion etched on her face. Just when she was about to question him memories of a crashing sound, sharp pain, and sudden darkness came to mind. Panicked, she used her good arm to place her hand over her stomach.

Almost immediately, she regretted it and glanced at Kyoya. She couldn't see his eyes behind the glint of his glasses. "The baby is alright. The crash didn't encounter your stomach."

She sighed, too relieved at the knowledge that her unborn child was alright to even care that Kyoya had discovered her condition. The room settled into an awkward silence as Kyoya continued to stare at her.

"When were you going to tell me?"

She looked over at him with calm eyes, though her heart was pounding in her chest, nearly deafening her ears. "I was going to wait until my condition started to show to tell all of you. I didn't want your unnecessary worrying and pestering of my health." It was half true.

"Cut the act, Haruhi. I clearly remember the night we spent together just as I am fully aware that the baby is mine."

She looked at him with widened eyes. It was then that she realized that he never actually said that he didn't remember what happened between them. Turning her head away, she closed her eyes, beginning to feel heavy and tired. "You need not worry about the baby. I will not hold you responsible. I am willing and capable of raising my child alone."

His voice was deadly calm as he spoke. "That is not an option. The child is of my blood; therefore, he/she will be raised as an Ootori. Luckily your condition has yet to show. We'll marry immediately so that there is little speculation later."

She snapped her head around to stare at him, ignoring the burning pain. "You can't be serious?"

He adjusted the glasses up his nose. "But, of course."

Despite already predicting how he would act upon discovering her pregnancy, she was still shocked speechless. "I'm not marrying you. There is no love shared between us."

"I surely hope you are not so naïve as to think all marriages are based out on love. Maybe from your commoner's standpoint that is true, but in a society based on money and power, that is hardly the case."

"I am in no need of money nor power achieved by manners of matrimony. I prefer the hard-working way in which I have been doing. While I do not believe all marriages are based on love, those that are formed out of obligation or as a means to correct a mistake are destined for failure."

"Maybe so, but would you want our child to be labeled as a bastard because you refuse to take the reasonable and appropriate path?"

After a very short moment of stunned silence, she glared. "Get out."

Deciding not to argue with her, he silently stood to leave. "We'll talk about this later." As soon as he shut the door, she couldn't stop the quiet sobs that shook through her as she buried her face in her hands.


An hour later, there was a knock at her door before her friends, with the exception of Kyoya, entered the room loud enough to be heard throughout the clinic. For once, she gladly welcomed their over-the-top antics and show of affection they still maintained even after all these years. Though her eyes were probably bloodshot, her tears had dried some time ago.

Tamaki ran over to her side, taking her good hand into his. "My poor daughter, look at you." He scanned his gaze over all her bandages then burst into tears, burying his face in his arms on top of the bed.

Hunny came to stand on the other side. "How are you feeling, Haru-chan?" He gazed at her with worried eyes.

She gave him a small smile. "Aside from a few pains, I'm fine."

He'd grown since their high school years. Having sprouted to just above her height, he'd long ago kicked his habit of hanging onto Mori, though they still continued to spend most of their time together.

The twins pushed Tamaki aside, who was still sobbing over her injuries. "How come you didn't tell us you were pregnant?" The question managed to cause Tamaki to cease with his antics.

Leaning back, she closed her eyes with a sigh, giving them the same answer she gave Kyoya. When the room became silent, she cracked open her eyes to peer at them. She gave them a small smile to soothe their hurt looks. "It's not that I wouldn't appreciate your concern. I would just rather do without the constant crowding of my space." They would more than likely try to dictate all her movements and actions until the minute she went into labor.

For the remainder of their visit, they talked about what was going on in their lives. Hunny and Mori were planning to expand their dojos to other countries such as China and America. Tamaki was planning a surprise anniversary trip for his wife, Éclair, and still couldn't decide between Hawaii or the Bahamas. The twins were coming out with a new line of clothing and wanted Haruhi to try on some of their creations before she blew up like a watermelon. At that thought, they expressed desires to create maternal clothes for her that would make her ultra stylish. It horrified them that she just planned to buy clothes that were comfortable, whether they were unflattering or not.

She was thankful that they didn't bring up the topic of who the father was, though she was pretty certain that they already knew. They were sharp enough to pick up the uncomfortable vibes between her and Kyoya, seeing as she avoided looking at him when he came into the room once after their conversation to tell them he was leaving to return to his office.

By the time the others left, they agreed to return the next day to take her home. The doctors wanted to keep her in one more day to make absolutely sure that she was alright, much to her annoyance. However, she didn't argue since she had the baby to think about.


As Haruhi sat in the living room folding the last of her laundry, the door bell suddenly rang. Looking over at the clock, she wondered who it could be that would come over so late. Even her friends wouldn't dare disturb her peace after dusk.

Opening the door, she stared at the visitor with a mix of surprise and annoyance. Kyoya still wore his suit, suggesting that he'd recently left the office. She hadn't seen him in about two weeks, since their little conversation in the clinic. Not seeing him had probably been more on her part than his. She stopped going to their lunch dates, for obvious reasons, and chose to go to the twins place to act as their mannequin. The remainder of her time was spent at the office, even going so far as to spend the night on her tolerably comfortable couch. She really hadn't been in the mood to confront Kyoya. Now it seemed to be unavoidable.

"We need to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you." When she attempted to shut the door in his face, he stopped it with his foot. She glared at him, but he refused to remove the offending appendage from her door. Giving a huff of frustration, she gave in and stepped back to allow him entrance.

Kyoya turned to her as she shut the door. "I see you haven't changed your mind about my offer."

She snorted. "You didn't offer, you demanded. And yes, I still refuse."

"Be reasonable, Haruhi, this-"He was cut off as she spoke loudly in anger.

"I am being reasonable. What about my happiness? Do you think I want to be married to someone who doesn't even want me?"

She was suddenly pushed up against the wall as Kyoya grabbed both of her forearms and pinned them on either side of her head. He bent his head down to speak into her ear. "What makes you think I don't want you? How do you think we're even in this predicament?"

"That night was caused by the influence of alcohol. You weren't in your correct state of mind."

"Who says I wasn't?"

She didn't know what to say as he pulled back to look into her eyes. Before she could do anything, he leaned down to kiss her. The passion there surprised her and stirred up her desire as she returned the kiss. His tongue slipped into her mouth as he deepened the kiss. Releasing her arms, he grabbed her butt to lift her up to his eye level. Wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, he proceeds across the room to her bedroom, managing to blindly make it there without tripping or bumping into things. He put his knees up on the bed before leaning forward to press her down on her back without breaking contact. Lifting his head for a moment, he removed his glasses to place them on the nightstand then trailed kisses down her neck. Unbuttoning her shirt, he removed it to reveal her lacy blue bra and unhooked the front clasp to release her breasts. Taking one hardened nipple into his mouth, he spent a few glorious moments on it before moving to the other, causing Haruhi to moan in pleasure. Moving down her body, he quickly removed her skirt and dampened panties. Pressing his mouth over her juncture, she gasped in pleasure as his tongue swept over her and licked her clit. Two of his fingers slowly pumped into her as he continued to lick, causing rushes of sensations to spread up her body. Her body could only take a few moments of this as she suddenly came, arching up as she screamed his name.

While she panted and attempted to regain her senses, Kyoya quickly discarded all his clothes to press his naked body gloriously against her skin. She moaned when she felt his erection brush her womanhood and wrapped her legs around his waist. Leaning down to kiss her, they both groaned as he slowly entered her. Pressed to the hilt, he slowly withdraw till only to head remained in her before pushing back in and grinded his hips against hers. The rhythm increased as they broke the kiss to huff and moan with each thrust. The silence of the room was filled by the sounds of slapping skin and the beat of the headboard against the wall.

Haruhi arched up as her orgasm rushed through her. A few moments later, Kyoya suddenly stiffened above her as his seed spilled into her. Collapsing beside her, he wrapped his arm around her waist to press their sweaty bodies together so that her back was to him.

Several minutes after they'd settled down, Haruhi spoke into the silence. "You know why it angered me so much when you demanded me to marry you?"

She felt the head rested on hers shake. "It's because it hurt so much to know the only reason you even thought of being with me is because I'm pregnant. I love you so much, yet you only want me because of the baby." Tears began to fall from her eyes and her voice shook with emotion.

Kyoya turned her to face him. "That's not true. I do want you. The pregnancy just gave me the excuse to bind you to me like I've wanted to for a while." The sincerity in his eyes made her heart skip.

Gently kissing her, he pulled her tight against his chest and buried his face in her hair. "I do love you." He mumbled.

Just before they drifted to sleep, he silently spoke into the night. "Will you marry me?"

She smiled. "Of course, love."

As she drifted to sleep in her fiancé's arms, she couldn't help but smile at the happiness she felt. She never dreamed they would be together but it was all because of one night.

A/N: That's the last chapter. Sorry if the ending was a bit lame, I couldn't think of anything else. If your disappointed that the story is so short, sorry again. I was ready to finish with this so I can concentrate on the others I'm writing. Please REVIEW!!!