The Accident

(Alice POV)

"You'd better hope there aren't hunters out, Emmett," Carlisle warned. Emmett turned to me.

"Will I cause a lot of trouble hunting down a few measly bears?" Emmett asked incredulously and I looked ahead.

Emmett pushes Edward into a tree. Edward jumps on Emmett. Emmett drops to the ground. Rosalie and I are laughing. Jasper is egging them on. Carlisle and Esme are frowning. Edward screams at Emmett. Emmett laughs. Edward rolls away from Emmett. We continue. Bears. Emmett pushes one off the cliff top. He jumps after it. I am hunting. A couple of bears near me. Emmett drags his bear up. Rosalie giggles. I jumped on the back of one of the bears. Darkness.

I shook my head out of it. Unknown movements. Emmett and Carlisle looked at me expectantly.

"Well?" said Emmett, smiling cheekily.

"Nothing permanent," I chirped and Emmett beamed at me. Carlisle sighed, but he trusted my judgement. It amazed me how easily people trusted something as fickle as my gift.

We set out on the normal road to go to Emmett's favourite bear hunting place. It was on the edge of a mountainside, with a steep drop-off. Emmett's cheeriness had rubbed off onto Jasper, so everyone was feeling bright and happy. Carlisle and Esme walked a little behind us 'kids' and the bits of the vision slowly began to fit together. Emmett pushed Edward into a tree, and started laughing loudly, in his deep booming voice. Edward knew what was going to happen, but unthinkingly, he jumped onto Emmett's back in retaliated, and kicked him. Emmett roared and dropped to the ground onto his back, and Edward, rolling around, crushing Edward. Unable to help ourselves, Rosalie and I started laughing at them, at Emmett's triumphant expression, Edward's furious face. Edward should so have seen this coming!

"Come on Edward! Push him off!" Jasper screamed, hyped up by the action, "Be a man, Edward!"

"Get off me, you moron!" Edward screamed at Emmett and Emmett laughed harder, the sound echoing off the trees. Behind me, I knew Carlisle and Esme were frowning. The walked beside us, their faces showing their disapproval, jumped over Edward and Emmett's brawl, and continued up the path. Edward continued struggling against Emmett, and Emmett just pushed him down harder.

"You're not a man Edward!" Emmett yelled, and Edward bit Emmett's shoulder. Finally, Edward rolled out from under Emmett, and both of the jumped up from the ground with vampire speed. Edward dusted himself off, and tossed his auburn hair over his shoulder. Emmett jogged over to Rosalie, lifted her up onto his shoulders, much to her protests, and ran up the mountainside path. Jasper took my hand and we followed them, with Edward at our heels.

Up at Emmett's favourite location, right near the caves, we saw the bears already awake. Rosalie jumped off Emmett and we looked at them, would-be-casual.

"That one is mine!" Emmett yelled, breaking the peace, and lunged at the biggest one. It spun around, only to see a hunger-crazed Emmett lunging at its throat. It gave a roar, and Emmett sunk his teeth into it. It swiped at him helplessly and fell. Carlisle lunged at another, and within an instant, we were all out there, drinking.

"No!" Emmett hollered as one of the bears fell from the cliff. One of his bears. He jumped after it.

"You are mine, bear!" he yelled and he flew down. I laughed. Letting my last bear drop to the ground. A few more bears were near me, clawing at us. A grunting came from below the cliff. Emmett dragged up the limp, bleeding corpse of the bear, his face filled with anguish. He bent down to its throat and drank. From over near Jasper, on the other side of the clearing, I heard Rosalie laughing loudly. I turned back to the bears and jumped onto one of them, half onto its back, half hanging from his shoulder. I laughed loudly, as it swung me around. Its huge paw flung at me and hit me in the ace, claw into my eye. My laughter quickly turned to screams of pain, and I dropped from the bear, arms and legs flailing as I hit the ground.

"Alice!" I heard Jasper shout above my own screams and Esme shrieked in horror. The bear fell down onto me, its arms harmlessly scratching my clothes. Then another claw hit my eye. I gave a new, louder scream of pain, and covered my face as strong arms lifted me up. Emmett. He jumped up and turned his back to the bear as I yelled, my hands covering my face. I contracted my muscles as tightly as I could and screamed more. Suddenly, a blow was delivered to Emmett's back, and he too screams, deeper and louder than my own screams, as we tumbled off the cliff edge. His arms tightened around me, and I pressed my face into his chest. I heard shouting and yelling above us, the loudest Jasper and Rosalie. We hit the rocky ground. I drifted out of everything.