All characters are Stephenie Meyers. I don't own them I wish I did ;o)

This is the last chapter. It is in EPOV because ---- Well just read the chapter and you will see why. I can't believe it is over. But now I am concentrating on Christmas Wish and my new one that will be coming out called Why. Put me on an author alert if you want to know when it comes out. Or any story by me comes out. Please read and review. They are much appreciated.



Chapter 10



Bella was in Forks.

She was here. Her scent was everywhere here. I stepped into the white house that was my family home. Well one of them. Her scent was fresh. She was here not too long ago. Was she looking for me? Was she going to come back? I had to know. I turned around and walked to get my car. I had stowed my Volvo when I had left. I didn't need it where I was going. Now that I was back I could drive it again.

I got in and immediately her scent hit me. It was old not like the fresh scent outside. I started the car and it sputtered to life. I would need to get new fresh gas. I backed out of the garage and headed down the drive. It felt good to be in my car. I needed this as much as I wanted Bella. I listened for Charlie and to see if anyone in town had seen her.


No one was talking. No one had seen Bella recently. I drove to her house and hid the car a few streets away. I didn't need Chief Swan seeing it, or Bella quite yet. I went to the edge of the forest and smelt them.


They were traveling back and forth to this spot through the forest. The smell was rank and disgusting but they seem to stay in one spot which meant that they were watching Bella, Charlie or both of them. I pushed the thought aside. It didn't matter. I was back to watch over her. Until she was ready then I would come back into her life. I made a promise to stay away. I was breaking my own promise but I needed to see her. I needed to know if she was okay. I needed to know.

I waited outside for what seemed like hours when Charlie came home in Bella's truck but with no Bella. Was she in the house? I'd have to wait till nightfall to see. I watched Charlie take a winter jacket and a spring jacket out of the truck. Both had Bella's scent. Where was she?

I watched him take them into the house and then I listened as he called his ex-wife.

"Renee she is on flight 422. Arriving in 4 hours my time….. Yes she has what she needs….. No she was going to come back and then go to school….. Just don't forget to pick her up."

He hung up the phone. She was gone. She was gone to her mother's. Then off to school. She had moved on. She was happy. I would hope so. I was going to move towards the house when my cell rang.

"Edward where are you. I see you in a forest starring at Bella's house."

"Hello to you too Alice." I said curtly. I couldn't do anything with out her knowing it seemed.

"If you're standing in front of Bella's house that means you're in Forks. Can we please please come back? I miss my best friend. I want to see her."

"You won't see her here. She's gone." I said quietly into the phone.

"Gone…. Gone how? I didn't see her. Mind you I haven't seen her in a long long time. You told me to stay out of her life."

"She's moved on from us. She's going to school."

"Oh." She paused. "Can we still come home?"

"If you want. I can't keep you away any longer."

"Thank you Edward. I miss my closet."

"I'm sure the one in L.A was just as big or bigger Alice."

"No. I missed that and I missed Bella. You're sure she's gone?"

"Yes. Charlie just sent her on a plane." I wasn't going to tell her that it was to Florida first. That was my secret. That way no one would follow her. My promise would never be broken.

If she was happy then I would leave her be. She'd be the only one I would ever want. Her blood was my drug. I would never tire of it. I would never tire of smelling it. I will wait to see you Bella. I need to know your fine. I need to know I didn't cause you pain. I need to know.

Alice hung up the phone and I continued on my path. I headed to the house scaled the side as the sun went down in the cloudy day in Forks. I slid her window open and her scent wafted to me. It was still fresh but there was no sign of her left in this room. She was gone. She had left Forks. She had left me behind and was moving on. With or with out me at her side

Oh my Edward. He came back too late. But we all know how the story ends. A lot of you read the 2nd and 3rd stories first. I won't spoil it if you haven't read the rest of them. That would just be mean. I am in a way happy that it is completed but sad that it has come to an end. I loved this story. I loved writing it. I did promise outtakes. They will be coming soon. I want to finish off Christmas Wish and start Why then I will write some outtakes. Please tell me what you thought of this story. If you did read the other two first then you would have kind of a guess as to what was going to happen in this story. Please tell me your thoughts. Please read and review for me. Thanks.
