I nervously looked out my carriage window and gazed on what was England. I took deep breath and leaned back in the seat. My father, who was across from me, gave me a look of confusion.

"What is wrong my daughter?" He asked as he leaned over to put his hand on mine. I gave him an irritated (?) look.

"I am not used to the English court. I have grown up in Italy and what if the King is rude to me? He is just expecting your arrival to sign the peace treaty, not for me to come and stay for a couple of years," I said quickly.

"You are a princess Honoree, and you will behave like a true Italian princess," My father said as he gave me a warning look.

"You are afraid of how the King will behave towards you," knowing me too well. My father laughed whole heartedly and pat my knee. "You forget that you two knew each other when you two were children. He fancied you very much at the time."

I shot my father a look and gave him a sarcastic laugh. "And the way he showed his fancy as you put it was by pushing me in the dirt and pulling my hair and pushing me off my horse." I crossed my arms and looked at him with what I knew was a childish and petulant frown. My father rolled his eyes and looked the other way.

As he stared out the window, he said thoughtfully, "Ah, so you do remember him."

"Of course I remember him. He was rude, arrogant and spoiled. Hard to forget, Father." I said my crossed arms communicating volumes about my feelings in this matter.

"Well when his brother past, his father turned his undying attention to Henry. I don't think that Henry really wanted to be King, but when Arthur died, he had no choice." Father said softly. I said nothing; it would take much more than that to make me feel sorry for King Henry VIII. I fixed my Ruby red dress. It was made of velvet with French lace and gold threads. Pearls and rubies went right across the top of my bosom and the tightness of my corset made it somewhat difficult to breath. It was hot and stuffy inside the carriage, but it felt better than the cold October air that blew outside.

It was only a few minutes later that the carriage had stopped and it was time to get out.

My father gave me a wink as he put his hat back on and exited the carriage. The royal trumpets played as they announced my father as the King of Italy, he turned and helped me out of the carriage. I reluctantly took his hand and stepped out. The cold air hit my lungs and the trumpets met my ears. But then I looked up, and then the King of England hit my eyes. I looked back down quickly to make sure my eyes didn't' look at his.

We made our way through the aisle of people and to the king and his queen. I curtsied and kept my head down. The king and my father shook hands.

My father he motioned me to come closer. He proudly introduced me to the King, "You remember my daughter, Princess Honoree."

Henry looked at me and I could feel his eyes bore into my own. I dared not look him in the face. He came down the steps and gently pulled my face up to meet his holding me closer than was proper. Looking into his eyes I realized that after all those years I never forgot those eyes, so wonderfully blue.

"It has been many years Princess. I still have not forgotten your beauty as a child. And it seems that you have gotten even more beautiful as you have grown into a woman." Henry let go of my face and took my hand to kiss it. I raised my eyebrows in acknowledgement of his compliment but otherwise kept my face neutral. He was a notorious Lothario and I was not so easily charmed. I pulled my hand from his grasp and stepped back.

"I would like Honoree to be seated next to me at dinner tonight." He said as he looked at my father. Queen Catherine gave me a look of distrust, but I did not blame her. She waited for Henry to take by the arm and lead her inside. But what the king did that surprised her is that he held out an arm for me. I reluctantly took it. We entered the hall; I did not look at him the whole time we walked. The servant pulled chair out for me as I was seated next to the king. Just like back in Italy, there was singing and dancing, I smiled as the cheerful melodies brought everyone together.

Henry looked at me and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "I had hoped that you would greet me more warmly when you arrived. It seems that is not to be the case. We were such good friends before," his lips almost touched my ear and a shiver went down my spine as I looked at him.

'The only thing good sir that I would want between us is a continent.' I thought but I gave him a half smile and turned my attentions back to the dancing people. Henry gave me an insulted look as he turned his head the other way. All of a sudden he shot up from the chair so fast that I jumped a little.

"I would love for her Highness to dance with me," he announced as he held out his hand for me to take. I looked at him with neutral eyes and reluctantly let him lead me to the dance floor. He gave me a wicked smile as he whispered to the violinist, started playing a Voltar. He gave me a bow and I curtsied back. He took my hand and pulled it, bringing my body close to his. We started to dance; he turned me around with my back against him. I was shocked as his hands wandered up my body. His forwardness was unprecedented and even though he was King I was not some harlot from the street for him to touch like that. I casually bumped into him so hard that he winced. Henry's scent was very masculine but also smelled of roses. We danced almost erotically as my body moved with his. His hot breath upon my neck as he lightly kissed my shoulder, made me blush violently. I pulled away from him and exited the dining hall. He had humiliated me and I felt like an idiot. I ran to the gardens to get some cool air. It was dark out and I could barely see. As my body cooled down as I sat by the fountain and took deep breaths. What had I done? I had probably angered him with my rebuff, but how dare he treat me that way in public! I quickly retired to my quarters, not wanting to run into anyone else. I wasn't looking forward to tomorrow.

The next morning, I walked through the hallways with my ladies' maids trailing behind me. Out of respect people bowed whenever I entered their presence. I knew what they were thinking. 'Look there goes the King's whore'. After the humiliation of last night, I tried to avoid the King, making sure that my ladies in waiting would know where he was and report back to me so we would not cross paths. The true horror of it all was that they would always tell me that Henry was looking for me.

Unfortunately one of the King's men found me and delivered a message. "His Majesty requests that the Princess join him for hunting."

I looked at him and shook my head. "Tell him I do not wish to go hunting, I am not feeling well, but thank him for the invitation." As I turned to walk away, I bumped into someone and that someone was the King.

"I am afraid you have no choice my Lady. We leave in an hour." He said seriously and turned and left without saying another word. I gave a defeated sigh and went to go change. I put on a pair of riding boots and my riding outfit and gloves. I usually wear red, but this time I chose a green riding dress. The sleeves were tight in my arms and kept me warm. I heard a knock at the door and I saw a very handsome man walk in. His blue eyes, though not as bright as Henry's, seemed to stare right into my soul. I gave him a curious look; he gave me a low bow.

"My name is Charles Brandon your Highness, the Duke of Suffolk. I am here by the King's orders to escort you to the stalls so you may choose your horse." Charles said giving me a dashing smile. His reputation was renown and I looked at him haughtily, I took one last look in the mirror, adjusting my riding hat and allowed him to follow me out

"I have brought my own horse thank you very much." I said as I walked out. He nodded his head in acknowledgement but did not say anything, which I found curious.

"Very well your Highness. We shall go straight to the courtyard where the King awaits you."

"Will my father or his wife be joining us on this little excursion?" I asked.

"No, I do not believe so. Your Father said that he feels too old and would not keep up. The King only requested that you join him at the hunt. A few others will be accompanying you. I have some court matters and cannot attend. He says that you and he have much catching up to do." He said with a smirk in his voice.

I shot him a look, "Indeed."

We arrived at the court yard and one of my servants brought me my horse. The king stopped talking with his friends and gave me a huge grin.

"Ah, there you are Princess. I would like you to meet Sir William Compton and Sir Anthony Knivert." He made a gesture towards them both. I gave them a polite smile and a slight curtsy. The servant helped me up on my horse and I placed myself just right making sure I was secure.

"Shall we gentlemen?" I said as I kicked the horse to start moving. They dipped their heads and moved their horses behind me, letting the King and I lead the way.

Hunting went as planned, except for the ditch filled with water that blocked our path. King Henry was not going to let it get in his way. He got off his horse and took one of the flag poles from the servant. We all looked at each other in amusement.

Anthony was the first to speak up. "Ummmm your Majesty?"

Henry removed the flag from the pole. "Yes Sir Anthony?"

"What are you doing?" He asked confused. William and I looked at each other trying not to laugh.

"I am going to vault this stupid ditch. Nothing stands in the way of me and my sport." Henry said as he took a few step back preparing himself.

"Are you sure?" William finally said as he looked at him and then motioned me to pull my horse next to his. I obliged and came right next to him. Henry looked at all of us with pride, as if there was nothing he could not do if he set his mind to it. I knew from past experience that Henry did not take lightly to being denied. It was one of my reasons for staying so far away from him.

"Just watch and see what the King of England can do," Henry said arrogantly. We all looked at each other, doubt clear on our faces.

He ran as fast as he could and dug the pole into the ground. The pole could not hold his weight and broke in half tumbling him head first into the water, with his legs swinging in the air.

"Well, you can't do that," I mumbled and hearing this William and Anthony howled with laughter. But when he did not pull himself up, I knew he was in trouble. I got off my horse and took off my boots, hat, and gloves. William and Anthony looked at me in surprise as I jumped into the murky water and to pull him out. He was gagging so I pulled him to the side and I hit his back a couple of times, the bile come from his mouth. By this time there was silence and nobody dared speak a word. The King would be totally humiliated and no one wanted to risk his wrath. William and Anthony got off their horses and looked terrified, while I began to shiver from the cold water. I was too worried about Henry to care.

"Don't just stand there; help us out." I said as I reached my arm out. William grabbed it and pulled me out swiftly. Anthony pulled Henry out, who was still coughing violently.

"Let us get him inside before he gets sick." I said in a frightened tone.