A/N: Okay! So in the last version of the Mudblood's daughter, I really messed up with the ages of the characters. So, to clear up any confusion in this story I made a list of them. These are the more frequent characters in the story.

Bill Weasley - 41
Charlie Weasley - 39
Fleur Weasley - 32
Charissa Hallows-Weasley, Hermione Granger, Pansy Parkinson-Weasley, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy - 29
Gabrielle DeLecour, Luna Scamander, Ginny Potter - 28
Lucas Weasley - 13
Teddy Lupin, Narca-Jane Hallows - 12
Victorie Weasley - 10
Molly II, Roxanne and Dominique Weasley - 9
James Potter, Cassie and Cleo Hallows, Louis Weasley - 7
Lucy Weasley, Fred Weasley, Kathleen Hallows Lucille DeLecour - 6
Callaria Parkinson-Weasley, Charlotte Hallows, Lorcan and Lysander Scamander - 5
Lily Potter, Esmerelda and Elizabeth Hallows - 4
Billius Hallows-Weasley - 2
Lucien Hallows-Weasley - 18 months

The Mudbloods Daughter - The Re-Write

"Hermione! Can you please come and help out?" Molly Weasley called me from the garden into the kitchen. I pushed through the herds of people, clutter and carrying a tray of ham sandwiches out into the bustling garden. Luna waved dreamily at me, before pulling an arguing Lorcan and Lysander apart. The two sandy haired five year old boys tried to reach at each other, and pull the others hair. Those two boys were always fighting.

I lifted the tray above her head, as a group of boys all ran past her, before putting it down on the table. I ran my hands through her milk chocolate, honey streaked curls,slightly flustered and looked around the busy garden. My golden skin glowed in the dim candle light, contrasting lightly with my white v-necked jumper.

I stood up straight, smiling at Molly, who was rushing around madly, trying to catch Albus and Callaria as the two five year old children ran through the garden, chasing a gnome. They were always doing something naughty. Lily, a bubbly little red-headed four year old, was sitting on her father Harry's shoulders, clapping her hands joyfully. At his feet, Esmerelda and Elizabeth, twins with really rich, dark red curls where reaching up to be lifted as well. Those girls loved Harry, constantly hounding him. I giggled lightly.

Charissa, with her dark chocolate waterfall of curls and glowing gold eyes, was standing on her tiptoes, and kissing her husband Charlie, her arms wrapping around his neck, and his hands on her buttocks in the far corner of the Weasley's garden. No wonder they have so many kids, ever since they met they have never taken their hands of one another. In fact, I bet by next week she is pregnant again. I would put money on it! Actually, one time, we all did. Let's just say that at the end of that week, I had gained a lot of money.

Pansy was trying to force Bilius, an incredibly stubborn two year old, to put his coat on, and the floppy brown haired boy was stomping angrily, pushing her away furiously. Ron was holding Lucien, an eighteen month old baby, bouncing him on his knee while he spoke to George, as Lucien grabbed random pieces of food from the table and smearing it over his face. What a messy baby boy...

Luna had let go of Lorcan and Lysander, and the two were now wrestling, while Charlotte stood watching, twirling her fiery red curls around her finger, her thumb in her mouth. I wonder how long it will be until she decides its time for her to break in and kick both their asses? Kathleen was sitting beside Ron, reading a very thick book, balancing glasses on the end of her nose. Smart little platinum blond, that Kathy is.

Arthur Weasley was interrogating my parents, who were used to him by now, but he still has my father sweating, and pulling on the collar of his shirt. Poor daddy... I laugh, and sit down at the table. Out of the kitchen, ran Cassie, pulling James along by the hand. Cleo rushed after them, her dark chocolate, honey streaked curls bounding around her shoulders, and Louis followed her eagerly.

Dominique, Roxanne and Molly Jr were all sitting at the end of the food stacked table, whispering to one another, while looking at Lucas, who was leaning against the fence bored, as Victorie hovered around him. If they weren't cousins I would swear she had a crush on him. She is always staring at him... Ginny rushed up to Harry, who was now struggling to hold all three four year old girls, and quickly pecked him on the cheek, before taking a butterbeer over to Bill, who was sitting in a deckchair with Fleur in his lap.

Fleur of course, looks as gorgeous as ever, not that I care, and is completely comfortable. On the deck chair next to them is Gabrielle, with Lucille sat at her feet, and Jacques sat on the grass talking to Gabrielle.

Percy and his wife Audrey were in the kitchen, cooking more food. Considering the amount of people who are here, I would say we need it. Angelina was doing the washing up, and Molly, who has given up chasing Albus and Callaria, is sweeping the kitchen. I smile to myself, and reach for a cucumber sandwich, when I notice two things are missing from this picture of family. Where is my daughter? And where... is Teddy?

Frowning, I stand to look for them, when Molly states it's time for dinner. I stayed in my seat, because I know, that the minute I move, some one else will steal it. Pretty soon, the table fills up. Molly and Arthur head off at one end, and my mom and dad are at the other.

Ginny is next to Arthur on his right, with Harry opposite her, Lily on her lap, and James sitting next to her. Albus is sitting next to Harry, and beside him sits Callaria, already pulling food to her plate. That girl has her fathers appetite.

Next to Callaria is Pansy, who is looking at her daughters ever growing food pile with distaste, and Ron is next to her, Lucien still on his lap. Angelina has sat next to George, with Roxanne and Fred then sitting next to her. Luna sits down in between Lysander and Lorcan, who sits next to Fred.

There are four empty seats, before the end of the table where my parents sit. Teddy suddenly pops up, and sits in one, Narca-Jane sitting next to him. I get up, and sit beside her, and Lucas sits next to my dad. Victorie as always, sits opposite him, with Dominique next to her, and Louis beside her. Bill sits with Fleur next to him and Charlie sits next to them.

Charissa takes her place next to Charlie, Bilius in a high chair next to her, and Kathleen having moved next to his high chair. Cassie and Cleo are then next, followed by Esmeralda and Elizabeth. Molly Jr, Percy and Audrey, than Lucy are sat next, then Charlotte. Lucas mom, Clara sat next to Gabrielle, Fleur's sister and Lucille's mother, with Lucille sat between her and Jacques, who is next to Ginny.

"Go on then, you lot, dig in!" Molly says, and everyone starts taking food. I load up as quickly as I can. There are fifty one people here, and if you don't get your food fast, you don't get your food. That's why we only do this once a month. It cost a bloody fortune, it takes three days to prepare, and it's a struggle to get your food, and eat it before someone else steals it.

Eventually though, evryone settles down, and we eat in peace. Okay, maybe not peace, cause of all the people who are here, but a less rambunctious forage for food.

I peer down at Narca-Jane out the corner of my eye, and see that she is once again looking at Teddy. Her platinum blond curls are pulled into two pigtails, and her bangs brush against her eyelids. Her incredibly light blue eyes sparkle, as she looks up at Teddy, and her ivory skin shines. She has light freckles across her nose. Narca-Jane smiles at Teddy, and I notice for the first time that she had at some point of being here, put on pink lip gloss.

I shake my head, and look over at my cousin, Charissa. Charissa looks over at me with a knowing expression. Her gold eyes shimmer at me and I bit back an annoyed groan. I found out Charissa was my cousin in forth year, when the Beauxbaxtons came to Hogwarts fro the Tri-Wizard Tournament. During the war, Charissa has secretly sent me money to buy food, because I had been pregnant while they were searching for the horcruxes, and HAD to eat! I was constantly hungry!

After I had gotten out of Malfoy Manor, with Narca-Jane, cause she had been born in the Malfoy Manor dungeon, I had gone to live with Charissa. Charissa had lived all alone, because Lucius Malfoy had killed Aunt Cassadra, and Uncle Kyrian (his own brother!), and taken her little sister Cissady, when Charissa had been eleven. Our grandmother and grandfather had lived with her, but grandfather died a year before the war and then so did grandmother three months later.

I snapped out of my small reverie, to find Charissa had gone back to speaking to Charlie, who was holding her hand on top of the table. Do these people just live to rub it in my face that I am single or something? Do they have to act so couply? Okay, that's wrong, I shouldn't be so cruel.

I was the one who went and got pregnant at sixteen, therefore meaning no one would ever want to date me again. Wait... thats wrong too. Plenty of people want to date me. I just always turn them down because I don't want Narca-Jane to get upset.

I went to eat some food, and I notice that it's all gone from my plate. Chuckling, I look at the others around me and see that they are all looking at me completely innocently. That'll teach me to day dream while eating at the Weasley Family Dinners. Narca-Jane gets up, having finished eating, and leaves the table. I notice that pretty quickly after, Teddy leaves as well. I frown, and shake my head. Harry looks down the table at me.

"Hey, 'Mione, you okay?" he mouthed, and I nodded. And really, I am. Or at least, I was... until Charissa spoke.

"So, I hear Draco is back in town," she said, and all movement stopped and everyone looked at her, apart from the children who kept eating. I felt ripples of shock from my toes to my head, and I looked around for Narca-Jane almost habitually. Pansy squealed happily, at the news of her best friends return, then her face fell when she realised it would mean telling him about her marriage to Ron. I would have laughed, if I weren't so shocked myself.

"When did Draco get back, dear?" Molly asked, and Charissa smiled thankfully at her. For being the Head of the Hallows family, causing her to constantly be in the Daily Prophet, she really did hate being the centre of attention. I saw Charlie put his hand on hers, and bring it to his lips, kissing it. She looked at him, a little shocked, before looking at the rest of the table again.

"Oh, he got back on Saturday. He came to visit the kids at the Mansion. Had tea with us, it was all very... civilised," Charissa said, sipping Charlie's fire whiskey. Ron, Harry and Ginny all got disbelieving looks.

"Why on earht would you let that asshole," Molly shouted 'Ron!' at him, covering her ears, but Ron continued, "Anywhere near your home after what he did to your family, to everyone, during the war? Are you bloody crazy!?"

Oh crap... he bought up her parents.... he just had to bring them up... Charissa's eyes went black, and then as red as Charlie's hair, as she shot to her feet, glaring at him. My mom had gasped, and covered her mouth, tears welling up in her eyes at the thought of her sisters death, and my dad was putting an arm around her shoulders. Pansy was glowering at Ron, while the children had all gone eerily silent.

"Ronald! He is my cousin! It's not like I could just ban him from seeing my family! Just be grateful Narca-Jane hadn't been there! And, Ronald, he was NOT the one who killed my parents! It was Lucius! And I still bailed him out of Azkaban! So don't you dare go pointing the finger at Draco because he has not done anything to me that everyone here hasn't!" Charissa snarled, and she pushed her seat back, sending it crashing to the floor, and marched out of the garden, heading to the river at the bottom of it.

"Thanks a lot, Ron," Charlie growled, before following her. Molly sighed, and whipped out her wand. The plates on the table began to stack up, and float through to the kitchen, while everyone sat in silence. I decide that it's time I left, and excuse myself, going to look for Narca-Jane. Lucien, still in Ron's lap, blinks, before he started bawling.