So this is a new story I had an idea for, hope u like it.

I don't own DBZ so ya

Chapter 1 "A Stupid Mistake"

"I don't think we should do this," she pushed him back, catching her breathe. "You're leaving tomorrow, nothing can come of this," pulling herself together, and then staring deep into his blue eyes.

"I love you, I need you, I'm only going to be gone for 6 months," grabbing her waist and pulling her closer. "I will never forget you, and there is no one that could take your place in my heart," he snuggled into her neck, hoping she would understand where he was coming from.

"Trunks," he could feel her shaking her head, "I love you to, I just don't think that you will be able to resist, there are going to be girls everywhere, and they all want you, why would you want to turn them all down for me," she pulled away from him again.

"Pan, would you listen to me, do you hear what I am saying to you," now looking deep into her eyes, making her see the sincerity in his. "Plus, I'm not going alone, your Uncle will be there with me, he will make sure all is well," trying to reassure her, wanting to have one last night with her, wanting to show her how much he really loves her.

"Oh ya Trunks that makes me feel so great, Uncle Goten and you together," it kinda made her chuckle, thinking of the two best friends and the trouble they always seem to have caused. She did love Trunks, they had been seeing each other for almost a year now, and still had never went all the way yet. Trunks had tried on more than one occasion, but Pan just kept saying it didn't feel like it was the right time, she just wasn't sure Trunks was the one, he was always projected as such a 'playboy' as the media always pointed out. She looked at him some more, and joy overcame her, she leaned in and kissed him as passionately as she ever had. She felt him smile against her lips, he knew she had caved. He was finally going to show her how much she meant to him. He continued to kiss her lips but in the process began his assault on her body with his hands. He broke the kiss and pulled her shirt up over her head and then ripped off her bra without a second thought. She moaned as he began to play with her nipples, sucking and blowing on each one. He began to get hard, she could feel his erection through his jeans, her hands made their way down to the button that held them up, and she fumbled with it for a minute before getting it undone. He planted hungry kisses down her neck as she pulled his manhood out from his boxers, she pushed him back on the bed and trailed kisses down his chiseled chest and perfect stomach, before coming to the throbbing erection that was now directly in front of her face. Within a second she had the entire thing inside her mouth, sucking on it as if were a lollipop, she heard him moan her name and continued her assault, she could feel him tense up and before she knew it he was releasing a load into her mouth, swallowing it with pride she moved back up to his mouth. He quickly reversed positions, not being able to stand it any longer, climbing on top of her, he gave her the final word, "Pan, are you sure you want to do this, I'm not going to be able to stop if we go any farther," he panted as he played with her moist opening. She nodded, "Yes Trunks, I want you in me now, please," she almost screamed the words, he knew she was ready. Within a few seconds he thrust inside of her, trying to find the perfect rhythm. "Trunks, faster," she screamed. He smiled; she sure was a feisty one, her nails clawing at his back, hips arching with every thrust. He complied, thrusting faster and deeper and before he knew it she was screaming his name in joy, cumming all over his member, and he came right behind her his seed coating her insides. Dropping on top of her, both covered in sweat, he kissed her. "That was awesome Pan," he smirked, looking into her tired eyes. "Are you sure this was your first time," he poked her accusingly.

"Yes Trunks, and you weren't too bad yourself, but I'm sure that I wasn't the first on your list," pushing him off of her she walked into the bathroom that was attached to her room. "Come on Pan, what the fuck is that suppose to mean," he walked over to the bathroom door, he had always been honest with her about his life, she wasn't the first girl he had been with, but he didn't lead her on that she was. Laying his forehead against the door he spoke softly, "I've always been honest with you about girls Pan, you know that, I would never cheat on you, that was my past," he knocked gently hoping for her to give him entrance, but instead there was silence. "Pan don't act like this, why are you being such a bitch right now," his voice began to get angry, he didn't want to fight with her now, his last night with her, why was she doing this. "Pan please, why are you doing this, I love you, I just showed you how much I love you, will you please come out here," he jiggled the handle but still nothing.

"Trunks it was a mistake, this whole thing is a big mistake, I shouldn't have let it go this far, it is my fault, but I thought I could forget about all those girls before, and give myself to you, but it wasn't the same, I was a virgin, and you who knows what you would even be classified as," she had let her tears begin to fall, she didn't want to fight with him, but she wanted to push him away, she didn't want him to have to always have to make sure he didn't hurt her, it would be easier, it would be easier to just push him away, and let him go take care of his business without her on his mind. His ki began to rise, she could feel it.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now Pan? I mean is this some kind of big fucking joke to you? Because it's not to me, I love you, and now what is this bull shit you are feeding to me," he was pissed, there was no denying that. "If you don't come out here I'm leaving, and I hope you can live with this bull shit, so are you coming out here?" He stood there, waiting for an answer, but there was nothing but silence. He cursed to himself mentally, thank god he hadn't taken this any further tonight during sex and actually mated with her, the thought was crossing his mind. As he stood there, she didn't speak a word.

"Go Trunks, leave, I don't want to be with you, I don't want you to be stuck with me, go find some whores, and live it up with Uncle Goten, I'm moving on, and you should to."

"Is that it Panny, I'm suppose to fucking forget what we just shared?" He kicked the door open, he had to see her, he had to see this for himself, she was sitting in the corner crying, "If you want me to leave so bad then why are you fucking crying, huh? Why are you doing this," he screamed, his ki was going off the charts, "I love you, I wanted you to be mine forever, and I was going to ask you to be my mate tonight, but you know what I'm glad that I didn't, I'm glad I'm not stuck with a child, and I'm glad I don't have to be stuck to one girl. Have a great life." He shook his head and walked out of the bathroom, he didn't give a shit anymore, he blasted off through the window and headed back to Capsule Corp. he needed to get his shit, and hit the road, he never wanted to see her again. "Stupid girl," he screamed to himself, "What the fuck did I see in her, why did I waste my god damn time," he hadn't ever been this pissed at a girl before, but she pushed all of his buttons.

Pan just sat in the corner, what had she just done, she couldn't believe she just let him go like that, she just told him to move on because she was. Why had she acted to foolishly? For some reason it just felt like that's what she was supposed to do, she was supposed to make him go and let him move on to someone else, but if that was true why did it hurt so bad. She couldn't even blame him, she had done this to herself, she pulled her naked body off of the tile and turned on the shower, crying as more then she had ever cried before, she was a fool.