Kataang AU Week Day 7 – Swings


There had always been a park there, for as long as he could remember. It's large maple and birch trees reaching high to the sky. The winding path, some parts hidden behind trees, was becoming over grown with weeds. The children's play equipment was made of wood and metal. The only plastic material used was for the large yellow slide, reaching at least 10 feet tall and twirling down to reach the gravel. Then there was the swing set. It only had two swings, but how much fun could they be. They could take him so high, almost as high as the clouds, and then he would dream of flying.

He always stared out his window, the one directly across from the park. He would sit there at night before he went to bed, in the morning to watch the east sun rise, and in the afternoon to watch the children play and the adults take walks around its paths.

One day when he came to the park, he found it to be closed off.

"Sorry, kid," the man in a yellow construction hat said. "Construction going on here; the equipment is too unsafe for yous to play on. In a week or two, we'll have a whole new set of equipment you little ones."

He was upset. New equipment? But he always played here.

"It's not fair is it?" He looked around. There clinging to the fence down the sidewalk was a little girl, probably his age, if not a year older. She looked at him. She had the brightest blue eyes. "I always loved those swings. Almost made you feel as though you were flying. I always dreamed I could touch the clouds." He nodded. So she also shared his dream. "My name is Katara."

He went to stand beside her. "I'm Aang."

She blushed, a faint pink appearing on her cheeks. "Nice to meet you, Aang."

From then on they were friends. Best friends. They became inseparable and when the park opened again to the public, they went too. It was different. There was a lot more metal and a lot more plastic, but what terrified them both the most was there was no swing set.

"Where are the swings?" Aang asked Katara.

Katara shook her head. "I don't know."

That afternoon Katara's father called about the absence of the swings in the new park while Katara and Aang ate lunch.

"Yes, I understand," Hakoda said. "Thank-you for your time; good-bye."

"Well?" Katara asked, swallowing her food.

"Sorry, kids. The swings weren't replaced; not in the budget I guess."

"That's not fair," Aang argued. "They need to replace the swings."

Hakoda frowned. "I'm sorry, Aang. I can't do anything about it." Aang sighed and finished his meal. Then announced he was going home. When he had gone, Katara went up into her room and sat there for a long time.

His dreams; shattered. His hopes; drowned. His happiness; no more. His swings; gone.

Aang had never felt more alone.

That park had always been there, and it probably would always stay there but when he looked out his window, it wasn't the same park he knew. The yellow slide was not there; it had been torn down and taken away. He and Katara had watched from his window as it was done. The swings disappeared. The newer models were stupid. They were rounder, 'safer' more bubble-like. They looked like playpens that parents drop their children in to avoid them for the day.

The sky was turning grey and thunder rolled in the distance. Suddenly he heard a knock at his door.

"Aang?" came Katara's voice. "Can I come in?"

Aang sat up wiping his eyes, in case she would see the tears. "Ya," he croaked.

She came in carrying a bucket. "What's that?" Aang asked.

"Ice cream," she said, smiling, holding out the bucket for him to see.

"Why?" Aang asked confused as she sat down with him on his bed.

"I thought we could eat it," she said and took out two spoons.

Aang smiled taking a spoon, "Thanks."

They talked and ate the ice cream, snuggled together on his bed. She could hear his heartbeat as she lay beside him. Very soon it started raining. "Want to go for a walk?" Aang's voice startled her and she wouldn't admit it but she was very close to falling asleep beside him.

She sat up and looked out the window. "It's raining," she said.

"So, do you want to go? We can take an umbrella," he assured.

"Are we allowed too?" she smiled and he took her hand, leading her downstairs.

"Shh, no, we're sneaking out," he said mischievously.

They grabbed an umbrella and walked outside. The air, outside was misty and humid because of the rain; it was almost as thick as smoke. As they passed a car, Katara caught her reflection in the side mirror. It was just her and Aang; hand in hand; and she felt his hand curl around her own, holding on tighter.

"Come on," he said grinning and pulled her along faster. She felt safe around him, like nothing could tear her hand away from his. She had claimed him, they belonged to each other and no other could give her the strength he did.

He took her to the park; the one right across the street, the one that had always been there. And he took her to the empty spot where the swings were once upon a time. The rain had retreated to a slight drizzle. Aang closed his eyes and spread his arms wide, taking little droplets of rain on his sweater. He spun around, pretending to be flying, as he once imagined he could. Then he reached out to Katara.

"Dance with me," he pleaded.

"But there's no music," she said, quite surprised by his boldness. This was not a part of Aang she had seen before.

"Trust me," he said, his eyes shining. She took his hand. They danced under the moon and the stars, twirling and spinning together. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach when he drew her close and she felt gravity was nonexistent when he lifted her into the air.

He wasn't a half bad dancer.

The clouds where disappearing now, letting the stars light up the path they were dancing on. When he finally ended the dance, he bowed to her, like any gentleman would, and handed her a flower. It was white with black stripes and droplets of water on the leaves and petals from the rain. She took the flower in her hand, peering up into his grey orbs. Slowly they leaned in and she gave him her first kiss. For after everything that had happened to them, Katara had fallen in love with her best friend.

They made it a tradition to return to that park every night, even if it was raining, and eventually they were married there.

That evening was almost like a photograph in her mind. She would never forget it; every detail, every minute, was picture-perfect. Not as all like she had dreamed; she had never dreamed it would be him. Though years later, when she lay in the arms of her love of life, she could imagine nothing better.

Even if they had shattered his dreams to fly, drowned his hopes of a better life, and took away his happiness, Aang thanked those construction people because he no longer felt alone. He had Katara and together they were fearless.

"And I don't know how it gets better than this, you take my hand and drag me head first, fearless."

Fearless by Taylor Swift

*Sigh* It seems like only yesterday it just started. Well, I would like to thank everyone; the reviews, the favourites, the alerts; everyone for all your support and good reviews! And please I hope you enjoyed this story and as a treat I added in the last two Kataang Week prompts as well, so now I've covered them all! You may be able to find them or not, but that was kind of like a bonus.

I have subbed this story f e a r l e s s because that is exactly was kataang is. They are not afraid of anything and together they can overcome any obstacle. It was the only way the could be together at the finale; to carry through without any fears or doubts. They trust eachother with their lives and that is why I love this ship so much!


Please Review! and I would like to thank hpswst101 who has reviewed on every chapter! luv ya!!