A.N: Bones? No matter how many fics I keep writing about it, I still don't own anything!

Hey, long time, no writing on this one. But I've decided to give it another shot.

You know reviews make my day, don't you?


" Temperance left the drugstore very pleased with her findings. Being in such a small town, she was at first worried that she would just find very simple and not solving Booth's symptoms medicaments, but the drugstore storage surprised her very well. She've managed to find a specific drug to migraines, not just headaches, a good nausea medication either, and what pleased her the most, a very interesting massage cream with mint in it's composition, which would be a great source of relieve in Booth's sore muscles and head, for it had a refreshing effect. She also purchased an ice bag and some aspirins for the long road, already thinking on their coming back for D.C. Sometimes the remains of a strong migraine could endure for a few days.

She reached the car to find Booth even paler than when she had left, and Brennan was sure she didn't take more than five minutes.

" Booth? I'm back.I've got everything you need." He gave her a very subtle nod keeping his eyes firmly shut, and she once more snuggled him closer to her, making his head rest in her shoulder before turning to the two somewhat smirking officers on the front seats. " This inn that you say we're going to. Is it too far? Really, my partner needs to get some rest." Something in her eyes made the two older men stop smiling, realizing that she was indeed serious and worried about the man resting besides her. They took a look at Booth's face, and knew that she was actually right. The two strangers may didn't know what exactly was Booth's and Bones true relationship. But being themselves long time partners, they could feel the strong connection between the couple. Indeed, they were partners, they could foresee each other's longings and worries, just as the woman called Brennan was doing now. Nevertheless, they could also see that there were so much more in there, even if those two young fools couldn't still realize.

"No, Ma'am. Just two blocks away, and Rosie will take good care of you. Don't worry, we'll be there in less than five minutes." The driver answered kindly, and Temperance was pleased to see that he was true to his word, for soon enough they were parking in front of an old and yet charming construction. The car door's were open, and Brennan turned herself to collect her and Booth's belongings, when a kind hand stopped her. The face of the youngest officer came into her vision while he grabbed their bags and indicated Booth with his head.

" I think your partner will need your support more than you carrying those bags." The two offices were already entering the house in a blink of eyes, while Booth carefully opened his eyes and winced in pain.

" What, is he suggesting I'm some king of whining girl that can't walk straight just because of a stupid headache?" But even while he protested, Booth could see that it was much more than the simple headaches he've ever experienced in his life. Despite that, he managed to refuse Brennan´s hand and scooped of the car by himself. He was ready to give his Bones a very pleased and proud smile, when the world started spinning completely fast around him, and he stumbled forwards, trying desperately to grab something to regain his balance. He was actually grabbed, soft yet strong hands securing him by his shoulders and managing to make him lean a great part of his weight on her body."geez. never felt so shity in my life." Despite the rain still pouring and soaking them both, Booth could feel cold sweat going down his face and back while the spinning world kept doing it's job and the nausea suddenly raised more. " I think I'm gonna be sick." – All he could think was about how much he didn't want his Bones to see him like this. He was the one who should be the taking care, not otherwise. And yet, he was soothed by her presence, even when his stomach was turning and turning and he started retching, bending over and feeling every single muscle of his body hurt with the effort and his head pounding like crazy. They haven't ate since the morning, when they left back to D.C, which only worsened the situation, for he kept retching and nothing would come up despite some bile.

Brennan concentrated all her strength in supporting the man in her arms and don't let him fall when his knees started to weaken with the vomiting effort. She was a strong woman and physically prepared, but Booth was still much more taller and hard built than her. But for that man, she could do anything. If anthropology were on her mind at that moment, she would be remembering about the adrenalin spur that would assault people when their loved ones were in danger, giving tem the strength to protect beyond all logic. She could tell he felt miserable, especially because of his empty stomach, which made the bile rise in place to get out. Brennan stroked his back with one hand while the other grabbed his waist, and was able to realize the minute the nausea subdued a little, for his body relaxed a bit.

" I'm sorry, Bones." His voice was a bare whisper of embarrassment, and she managed to smile while helping him to straight his posture, making him pass one arm around her shoulders for balance and embracing him by his waist.

" Don't be ridiculous, Booth. There's nothing to be sorry about. Partners take care of each other, remember? You said so yourself. Now, let's get in and put you on some warm clothes and then, a good bed." They crossed slowly the small space leading to the door, making finally to the reception desk, while a smiling aged woman seemed to be waiting for them.

"Oh, good night to you two, darlings. My name is Rosie, and I assume that officers Davis and Seth already told you about my inn." Temperance actually felt warmed by the soothing reception of the old lady, who was already with a clinical eye on Booth. " Oh, and those boys were not kidding when they've said this young man wasn't feeling very well, were they? That's why I've sent them with your bags to your room, I hope you don't mind. But the boys said that your boyfriend was sick, and that you wanted to get him in bed as fast as you could, so…"

" oh, he's not my…" She was about to start the discussion of her lack of personal intimacy with Booth, but once in her life decided to just let it go, for the thought of a room was much more urgent.

Heavy steps on the stairs on their right made it clear that people were coming, and in no time the faces of the two officers were staring at them.

" Okay, Rosie, their stuff are already set as you've asked. Nice room by the way. Oh, and you two don't worry about your car, you'll find it tomorrow at Ernie's , Rosie will show you the way. Have a good resting night and enjoy Rosie's cooking, she's the best in town. You give your boy Rosie's Cookies and some milk and he will be ready to do much fun stuff with you around here in no time, miss." Officer davis wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, before being dragged out by his partnes. He was a lucky man, for temperance felt her cheeks flushing and a very strong urge to punch the man.

" Bones? Is everyone thinking that we are a couple in honeymoon or something?'Cause if they are, this would be the worst honeymoon ever. I really, really just want to lye down."

" Booth, you just be quiet, ok? I'm taking care of it. Can you please tell us where's our room?" Temperance kept her voice even and polite, and the old lady nodded in agreement. " And if's not to much to ask, can I get some ice? I'll come to fetch as soon as I get him in bed…" She was cut by rosie''s gentle smile, while indicating the direction.

" Nonsense, dear. You don't have to come downstairs at all. I'll take that for you in no time, with some food too. You must be hungry. I'll make you supper, and also have a nice glass of milk and my cookies to your boy for sure. He can eat whenever he feels like. Now, just take the first set of stairs and turn right, it's the first room. The door is open, and the keys should be on it. I'm just going to ask for some of you ID in order to fill the papers here." Brennan felt a wave of sudden fondness by that stranger, and it surprised her. She wasn't usually this emotional. But They've been having such a bad day, and she was truly worried about Booth. She just nodded in acceptance and pulled Booth's FBI ID from his jacket, for it was the easier to get, and without looking back, headed to the stairs.

The prospective of a good bed soon gave Booth some strength, and he managed to walk faster and climb the stairs, sighing with relieve when they both reached the promised open door that would be their room.-Thank you Lord for this promised land and for my lovely Bones- he was so lightheaded that was all he could think. He was ready to just jump at the cushions, but a small hand had other plans, pulling him to the bathroom instead.

" bed is that way. You said that I would be able to lye down when we got here." He felt dizzy again, and grabbed the wall. Brennan seemed to anticipate each of his movements, once again taking a hold of him and seating him by the toilet.

" Of course you'll lye down, Booth. But not in those wet clothes. If you do so, you are going to get something much worse than a migraine. You'll also feel better if you take a warm bath before going to bed, it's going to sooth your muscles." He watched her moving fastly, turning the shower on and adjusting it's temperature, and sighed in defeat. She was right. He somehow managed to get rid of his pants, never leaving the security of his seat.

" Booth, you have to take off your shirt as well." He could hear some amusement on her voice. " I'll go fetch some dry clothes in your bag and your medicines, ok? Undress and stay still until I come back.

" Bossy, huh, Bones? I kindda like it though." She let out a small laugh and left, leaving him alone to undo his shirt. That damn bottom shirt. He was still struggling against it when she came back, shocked by the realization that his fingers were trembling and he couldn't focus.

" Here, Booth. Let me finish for you,ok?" For a minute, Booth felt as if he was experiencing a view of paradise. There was this gorgeous woman, wet hair, wearing sweat pants and a very large blouse that he recognised as the one he've gave her months ago, stolen from the FBI souvenir store, her blue eyes sparkling, kneeling in front of him and unbuttoning his shirt. She also lifted his arms and took off his white shirt, and he could swear that her fingers rested caressingly for a while down his chest.

And then, she was on her feet, water glass on one hand, the other exposing two small pills. Despite all the pain, he shook his head to her offer.

"No thanks. Not ingesting anything right now. Not in the retching mood again."

" Booth, those are exactly for your migraine. This blue one is for the migraine itself, and it makes wonders. The other is for nausea. C'mon, Booth, it's just drammin. If you don't take it for good, I'll shove them into your throat anyway." Oh, he could be such a child sometimes. Resisting to medicines, how silly could that be? He gave her a filthy look, but took the pills and gulped with water, getting up.

" Fine, Mom, Done. Shower now?" She bit her lip by the vision. Damn, he was well gifted with his body. Large chest and shoulders, great biceps, perfect abdomen.

" Yes, shower now. I'll get out because I know you are such a prude and will never take that damn underwear while I'm here, but I'm leaving the door open. If I hear anything that I don't like, I'm coming in, Booth. I'm serious. I shouldn't even leave you alone, considering that you can barely hold on to your feet. Please use the supports on the shower. Call me when you are finished and I'll get you in bed. And give you a massage."

If only his Bones knew how non prude he felt right now when imagining them both lying in a bed with her promised massage…"

They obviously couldn't read each other thoughts, but somehow both knew that their minds had been wondering on the same place. Booth's hands were now caressing her fingers lightly, just happy because she hadn't let him go while curled on the couch, the other hand still resting on her womb.

"Are the cramps any better?" He asked in that sweet voice that she knew was only meant for her, and for a minute she was again in the verge of tears. It wasn't supposed to happen that way. She nodded, at the same time Hodgins and Angela came back into the room, both with their tasks.

" here, hot water bag for you. Did Booth behave?" She asked half joking half serious, and for once Temperance let down her guard, smiling a bit.

" And here's your tea, Temperance. I've added milk on it, because I'm pretty sure you won't eat now,but you can't stay with a completely empty stomach. And I actually think it would be better if you would just go to sleep after all this. I think you had your share of emotions for an entire month." Jack Hodgins looked directly at Booth as he phrased his words, and Booth knew the man was right. That was his cue.

"Huh, yeah. Hodgins is probably right. I'll just… go." He looked at his Bones one last time before getting of the sopha, taking at her beautiful feagure, resting his eyes for a larger moment on her imminent pregnant belly. " May I come here early tomorrow morning, Bones? I would like to discuss some things with you. I'm heading to Rebecca's to see Parker, but I want to take a look at you first. Maybe we can discuss what to say to him?" He was baffled by the amazing, bright smile that spread across his wife's face by the mention of his son's name.

"Booth… parker already knows."